Thursday, December 17, 2020


As I understand it, as part of the now underway Electoral College “process,” on 01/06/2021 each State’s Electoral College votes must be counted in a joint session of Congress. Whereon/wherein, the Vice President, as President of the Senate is the presiding officer, as tellers open, present, and record the votes of the States in alphabetical order. As the President of the Senate in turn announces the results of each State’s vote, and then calls for any “objections.”

To be recognized during this process, an “objection” must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one member of the House and one Senator. If an objection is recognized, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider the merits of any objections, following the process set out in 3 U.S.C. §15.

After all votes are recorded and counted, the President of Senate declares which persons, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States. With any such elected President and Vice President thereafter taking the oath of office and being sworn in on 01/20/2021.

With me personally, the “straw that will break the camel’s back”—the so-to-speak “Last Straw”—will be any failure of the Republican members of Congress to jointly and unrelentingly put forth and successfully defend “objections” to the Biden/Harris travesty that will otherwise be imposed on America on January 06, 2021.

Yes, in my view, our rhino-infested Republican Congress has in too many ways for too many years, shamefully left President Trump (and our Country’s future) relatively defenseless against the onslaught of the socialist/communist radical-left!!!

And, “IF” at this nation-critical time the Republican Congress joins in lock step with Senator McConnell and other self-serving, void of courage, and otherwise spineless, so-called servants of the people, and on/before January 06 fails to strongly, loudly, and successfully voice “objections” to the fraudulent Biden/Harris so-called “win,” . . . . . then my personal plans at this time will be to then depart from any association with the Republican Party, and spend my remaining years, whatever they shall be, as a registered Independent, with continued dedication to a pro-America, America-first, strongly politically-conservative agenda.

And, until uniquely courageous and dedicated President Trump (or like-gifted and dedicated patriot) rises again, most sadly watch (and support the unrelenting fight against) the nation-destructive train wreck that a much dysfunctional Republican Congress in shameful measure contributed to.

                           —William James Moore

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Regardless of all the “Biden/Harris pandering spin” of big-tech/big-media/etc., . . . there is NOT a “President-elect”/“Vice President-elect” until the U.S. Congress, in joint session, meets on 01/06/2021, and thereon/therein properly processes each state’s Electoral College votes.

The Founding Fathers established the Electoral College “process” in the Constitution, in part, as a “compromise” between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of “qualified citizens.”

And, as a part of that now underway “process,” on 01/06/2021 each State’s Electoral College votes must be counted in a joint session of Congress. Whereon/wherein, the Vice President, as President of the Senate is the presiding officer, as tellers open, present, and record the votes of the States in alphabetical order. As the President of the Senate in turn announces the results of each State’s vote, and then calls for any “objections.”

To be recognized during this process, an “objection” must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one member of the House and one Senator. If an objection is recognized, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider the merits of any objections, following the process set out in 3 U.S.C. §15.

After all votes are recorded and counted, the President of Senate declares which persons, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States. With any such elected President and Vice President thereafter taking the oath of office and being sworn in on 01/20/2021 (i.e., on January 20th in the year following applicable general election).

Given the obvious failure of various states to ensure the integrity of their November 03, 2020 general election vote casting and counting processes, . . . the nation-destructive “straw that breaks the camel’s back,” will be any failure of the Republican members of Congress to unrelentingly put forth and successfully defend “objections” to the Biden/Harris travesty that will otherwise be imposed on America on January 06, 2021.

Yes, January 06, 2021, is clearly materializing as likely the “last straw” opportunity for truly patriotic members of Congress (regardless of Party) to responsibly stand up and save America from the life and liberty destroying agenda of the socialist/communist radical-left!

A last opportunity to prevent placing control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of our precious Constitutional Republic, in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, career politicians in American history (Joe Biden), and his extremely radical-left running mate (Kamala Harris)—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on even “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable!

                        —William James Moore


(Note: Regardless of all the big-tech/big-media/etc., spin to the contrary, . . . there is NOT a “President-elect”/“Vice President-elect” until the U.S. Congress, in joint session, meets on 01/06/2021, and thereon/therein properly processes each state’s Electoral College votes.)

WHAT IS THE PROCESS? The Electoral College process consists of selection of the electors; meeting of electors where they vote for President and Vice President; and counting of electoral votes by Congress. Therefore, the Electoral College is a “process,” not a place. The U.S. Founding Fathers established it in the Constitution, in part, as a “compromise” between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of “qualified citizens.”

HOW MANY ELECTORS ARE THERE? HOW ARE ELECTORS DISTRIBUTED AMONG STATES? The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Each State has the same number of electors as it does Members in its Congressional delegation: one for each Member in the House of Representatives plus two Senators. The District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a State for purposes of the Electoral College under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution. For this reason, in the following part of this posting, the word “State” also refers to the District of Columbia and “Governor” to the Mayor of the District of Columbia.

HOW ARE ELECTORS CHOSEN? WHAT ARE ELECTORS QUALIFICATIONS? HOW DO ELECTORS DECIDE WHO TO VOTE FOR? Each candidate running for President in each State has his or her own group of electors (known as a slate). The slates are generally chosen by the candidate’s political party in each State, but State laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are.

11/03/2020: WHAT HAPPENS IN GENERAL ELECTION? WHY SHOULD WE VOTE? The general election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November (e.g., 11/03/2020). When we vote for a Presidential candidate we are actually voting for our candidate's preferred electors. Most States have a “winner-take-all” system that awards all electors to the Presidential candidate who wins the State's popular vote. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of “proportional representation.”

WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE GENERAL ELECTION? After the general election, each State Governor prepares a Certificate of Ascertainment listing the names of all the individuals on the slates for each candidate. The Certificate of Ascertainment also lists the number of votes each individual received and shows which individuals were appointed as the State's electors. Each State’s Certificate of Ascertainment is sent to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) as part of the official records of the Presidential election.

12/14/2020: The meeting of the electors takes place on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December after the general election (e.g., 12/14/2020). The electors meet in their respective States, where they cast their votes for President and Vice President on separate ballots. Each State’s electors’ votes are recorded on a Certificate of Vote, which is prepared at the meeting by the electors. Each State’s Certificate of Vote is sent to Congress, where the votes are counted, and to the NARA, as part of the official records of the Presidential election.

01/06/2021: Each State’s Electoral College votes are counted in a joint session of Congress on the 6th of January in the year following the meeting of the electors (e.g., 01/06/2021). The Vice President, as President of the Senate, is the presiding officer. Tellers open, present, and record the votes of the States in alphabetical order. The President of the Senate announces the results of each State’s vote and then calls for any objections. 

To be recognized, an objection must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one member of the House and one Senator. If an objection is recognized, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider the merits of any objections, following the process set out in 3 U.S.C. §15. After all votes are recorded and counted, the President of Senate declares which persons, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States.

01/20/2021: The President-elect takes the oath of office and is sworn in as President of the United States on January 20th in the year following the general election (e.g., 01/20/2021).

                                        ---William James Moore


Saturday, December 12, 2020


The United States of America—this only of its kind Constitutional Republic—has long been humankind’s best (and likely last) hope for liberty, freedom, and opportunity.

Aside from ever-present foreign threats, . . . what then would ever possess and drive any U.S. citizen/resident to—consciously and with factually-informed intent—strive to destroy our country, and its crucial foundation blocks (our U.S. Constitution; secured borders; common-language English; and common-culture rooted in Judeo-Christian principles)?

The answer, in the simplest of terms—“pure unadulterated evil” . . . with “evil” being that which is profoundly immoral and wicked, and “unadulterated” being that which is complete and absolute)!

“Evil” evidenced in various “behaviors”—such as, “greed,” “hate,” etc.

“Evil behaviors” carried out by an array of faces, including but not limited to a nation-destructive many within: the creators/administrators/controllers of so-called “big tech” (Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.); mainstream news media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, etc.); “self-serving/corrupt” elected individuals and un-elected bureaucrats—in all branches of our local, state, and federal government; and by countless otherwise U.S. citizens/residents.

Ever-challenging our inherent “freedom of choice”—the “good” versus “evil” battle has waged since the beginning. As has humankind’s struggle to wrestle liberty and freedom from the jaws of tyranny, fascism, etc.

And, as countless of the World’s less fortunate continue to crave and pursue legal/illegal access to America’s many blessings, — along with an array of foreign threats, the “evil” within our borders continues an unrelenting assault to turn America into another socialist/communist hell-hole.

No doubt convinced that regardless of the pain and suffering that ensues, “they”—the self-declared elite—will always be safely aloof and securely detached from the human misery they create or contribute to. While forever comfortably nestled in their "gated" residences and positions of corruption and self-serving power and influence. Residences and positions of power and influence they did not gain in a socialist/communist stench, such as China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc., but rather, in the same America they are hell-bent to destroy!

As countless losers of liberty, freedom, and opportunity continue to bask in the self-destructive abyss of ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and irrational fear.

      —William James Moore       Trump and Pence 2020!!! 

= = =

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” —Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


In addition to the ages-old Good vs Evil conflict, much of humankind has long wrestled with “crucial shortages” regarding liberty, freedom, food, shelter, clothing, safety, security, tolerance, understanding, personal responsibility, caring, compassion, love, etc. While ever-basking in an “overabundance” of unrelenting craving to “assign blame.”

And, in keeping with the long-standing tradition of “fault-finding,” I and no doubt countless others have in more recent times been especially and justifiably driven to jump on the band wagon (so-to-speak)!

And, in so doing, seek and “assign blame” for “THE EVER-GROWING EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO AMERICA” posed by, for example: China; Big-Tech (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.); America’s liberal-biased New Media; America’s radical-liberal infested Educational Institutions; and the socialist/communist radical-left factions of the Democrat Party; etc.

A most challenging “fault-finding” journey which, any resemblance of true self-appraisal, unfortunately reveals an inescapable “Me Side”! For example:

(1.) As China continues its overtake and destroy America agenda, . . . I knowingly and unknowingly purchase automobiles, smart phones, and an array of other products which, in whole or in part, are “Made in China”;

(2.) As so-called Big-Tech (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) increasingly use their fortunes and manipulating-algorithms to muzzle/cancel the free speech of those they disagree with, and otherwise support the nation-destructive agendas of the socialist/communist radical-left, . . . I continue to use Google and Facebook, and at times have even (shamefully) considered the use of Twitter as an aid to spewing my unsolicited pro-America politically-conservative views;

(3.) As our so-called Main-Stream News Media over the years became owned and infested with radical-left-biased political activists posing as “providers of news,” . . . I contributed to their ratings by watching/listening to, or otherwise being tuned to, their propaganda-infested broadcasts. A practice long ago “discontinued,” and more recently even applied to the once so-called “fair and balanced” FOX;

(4.) Even as our local newspaper has become more and more politically-liberal biased, and increasingly restrictive (if not totally intolerant) of politically-conservative leaning Public Mind submissions from its subscribers, . . . I have (not yet) “cancelled” our subscription;

(5.) As countless of our nation’s youth have been, and continue to be, brainwashed by educational institutions infested with radical-left biased administrative and teaching staff, and anti-America curriculum void of factual World history, etc., . . . I have never sought or served in a Board of Education role, or otherwise meaningfully confronted this truly nation destructive assault;

(6.) As, over the years, the socialist/communist radical-left factions within the Democrat Party, and their rhino/Trojan horse supporters within the Republican Party, overtly and covertly carried out anti-America, liberty/freedom/nation-destructive agendas, . . . I for “too many years” was irresponsibly oblivious to the existence and nature of, and threat posed by, our country’s many “enemies within”! And, much too detached from my responsibility to unrelentingly pursue being a meaningfully informed and constructively-active politically-minded citizen.

And, as I (likely now in vain) continue this most self-revealing “seek-and-assign-blame” journey, our precious Constitutional Republic is made no less threatened by, and I find and am due no comfort or pardon from, awareness of being but “one mere me”—in a nationwide “Me Side” of “Blame.”

—William James Moore

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
—Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President.

Monday, December 7, 2020


Once again Facebook “comes to the rescue” of the socialist/communist radical-left! With some more shamefully-biased trampling on Free Speech from those of us with pro-America politically-conservative convictions!

Oh yes, once again, this time on 12/06/2020, FB brings the following message to my deplorable attention: "You Can't Comment Right Now. To prevent any misuse, we temporarily restricted your account."

Swift FB action taken after I again posted “apparently a few too many” of my less-than-supportive Comments in response to various public postings by others in regard to Biden/Harris/Obama. Swift FB free speech suppression executed on the heels of same FB restrictions of my account on 11/09 and 11/27.

Just further evidence of the sinister nature of threat that so-called “Big Tech” (Google, FB, Twitter; etc.) poses to our nation. When (as evidenced by herein examples), Big Tech’s algorithms are so meticulously “fine-tuned” that they are able to social-media-muzzle someone such as I—just an old “deplorable” senior citizen in SE Kansas, who has absolutely no political/monetary clout, connections, or otherwise meaningful influence on world events. Other than, just possibly, by way of my vote and expression of views.

So, once again, the World has been made a much safer, friendlier, loving, progressive, and otherwise “all-inclusive place” . . . by FACEBOOK'S SWIFT “BLOCKING & SUPPRESSION” OF THE SOCIAL MEDIA POSTED VIEWS OF AN OLD GUY IN SE KANSAS!

As FB, Google, Twitter, etc., continue to make room for unlimited/unrestricted socialist/communist propaganda spewed 24/7 by the architects and supporters of the socialist/communist radical-left.

And, as these same pompous and self-serving so-called “big tech giants” likewise continue to bask in the benefits of a so-called “Platform,” while illegally imposing the content oversight/restrictions of an authorized “Publisher”! All in the face of bought-and-paid-for corrupt politicians within a dysfunctional U.S. Congress, unwilling to defend our most sacred First Amendment Rights! —William James Moore

Sunday, December 6, 2020


Do your best to “stand ever-so-proud” America! Strengthened and deeply comforted by the shameful fact that among our nation’s families, friends, acquaintances, government representatives, and virtually every other aspect of our U.S. population, are millions willing and striving to destroy America.

By their willingness and intent to place control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of our precious Constitutional Republic, in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, career politicians in American history (Joe Biden), and his extremely radical-left running mate (Kamala Harris)—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on even “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable!

Without doubt, a “destroy-America thinking and behavior” driven by millions infested with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, irrational fear! An infestation designed, employed, and otherwise enabled by the self-serving among us who lust for power and control, “regardless of the consequences”—even if the cost is the insidious life and liberty destroying abyss of the socialist/communist radical-left!

—William James Moore

= = =

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”  —Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President.







What at times seems like only yesterday, it was supposed to have been a slam-dunk! Starting with 17 candidates, the Republican Party’s brutal and self-devouring primary had ended with one sole survivor, Donald Trump. The Democrat primary, beginning with three candidates, had soon became a race between corruption-incarnate Hillary Clinton and socialist/communist Bernie Sanders. With Sanders ultimately endorsing Clinton, as hacked e-mails exposed that top DNC officials had early-on dismissed Sanders as a viable candidate and attempted to undermine and derail his campaign.

Yes, the 2016 presidential election was supposed to have been a done deal! The socialist/communist radical-left swamp had over the years did its homework! Millions had been given and promised a seemingly endless list of “free-stuff” from our trillions of dollars in-debt public treasury. Years of effort had been invested in promoting victimhood, racial/social unrest, and an array of other divide-and-conquer agendas. Political-correctness had been widely entrenched as weapons against truth, fact, reality, free speech, and common sense.

Our educational institutions had been infested with radical-left biased staff and curriculum, to ensure brainwashing of the nation’s youth with hate-America indoctrinations and other liberty/freedom-destructive propaganda—void of any basic understanding of factual World history. The so-called mainstream news media (political activists posing as news journalists); entertainment-industry elite; and big-tech (Google, FB, Twitter, etc.), had saturated the country with politically-biased venom. And, the Swamp’s “Deep State” (power-lusting liberty-threatening manipulators within the U.S. Congress, IRS, FBI, CIA, etc.) was firmly established to disrupt and roadblock any serious threat to the “status-quo.”

A predicted certainty by many, our U.S. borders would have soon continued to be essentially open to all, providing a growing “voter-base” for some, and endless source of “cheap labor” for others. And, essentially forever secure would be the positions of power and influence, within the self-sustaining partnership between the Swamp’s powerful Washington DC element—the entrenched base of self-serving, power-craving career politicians, lobbyists, and bureaucrats, within “BOTH” the political-left and political-right.

But then . . . along came “President Trump”! Not chosen from the flawless among us, for none exists; not a self-serving career-aspiring politician committed to straddle-the-fence talk, but an independently-wealthy businessman capable of actually speaking his mind—even at the risk of offending those conditioned to hearing otherwise; a Washington outsider; someone not bought by and obligated to lobbyists and special-interest groups; a president putting U.S. interests above that of other nations, and U.S. citizens’ rights above the welfare of illegal aliens; striving to replace nation-destructive political correctness with plain talk, truth, fact, reality; publicly declaring radical/Islamic terrorists to be “radical/Islamic terrorists”; committed to the seemingly impossible task of “Making America Great Again”; donating his taxpayer-funded salary to charity; a President making it OK again to publicly make reference to “God,” show respect for the U.S. Flag, and to verbally and/or through publicly displayed signage actually express a “Merry Christmas Wish.”

Yes, “President Trump”—a never before encountered “TRULY SERIOUS THREAT TO THE SWAMP.” A President with more “America-first,” “We-The-People,” and otherwise “Nation/liberty-saving” prioritized accomplishments during his first term in office than most if not all his predecessors! And, a President whose second term represented/represents a truly “existential threat” to the Swamp’s very livelihood and ultimate existence!

Hence, the call for and relentless application of the socialist/communist radical-left’s ultimate weapon—the planned, willful, unlawful, immoral, and otherwise liberty/freedom destroying manipulation of our nation’s November 03, 2020 U.S. General Election.

An election representing the precious opportunity, by way of our votes, for we-the-people to try our best to do the right thing for our Country and future generations of Americans. And a most crucial opportunity for those among us consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive aims and fears, to help prevent the following caution from Abraham Lincoln from one day soon becoming a most sad, shameful, and liberty-destroying reality.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”—Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President.

A warning that seems to be more and more “unnervingly prophetic,” as one considers many of today’s happenings throughout our precious U.S. Constitutional Republic. Such as, within many of our families, friends, acquaintances, government representatives, and virtually every other aspect of our U.S. population, are millions willing and striving to destroy America. By placing, through legal/illegal means, control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of our precious Constitutional Republic, in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, career politicians in American history (Joe Biden), and his extremely radical-left running mate (Kamala Harris)—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on even “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable!

But what do I know, I’m just an old unapologetic, irredeemable-deplorable who just possibly may have offended someone. And as a result, likely now labeled by the unrelenting, reality-denying, and so-called politically-correct as a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, and other yet to be declared “-ists” and “-phobics” from the socialist/communist radical-left’s ever-growing “divide, conquer, and control” playbook.

As America—humankind’s long best and likely last hope—now rests in the hands of we Americans still above ground. The so-called responsible “adults in the room?”

—William James Moore

Friday, December 4, 2020


The Obama’s have turned out to be among America’s worst nightmares—one that that just keeps hanging around and won’t spare us all and “just go away”!  

As the result of voters consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear, the Obama’s had their eight-year shot at helping the radical-left “transform” our country into the devastating social and economic mess we are now struggling to recover from. 

And still, they do not possess the decency of heart and mind, and concern for the well-being of present and future generations of Americans to just zip their arrogant self-serving lips. And go back to their home in the crime-ridden, gun-controlled city of Chicago, to bask in the personal wealth and other good fortune they accumulated while so-called “serving” we-the-people. 

Or to their some $15 million Martha’s Vineyard mansion/estate in Massachusetts—located next to an ocean you and other so-called “Climate Change” advocates swear will very soon devastatingly flood our country’s east and west coasts. That is, unless enough tax dollars can be collected to take charge of the planet Earth. 

Rather, and most unfortunate to the critically-needed healing and recovery of our nation, we now have endless Obama’s books and a likewise never-ending “Obama Netflix Series” to help further spread the venom of racism and other liberty and freedom destroying venom. Aided by a nation-destroying enterprise of biased political activists that calls itself “the news media”; a dysfunctional U.S. Congress; a “deep state” of politically-biased unelected government bureaucrats; an anti-America entertainment industry; and like-minded others. 

As the self-serving narcissistic Obama is also once again out on the “campaign trail,” spreading the same old nation-destructive agenda through the same old pack of lies and same old tools of deception. This time stumping for “another” of America’s truly nation-destructive nightmares—Biden/Harris, yet another self-serving hate-America team! 

Yes, the Obama’s have turned out to be among America’s worst nightmares—one that that just keeps hanging around and won’t spare us all and . . . “just go away”!

---William James Moore

Saturday, November 28, 2020


Upfront, this expression of opinion is in no way meant to deny the seriousness of the World-wide Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, nor in any manner be insensitive to or otherwise disrespectful of related tragedies suffered by countless individuals and families worldwide.

To the contrary, this writing openly acknowledges the threat to health/life that various microbes have long posed to the human race and other life forms. As life on this Earth continues an unrelenting pursuit of effective weapons against same. Including government-mandated “masking.” A widely-controversial “prevention tool” that—just possibly—may one day be recognized as having a too often overlooked “dark side”? Especially when the intended/assumed “prevention tool” is haphazardly employed.

For example: Many seem to declare/believe that masks (of virtually most any material) “help prevent” virus-contaminated mask-wearers from contaminating others. As others seem to declare/believe that such masks “help prevent” non-contaminated mask-wearers from becoming contaminated. While still others seem to declare/believe that such masks perform “both” of these functions.

“If” any of the above scenarios are true, then it logically follows that unimaginable quantities of “virus contaminated masks” are being generated throughout the World daily. “Contaminated masks” handled by the same hands prone to contacting the eyes/nose/mouth/face of respective mask wearers, and possibly that of others. As well as countless items/materials subsequently handled by unsuspecting others. Especially in a pandemic environment.

“Virus contaminated masks” of which no state/local “government-imposed” mandates now exist, nor would likely ever be effective, regarding how to prevent re-use of, safely dispose of, or otherwise safely handle.

Thus leaving the potential “DARKSIDE OF HAPHAZARD MASKING” in the hands of a “FACTUALLY-INFORMED POPULATION” committed to exercising “PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY” and “COMMON SENSE.” 

Three basic “SURVIVAL ESSENTIALS” that any honest self-analysis and attentive look-around one might choose to entertain, would likely reveal a serious “ABSENCE OF AN OVERABUNDANCE OF”

                                                      —William James Moore 

Sunday, November 22, 2020


On February 3, 1959, American rock and roll musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and "The Big Bopper" J. P. Richardson were killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, together with pilot Roger Peterson. The event later became known as "The Day the Music Died", after singer-songwriter Don McLean referred to it as such in his 1971 song "American Pie".

Some 61 years later, “the music died once again.” During our country’s 59th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. When (as applicable) through hopeless ignorance and/or blatant nation-destructive intent, millions of U.S. occupants demonstrated the willingness and desire to turn the fate of our liberty, freedom, and nation’s ultimate survival over to the hands of a Biden/Harris administration and the Democrat Party’s socialist/communist radical-left architects/controllers!

Yes, within many of our families, friends, acquaintances, government representatives, and virtually every other aspect of our U.S. population, millions chose to destroy America. By placing the control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of our precious Constitutional Republic, in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, career politicians in American history (Joe Biden), and his extremely radical-left running mate (Kamala Harris)—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on even “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable!

Without doubt, millions among us are (so-to-speak) indisputably contaminated with irrational, self-destructive thinking and behavior—often driven (as applicable) by ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear. And as such, serve to enable our country’s various “enemies within”—the planners, executors, and otherwise willful supporters of “hate/destroy-America” agendas.

Nevertheless, “the music will live once again”—as the result of the unrelenting efforts and sacrifice of an ever-growing population of millions of American patriots! Rational-thinking people, from all walks of life, who truly have utter and unnegotiable contempt for the socialist/communist agenda of the radical left! Millions of totally fed-up American citizens who are sincerely, rightfully, and responsibly committed to defending and preserving their U.S. Constitution established “Citizen Sovereignty”—a government “of, by, and for the People”! 

     —William James Moore    Trump and Pence 2020!!!

= = =

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President.

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President.

Saturday, November 21, 2020


Upfront, this expression of opinion is in no way meant to deny the seriousness of the World-wide China Virus (Covid-19/Coronavirus) pandemic, nor in any manner be disrespectful of the countless individuals and families worldwide tragically afflicted by same.

To the contrary, this intentionally satire/cynical-leaning writing openly acknowledges the threat to health/life that various microbes have long posed to the human race and other life forms. Very real and ever-present threats demanding that our ever-adapting array of weapons for survival never fail to also include the unrelenting pursuit and exercise of “personal responsibility” and “common sense.” Two key survival-essentials that all the self-serving power-lusting government-issued mandates in the world will never be able to bring about. For example:

(1.) “CONTAMINATED MASKS”: Many believe masks (of virtually any material) help prevent virus-contaminated persons from contaminating others. Others believe such masks help prevent non-contaminated persons from becoming contaminated. While others believe such masks perform “both” of these functions. If any of these scenarios are true, then it follows that truly unimaginable quantities of “contaminated masks” are being generated daily. Health/life-threatening “contaminated material” of which no state/local “government-imposed” mandates now exist, nor would likely ever be effective, regarding how to prevent re-use of, safely dispose of, or otherwise safely handle—that is, in the absence of “Personal Responsibility” and “Common Sense.”

(2.) “CONTAMINATED HANDS”: Indisputably, our hands are “ever-so-vulnerable-to-contamination.” And, as such, “proper hand washing” has been a “long demonstrated” aid to preventing the spread of health/life-threatening bacteria/viruses/etc. With the China Virus likely being no exception, potentially contaminated hands, not timely and properly washed, are often the “same hands” used by untold millions to put on and remove masks, and contact eyes, noses, and mouths—countless times daily. A potential health/life threatening reality in essence left, once again, in large measure to the dictates of “personal responsibility” and “common sense”—as opposed to unrealistic government-imposed mandates.

(3.) “IMPRACTICAL & UNACHIEVALBE SOCIAL-DISTANCING”: No number of door signs, floor decals, and other “6-Foot Social Distancing” dictates will likely ever negate the following two realities of life: (1.) Frankly, our jobs and other essential life behaviors, homes, businesses, schools, churches, automobiles, commercial carriers, sidewalks, doorways, hallways, and other facilities, structures, etc., do not accommodate keeping the human race “6-Foot apart; (2.) The China Virus, and other health/life-threatening microbes, likely do not read nor adhere to social-distancing signs, decals, or other human-generated mandates. And, any open-minded look at and acknowledgment of the “reality around us,” will evidence many of the nation-destructive absurdities of current government-mandated “Social-Distancing” guidelines—shortfalls again screaming for the application of “personal responsibility” and “common sense.”

= = =

So, as one dutifully and obediently adheres to the self-serving mandates of power-lusting government officials, driven to weaponize every crisis, it seems worthwhile to be ever-so-mindful that survival of we humans has long been dependent upon many factors. Including critical survival factors that cannot be brought about by government mandate. None the least—“caring and concern for one’s self and others,” “personal responsibility,” and good old basic “common sense.”

Along with a healthy realization that, when we so-called superior beings are exposed to health/life-threatening microbes (with or without the aid of modern medicine): some will not be afflicted; some will be afflicted, suffer in varying ways, and ultimately survive; and some will be afflicted and not survive. A reality that has long been and will likely always be—an inescapable part of our never-free-of-risk, and much too often taken for granted, respective gift-of-life journeys.

And then there is the wake-up calls and memory-jogs regarding the age old “Safety” versus “Freedom” dilemma, so prophetically expressed in the following cautionary message often attributed to Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804), 1st U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and one of the U.S. Founding Fathers:

“Safety from external danger is the most powerful director of national conduct. Even the ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give way to its dictates. The violent destruction of life and property incident to war, the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger, will compel nations the most attached to liberty to resort for repose and security to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights. To be more safe, they at length become willing to run the risk of being less free.”

---William James Moore




—William James Moore      

Sunday, November 15, 2020


Biden and Harris—the born-again “Healers” and “Uniters” of the “socialist/communist radical-left infested” Democrat Party—boldly promise to “Save the Soul” of our nation!

Unquestionably an awesome task, and one long pursued with at best limited/questionable success by countless others over the many years. So, one might fittingly ask, “What is the Biden/Harris team’s secret?

Actually, no “secret” at all! Because the “how-to” has been publicly and privately playing out before our eyes for a long, long time! By way of truly sacrificial and otherwise deeply caring application of the following summarized twelve-step plan —taken verbatim from the radical-left’s historically-tested official playbook on “How to Save Souls while Transforming America into a Venezuela/Cuba type Socialist/Communist Hellhole”:

(1.) “PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION”: Never fail to publicly (and without mercy) accuse and shame foes of the radical-left of being that which “the radical-left actually is and does”. And when the accused exhibits any sign of objection, then swiftly, publicly (and without mercy) label them as being despicably racist and otherwise unfit for any form or nature of human existence. And if by chance the accused is a business owner, then additionally move to destroy said business by any/all means available;

(2.) “DIVIDE AND CONQUER”: Impose “divide and conquer” policies and legislation that create an ever-growing base of “victims” committed to unrelenting voter-support of the radical-left. Including but not limited to a solid base of broken/dependent families, wherein the role of a head-of-household bread-winning father has been critically marginalized (preferably eliminated), and each “victim” never loses sight of who their pro-America “oppressors” and radical-left “saviors” are;

(3.) “DEFY HISTORICAL REALITY”: Impose policies and legislation that are anti-America, anti-U.S. Constitution, anti-U.S. Secured Borders, anti-U.S. Judeo-Christian Common Culture, and anti-U.S. Common Language-English. And do so in total disregard of the historical reality that no nation can, nor has, ultimately long-survived without secured borders, a common culture, and common language;

(4.) “ADDICT VOTER-SUPPORT TO “FREE STUFF”: Impose immigration policies and legislation that enable open U.S. borders, flooding the U.S. with illegal aliens attracted to so-called “Free Stuff” (food, clothing, housing, medical services, education, transportation, legal services, etc., etc.) from the U.S. taxpayer-funded public treasury. Illegal aliens that overwhelm our schools, hospitals, law enforcement, and other infrastructure; abuse and bankrupt our welfare system; and fail to respect and assimilate U.S. Judeo-Christian values and the U.S. common language-English. An every growing population of illegal aliens that nevertheless are programed to unrelentingly provide voter-support to the radical-left;

(5.) “IGNORE TRUE THREATS TO HUMANKIND”: Impose military defense/immigration policies and legislation that disregard the ages-old (never-to-go-away) terror threat of radial-militant Islam—a Worldwide threat committed to purging the Earth of all who refuse to submit to the life and liberty-destroying control and ideology of radical-militant Islam. While at same time, using radical-left power to stamp out the existence/spread of Judeo-Christian based faith;

(6.) “WEAPONIZE EVERY CRISIS”: Never fail to take advantage of and aptly weaponize a crisis (such as the so-called Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic), or to take advantage of the human tendency of countless millions to have their heads often buried in the sands of ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, irrational fear, and self-indulging distractions;

(7.) “BRAINWASH AMERICA’S YOUTH”: Unrelentingly use the taxpayer-funded public treasury to establish and maintain an educational system (schools, colleges, universities) infested with a radical-left biased staff and bureaucracy that brainwashes American youth with pro-radical-left bias and anti-America propaganda;

(8.) “WEAPONIZE THE NEWS MEDIA”: Impose legislation and policies that over the years establish, promote, and maintain an ever-growing nationwide base of radical-left supporting “Political Activists” posing as America’s mainstream “News Media”;

(9.) “ENSLAVE THE MASSES TO AN UNSUSTAINABLE NATIONAL DEBT”: Impose legislation and related federal government spending that defies all basic rules of economic commonsense and responsibility, and do so in total disregard of an unsustainable National Debt certain to one destroy the lives, liberty, and opportunity of future generations of Americans;

(10.) “INFILTRATE OPPONENT RANKS”: And if ever presented with a radical-left supportive self-serving “Trojan-horse” opportunity, put on your “Rhino” camouflage and join the “pro-American cause”—wherein you can pose as being among the most supportive of their patriotic aims, while in reality exercising the extensive weaponry of the radical-left agenda;

(11.) “PURSUE POWER/CONTROL AT ALL COSTS”: Always keep upper-most in mind—the “agenda” means little to nothing in the absence of positions of power and influence to needed to execute it! Therefore, as necessary to support the socialist/communist radical-left Democrat Party’s quest for unrestrained power and control, unrelentingly infest the U.S. election process with “as-required” and “unlimited” and “ever-more-creative” nation-wide corruption. Even if doing so calls for an all-out effort to place the control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of the U.S. Constitutional Republic, in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, career politicians in American history (Joe Biden), and a likewise radical-left running mate (Kamala Harris)—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable!

(12.) “MAXIMIZE IMMEDIATE AND LONG-STANDING INTIMIDATION”: Furthermore . . . should an “outsider” (such as President Donald J. Trump) ever truly expose and threaten the status-quo, then immediately solicit and without mercy employ every available faction and weapon of the radical-left supportive “deep state” to marginalize, cancel, and otherwise destroy the “outsider,” his/her family, close associates, friends, and otherwise supporters. And, in doing so, send the message loud and clear to the “outsider,” the “outsider’s supporters,” and to all others who might one day consider following the “outsider’s” patriotic path—“How dare you have the hopeless and unmitigated gall to ever consider seriously executing your U.S. Constitution-established “citizen sovereignty”! Yes, how dare you! For it is we, the self-proclaimed elite of society who are in ultimate control of you lessor being’s destiny! A not-to-be-challenged control duly warranted and extended to us, by those hopelessly addicted to the special brand of anti-America ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and irrational fear that we promote and nurture, and from which with no remorse we self-servingly harvest America-destructive advantage from.”

And, it is only through the above deeply compassionate socialist/communist plan, and radical-left moral superiority, that the souls of America’s patriots can be saved from the unspeakable scourge and torment of liberty, freedom, and opportunity to pursue happiness!

= = =

—William James Moore  -  Trump and Pence 2020!!!

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President.

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


Do your best to “sleep ever-so-peacefully” America! Deeply comforted with (as applicable) growing awareness of—or in hopeless ignorance of—the fact that millions of U.S. occupants are willing and striving to turn the fate of our liberty, freedom, and nation’s ultimate survival over to the hands of a Biden/Harris administration and the Democrat Party’s socialist/communist radical-left architects/controllers!

Yes, within many of our families, friends, acquaintances, government representatives, and virtually every other aspect of our U.S. population, are millions willing and striving to destroy America. By placing the control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of our precious Constitutional Republic, in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, career politicians in American history (Joe Biden), and his extremely radical-left running mate (Kamala Harris)—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on even “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, and politically unacceptable!

Without doubt, millions among us are (so-to-speak) indisputably contaminated with destroy-America thinking and behavior driven (as applicable) by ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear!

Therefore, as a special aid to your peace of mind—during your awake hours, keep supporting, tolerating, and otherwise enabling: self-serving career politicians; CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and other “political-activists” posing as mainstream news media; professional sports and other entertainment industries that disrespect America; liberal-biased schools, colleges, universities that indoctrinate our youth with Anti-America propaganda; and riots and other criminal acts that threaten/destroy life, liberty, freedom, and property; etc., etc., etc.

And, if your deepest dreams on occasion include visions of a growing population of millions of American patriots who truly have utter and unnegotiable contempt for the socialist/communist agenda of the radical left—millions of totally fed-up rational-thinking American citizens unrelentingly committed to defending and preserving their U.S. Constitution established “Citizen Sovereignty”—such is not a dream, but a very much reality that “will not just go away”!

So, America, sleep ever-so-peacefully! Also comforted by the reality that, should the ever-more-dysfunctional Republican and Democrat Parties fail to soon get their respective acts together and do what is Constitutionally mandated for America—BOTH parties (these so-called servants of the people) will one day (one way or another) ultimately become much more in touch with the true meaning and significance of  a government “of, by, and for the People”!

                                           —William James Moore 11/08/2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020


After tirelessly working for, fighting for, taking unspeakable abuse for, and courageously defending we Americans for over four years, while (so-to-speak) swimming upstream in a raging river infested with sharks of many faces and agendas (including deceitful Republican RINOS), President Trump is now waging an additional and truly unprecedented liberty, freedom, and nation-saving battle!

An “America-Must-Win” battle, rightfully and aptly calling upon the support of our U.S. Constitution empowered judicial system, to ensure that our election laws are fully upheld and the “rightful” winners of our 2020 General Election are seated.

We Americans must not be deceived (by ourselves or others)! What is at stake is nothing less than the ultimate survival of our precious Constitutional Republic—and very future our children and grandchildren.

Furthermore, the Republican Party (nationwide) should especially not be deceived! In all reality, the some 71 million unprecedented votes reportedly cast for President Trump in our recent 2020 General Election should not be pompously assumed as “votes for the Republican Party”! But, rather, as evidence of deeply held, wide spread, and every growing patriotic support for President Trump’s America First Agenda—through which the countless Make and Keep American Great Again achievements continue to be realized!

Likewise, the Democrat Party would be wise to very timely acknowledge that its media-hyped prediction of a “Blue Wave” across America did not take place in our recent General Election! Much to the contrary, in addition to exposing nation-destructive no-limits corruption within various elections systems functions, our 2020 General Election has validated a growing population of some 71 million American who truly have utter and unnegotiable contempt for the socialist/communist agenda of the radical-left. A growing population of contempt that in turn “will not be going away”!

Therefore, the Republican Party had best take the lead with truly serious, public, and effective nationwide “Stand Up For America” support of President Trump’s efforts to root out election systems corruption! And, the Democrat Party had better find ways and means to do the same, as it had likewise better timely and permanently withdraw from the jaws of the socialist/communist radical-left!

Or, at the U.S. Constitution supported hands of growing millions of totally fed-up patriotic Americans—BOTH of these ever-more dysfunctional parties will one day ultimately become much more in touch with the true meaning of “Drain The Swamp”! As millions of patriotic Americans defend their U.S. Constitution established “Citizen Sovereignty”! 

                                            —William James Moore 11/07/2020


As much if not most of the World continues to wrestle with the widely reported Coronavirus (COVID-19), the U.S. is “in addition” plagued with another most sinister (but much less acknowledged) threat!  That being—a long-standing, wide spread, and increasingly severe "Pandemic of Reckless Irresponsibility"!

“RECKLESS” is of course generally considered to be “without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.”  Whereas, “IRRESPONSIBILITY” being the “lack of a proper sense of responsibility.”  Such as, the handling (rather, too often gross-mishandling) of much of our country’s general and mid-term elections—time and again!   Especially that of our recent corrupt-infested 2020 elections!

Yes, in this ever-more-awesome high-tech day and age, seemingly filled with gadgets to scratch life’s every itch, many have figured out how to “RESPONSIBLY” and “ON TIME”:  pay our bills; file tax returns; mail a card and/or present; eat, sleep, awake, show up at work; engage in craved-after entertainment; service our vehicles; take our meds; etc.; etc.; etc.  However, when it comes to “RESPONSIBLY” and “ON TIME” casting, counting, and reporting of votes crucial to the maintenance and survival of our precious liberty, freedom, and nation’s ultimate survival—growing numbers among us seem to be increasingly and ever-so-hopelessly challenged!

And, while we find ways to travel to the Moon and back; build and maintain an Earth-orbiting Space Station; view photos sent from robots we have landed on far away planets; equip virtually every living occupant of the U.S. with a Smart Phone; and provide effective security for corrupt/self-serving politicians living in gated/privileged housing; etc.—how to ensure nation-wide legal, on-time, and corrupt-free voting continues to be beyond our grasp!  A shameful liberty-threatening nation-destructive circumstance that will continue until the personal/political will, wisdom, common sense, and courage to correct such failing truly outweighs the status-quo of related ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear!

It is of course noteworthy that the World’s countless much-less-fortunate are yet to be burdened with the herein cited, and thus far largely U.S.-localized, “Pandemic of Reckless Irresponsibility.”  Because such folks are of course much more focused on their often life-threatening and futile struggle to gain the priceless liberty, freedom, and “responsibility,” that growing numbers among us continue to shamefully and tragically abuse and take for granted. Self-destructive behavior continued in reckless disregard of the following truly insightful, historically founded, and aptly cautionary message often attributed to President Ronald Reagan: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where we were free.” 
                                              —William James Moore 11/07/2020

Thursday, September 10, 2020


Yes, just "RELAX" .  .  .  because, freely shared below is a very simple, painless, and obvious “Three-Step Solution” to our country’s troubled times:

(STEP ONE): All legitimate U.S. citizens simply try hard to NOT vote in our upcoming November 03, 2020 elections, and in any/all U.S. elections thereafter;

(STEP TWO): However, if vote one must, then without fail always support candidates who are pawns of the anti-America socialist/communist radical-left, such as Biden/Harris. Yes, without fail, use the precious power of your vote to support nation/liberty destructive agendas such as: rioting/looting; elimination of police protection/law and order; open borders; uncontrolled immigration; and “FREE” housing, food, clothing, medical care, income-inequality cash allowances, smartphones, college education, transportation, child care, legal counsel, and entertainment, etc., for everyone the radical-left defines as being a “victim” or is otherwise supportive of the radical-left’s power-craving agenda. As well as taxpayer-funded subsidies for “climate change” and other rip-offs beneficial to the radical-left’s socialist/communist aims;

(STEP THREE): Strictly on an “optional basis,” consider some very serious prayers for your remaining time on this Earth, as well as for that of your children, grandchildren, and future generations of Americans. That is, just in case STEPS ONE and TWO don’t work out so well for some unforeseen reason.

SPECIAL NOTE: Of course those among us still hanging on to some trace and resemblance of sanity, will recognize that just a “touch of satire” was used in the above so-called solution. With the hope of drawing crucial attention to a most serious liberty and freedom threating concern—the outcome of “our” U.S. elections, November 03, 2020! An opportunity for each of us to put on our big-boys and big-girls clothes and do our duty to help save America! By ensuring a Trump and Pence landslide victory! And one that critically includes a U.S. House and Senate “majority” truly supportive of a Trump and Pence “America-First”/”Law and Order” agenda! 

                                                —William James Moore   

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Recent BBC News publications include an 11 August 2020 article titled: “Biden’s VP pick: Why Kamala Harris embraces her biracial roots.” Wherein in part the article shares the below (1.) through (8.) “Harris-roots-related” revelations:

(1.) “US Senator Kamala Harris - chosen by Joe Biden as his Democratic vice-presidential candidate - is known as a prominent black politician. But she has also embraced her Indian roots.”

(2.) “The California senator, daughter of an Indian-born mother and Jamaican-born father, ...”

(3.) “Raised primarily by her Hindu single mother, a cancer researcher and a civil rights activist, ...”

(4.) “Her mother made sure her two daughters were aware of their background.”

(5.) "My mother understood very well she was raising two black daughters. She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident black women."

(6.) "Harris grew up embracing her Indian culture, but living a proudly African-American life," wrote the Washington Post last year." 

(7.) “When she ran for a senate seat in 2015, the Economist magazine described her as the "daughter of and Indian cancer researcher and a Jamaican economics professor, she is the first woman, first African-American and first Asian attorney general of California".

(8.) “The 55-year-old senator says she has not grappled with her identity and describes herself simply as "an American".

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It is (or should be) noteworthy that above reporting, and that of the now 24/7 mainstream media 2020 Elections propaganda blitz, as well as Harris’ public behavior, includes little to no attention on Harris’ so-called self-description of being simply “an American,” - - - while shamefully smothering us with a totality of focus on Harris’ black; Asia; India; Jamaica; Africa; etc., roots!

So, here’s a you-can-take-it-to-the-bank for sure “news flash” - - - The precious and unique liberty, freedom, and opportunity that Kamala Harris has enjoyed, and continues to in great measure profit from, WAS NOT provided by India, Jamaica, Africa, or other foreign land/government! Much to the contrary, such was and remains the too often taken for granted and abused blessing of “America”- - - of our one and only of its kind “Constitutional Republic”! Established and (thus far) preserved at great cost and sacrifice by countless past and present!

And, when will the Radical-left ever begin “Embracing” American Roots? The Answer: Highly likely “NEVER”! For, to do so would be counter to their socialist/communist agenda to destroy America; turn it into another Cuba, Venezuela, etc. - - - as the rest of us struggle to survive under their ever-growing power-hungry, fascist rule!

Think not?  Then (on November 03, 2020 or thereafter) turn over our Country (our precious liberty and freedom and other God-given rights) to the Joe Biden’s; Kamala Harris’; Nancy Pelosi’s; Chuck Schumer’s; Jerry Nadler’s; Iihan Omar’s; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s; etc., and other anti-America pawns of the socialist/communist democrat party of America, - - - and watch your future, and that of your children and grandchildren, be rapidly replaced by a sinister liberty-destroying abyss from which there is no recovery!

OR, we can step up to the plate as responsible so-called adults in the room on November 03, 2020, and give America (our precious Constitutional Republic) an opportunity to survive and flourish - - - by re-electing President Trump and VP Pence, and supporting their “America First” agenda with a rhino-free Republican-majority U.S. House of Representatives and Senate! 

                                               —William James Moore

Friday, August 7, 2020


“Thank You” for visiting this website!

The information posted and referenced herein strives to be of meaningful support to our U.S. Constitution, Secured Borders, Common-language "English," and Common culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

And, as such, of likewise support to the gift-of-life journey of "all" who are respectful of; now blessed with; or are yet struggling for, the freedom to enjoy, share, protect, and preserve, the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

A most precious freedom too often taken for granted and abused by our world's more fortunate, while shamefully and inhumanely denied to a countless many.    —William James Moore*

(*Administrator of this website; blog/posting author as LibertyGuardianUSA; a self-described politically-independent conservative and social/religious-moderate; and strong opponent of nation-destructive political-correctness.)

                                        = = =

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."   —Genesis 1:1

                                       = = =

“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives,” and, “Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power.”

—James Madison (4th U.S. President and a U.S. Founding Father)

Saturday, July 25, 2020


While upfront acknowledging personal and grateful membership in a rapidly diminishing dinosaur generation, I am nevertheless among many who have long perceived “communism” to be America’s most predominant threat. A view fueled early-on in large measure by the “nuclear weapons” mutual-destruction sword-rattling of the U.S. and Soviet Union during the so-called Cold War era of years not so long ago.

A view later strengthened by declarations such as the following threats often reported as having been prophetically spewed by the then Soviet Union’s (now Russia) Communist leader, Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971): “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within . . .” “No, you won’t accept Communism outright, but, through (socialist/communist) government representatives you (knowingly/unknowingly) elect, you will be fed small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up one day and find you already have Communism.”

A view since been updated with an alarming awareness that—in addition to the long-standing “foreign” communism-threat to America—we now also face one of a most sinister “domestic” origin! More specifically, an “enemy-within” in the form of a Democrat Party that has been hijacked and now controlled by the most extreme elements of the socialist/communist radical-left.

A view most sadly supported by, for example, the horrific riots and related atrocities being carried out in Chicago, Portland, and other Democrat-run cities across our nation. As national Democrat leaders such as Pelosi and Biden—and their paramilitary surrogates like Antifa and BLM—shamefully slander, invalidate, and otherwise contribute to life/liberty-threatening harm to our nation’s law enforcement and others.

Yes, the most “predominate threat” to all Americans is now the Socialist/Communist-controlled Democrat Party—and its supporting Trojan horse rhinos in the Republican Party and elsewhere! Anti-America Politicians, Hate-America news media, and supporting others who are enabling the spread of division and violent Marxism! The once considered merely “radical-liberals” are now and indisputably—“domestic terrorists”

Threats, one and all, who must be lawfully and timely removed from positions of power—through a “united effort” of people of all backgrounds and races! Beginning with active and responsible participation in and oversight of our country’s 2020 elections!

A U.S. citizen duty-bound "Swamp-draining" effort that must be reinforced by, as a minimum, a Trump and Pence 2020 re-election landslide, along with a Trump and Pence America-first agenda-supporting majority in "both" the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate!

At stake, nothing less than the “survival” and “future” of our country! A law and order based future, providing for the unalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all Americans.
                                                        —William James Moore

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Somewhere between birth and death on our respective gift-of-life journeys, many of us will come to realize that there really is a difference between, for example:

Love & Hate; Caring & Cruelty; Friendship & Hostility; Rich & Poor; Truth/Fact/Reality & Lies/Fiction/Unsubstantiated Opinion;  Win & Lose; Males & Females; Adulthood & Childhood; Respect & Contempt; Earned & Received Without Merit; Health & Sickness; Peace & War; Justice & Injustice; Security & Vulnerability; Freedom of Speech & Censorship; Peaceful Protests & Mob Violence; Strength & Weakness; Courage & Cowardice; News Reporters & Political Activists; Socialism/Communism/Fascism & Our U.S. Constitutional Republic; and between  Racism & Those Unjustly Accused of Such; etc.

And, there is a VAST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the “HUMAN ROLE” in Violent Acts & that of their “WEAPON OF CHOICE” (be it a gun, knife, or otherwise). As again the so-called U.S. mainstream media continues to shamefully beat the drum about “GUN VIOLENCE” being carried out in New York City; Chicago; etc. As the agenda-driven media and likeminded supporters continue to irresponsibly distract from the fact that it is the “VIOLENT HUMAN(S)” and not the “WEAPONS OF CHOICE” that are in dire need of swift accountability for their criminal acts!

And, in our rapidly approaching U.S. 2020 Elections, there exists a CRUCIAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN an “America-first” President Trump and Trump-agenda supporting others . . . and that of the “America-hating” socialist/communist/fascist radical-left. A life and liberty critical difference hopefully recognized through the eyes of wisdom and courage . . . through responsible eyes not destructively clouded by irrational/uncontrolled emotions. Through patriotic eyes unrelentingly committed to protecting and preserving our precious Constitutional Republic, liberty, freedom, and opportunity for present and future generations of all Americans!

                                               —William James Moore

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


For those among us inclined to get (so-to-speak) “wound around the axle” about the do’s and do not’s regarding “mask-wearing” . . . we really should chill-out a bit and just relax! Because, what “is” and “is not” required by our ever-more-intrusive “mother-may-we” government, is actually very much readily available to us by way of an array of “user-friendly” information sources!

Such as (and by no means limited to) the below examples:

(1.) Ref: June 29, 2020 “lengthy” announcement at Reading in part . . . “Governor Laura Kelly Announces Masks Must be Worn Statewide.” “. . . an Executive Order requiring that most Kansans in a public space must wear a mask, beginning 12:01 a.m., Friday, July 3.” “Under the order, most Kansans must wear masks in stores and shops, restaurants, and in any situation in which social distancing of 6 feet cannot be maintained, including outside.”

(2.) Ref: July 07, 2020 Front Page “lengthy” article in 07/07/2020 Edition of the Parsons Sun, under Headline “County ops out of executive order”—“Commissioners vote against advice of health officials”: Reading in part . . . “Labette Country commissioners on Monday (July 06) voted 2-1 to opt out of following Gov. Laura Kelly’s executive order on wearing face masks in public.”

(3.) Ref: July 07, 2020 Front Page “lengthy” article in 07/07/2020 Edition of the Parsons Sun, under Headline “Parsons to require masks in businesses”—“Individuals could be fined on their 3rd offense”: Reading in part . . . “People in Parsons will have to begin wearing face masks within buildings accessible to the public and at many other work places in about two weeks.”

(4.) Ref: July 02, 2020 “lengthy” Memorandum at from KS Attorney General Dereck Schmidt to Governor, Adjutant General, KHP Superintendent, KBI Director, Re: Addendum 3 to March 24, 2020, state and local law enforcement duties and authorities memorandum regarding enforcement of orders issued pursuant to the Kansas Emergency Management Act after enactment of 2020 Special Session House Bill 2016 (HB 2016): Reading in part . . . “Violating the Mask Order is a Civil Wrong, Not a Crime.”  
“For example, a law enforcement officer may not arrest a person for violating the Mask Order.” “Nor may an officer conduct an investigative stop to enforce the Mask Order.” “And no statute authorizes a law enforcement officer to issue a citation or to take any similar action for violation of the Mask Order.” 

"Although enforcement of the Mask Order is now the responsibility of the county or district attorney, law enforcement agencies should consider adopting procedures or otherwise giving guidance to their officers who encounter violations of the Mask Order to help ensure a consistent approach for citizens throughout each county. 

While enforcement may be initiated only by the county or district attorney, law enforcement officers continue to have the same abilities as any citizen to report potential violations to the county or district attorney, and officers also remain free to courteously and professionally encourage citizens to comply with the Mask Order (without effecting a stop for that purpose). Thus, officers should be given guidance from law enforcement agency leadership, in consultation with the county or district attorney, on these sorts of matters.”

= = =

So, see! There is really no reason to miss out on some “Happy Masking”!

Because, a sound and comforting understanding of our government-mandated “mask requirements,” is no further away than a “comprehensive review” of the source documents from which the above four “examples” were taken! A reading experience driven by a “craving for knowledge” no doubt hard-wired into any open-minded, responsible, and truly caring Kansan or other U.S. citizen!

—William James Moore

(And for those who fail to grasp or accept the use of a bit of sarcasm and cynicism in an effort to discuss serious issues and concerns . . . all that I and like-minded others can at this time offer you are some “truly serious” prayers.)

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Yes, as our country’s priceless historical treasures are being destroyed by self-absorbed mobs of relatively youthful criminal vandals posing as “caring protestors” . . . fear not, for there is much hope! 

And, as our streets are filled with relatively youthful criminal mobs of “truly caring protestors” who vandalize, rob, burn, and otherwise destroy the property and livelihood of others . . . again, fear not, for there is much hope! 

And, as the “truly concerned and caring” beings mentioned above shout-down, tune-out, label as racist/otherwise-unfit-to-exist, and otherwise verbally and physically threaten any/all voices of reason and sanity . . . fear not, for again there is a clear basis for much hope! 

Yes, a most crucial life and liberty sustaining “hope” . . . ultimately forthcoming from generations of our nation’s youth! 

Generations of youth in large measure masterfully-groomed over the years by parental shortfalls, and by educational institutions skillfully tailored after the ever-failing agendas of the U.S. Department of Education (founded October 17, 1979). An ever-growing power-craving government bureaucracy, and its subordinate radical-left infested educational institutions . . . all of which “we the people” have unfailingly funded with institution-demanded priority and generosity (to do less would of course label one as being uncaring and unconcerned about the welfare of our nation’s “youth” and “future”). 

Educational institutions (especially colleges and universities) “hooked” on funding, grants, approvals, curriculum-dictates, and other “control tools” of the Department of Education. Educational institutions that, by design, have put forth unrelenting effort to ensure that the fresh developing minds of our nation’s youth are not cluttered with factual World history, basic knowledge of and respect for the U.S. Constitution and our precious Constitutional Republic, as well as any resemblance of liberty-preserving patriotism. 

While at the same time ensuring that our youth are duly indoctrinated with an ignorant self-destructive lust for the benefits of socialism and communism. And, likewise duly conditioned to have unfailing disrespect and contempt for the U.S. and the shameful liberty, freedom, and opportunity it stands for. Indoctrination and conditioning of course undertaken over the years under the noses of we the so-called tax-paying, education-funding, adults in the room. 

Yes, as has long been among life’s many inescapable realities . . . our hope ultimately rests with each generation of our nation’s youth. Those to whom the torch of responsibility is ultimately passed. A reality one can clearly find much comfort and basis of hope in . . . as one is witness to the predominantly youthful makeup of the “truly caring” protestors now acting out their “indisputable concerns” in many of our nation’s streets and communities. 

And, for any reader who may fail to grasp or accept the herein use of a bit of satire and cynicism in an effort to constructively discuss serious issues and concerns . . . all I and like-minded others can offer you is a few “truly sincere” prayers.

                                                              —William James Moore

Monday, June 22, 2020


“THE PAST WAS ERASED, THE ERASURE WAS FORGOTTEN, THE LIE BECAME THE TRUTH” —Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), better known by his pen name “George Orwell” - an English novelist; essayist; journalist; critic.

Most sadly, the above words seem more and more prophetic as, nation-wide, we witness priceless symbols of U.S. History being “erased” by mobs of self-serving, law-breaking, liberty-threatening dispicalbles! As too often too many of we the so-called adults-in-the-room, and our political representatives, continue to bask in self-destructive tolerance, ignorance, complacency, apathy, greed, and of fear of offending those hell-bent to destroy our precious Constitutional Republic—humankind’s best hope for liberty, freedom, and opportunity!     —William James Moore

Sunday, May 24, 2020


The truly life-threatening—and way-of-life disrupting—impact of COVID-19 (more aptly, “China Virus”) has provided much of the World with many wake-up calls, and some crucial memory-jogs regarding long-standing realities. 

None the least—those wake-up calls and memory-jogs regarding the age old “Safety” versus “Freedom” dilemma, so prophetically expressed in the following cautionary message often attributed to Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804), 1st U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and one of the U.S. Founding Fathers: 

“Safety from external danger is the most powerful director of national conduct. Even the ardent love of liberty will, after a time, give way to its dictates. The violent destruction of life and property incident to war, the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger, will compel nations the most attached to liberty to resort for repose and security to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights. To be more safe, they at length become willing to run the risk of being less free.”

Of course, history very likely widely supports that (so-to-speak) “the COVID-19 dust will one day settle”—and hopefully sooner than later. 

However, what seems increasingly “less clear” and alarmingly “very uncertain,” is the ultimate nature of our “thereafter” personal liberty and freedom. As compared to the extent of power “we the people” have placed, and/or have otherwise tolerated, in the hands of often power craving and power abusing aspects of our local, state, and federal government. 

While, and as was so aptly noted by Hamilton not all that long ago—in our striving to be “more safe,” we and our humankind peers “continue” to at length, and self-destructively, become willing to run the risk of being “less free”!     
                                                           —William James Moore