Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Yes, as our country’s priceless historical treasures are being destroyed by self-absorbed mobs of relatively youthful criminal vandals posing as “caring protestors” . . . fear not, for there is much hope! 

And, as our streets are filled with relatively youthful criminal mobs of “truly caring protestors” who vandalize, rob, burn, and otherwise destroy the property and livelihood of others . . . again, fear not, for there is much hope! 

And, as the “truly concerned and caring” beings mentioned above shout-down, tune-out, label as racist/otherwise-unfit-to-exist, and otherwise verbally and physically threaten any/all voices of reason and sanity . . . fear not, for again there is a clear basis for much hope! 

Yes, a most crucial life and liberty sustaining “hope” . . . ultimately forthcoming from generations of our nation’s youth! 

Generations of youth in large measure masterfully-groomed over the years by parental shortfalls, and by educational institutions skillfully tailored after the ever-failing agendas of the U.S. Department of Education (founded October 17, 1979). An ever-growing power-craving government bureaucracy, and its subordinate radical-left infested educational institutions . . . all of which “we the people” have unfailingly funded with institution-demanded priority and generosity (to do less would of course label one as being uncaring and unconcerned about the welfare of our nation’s “youth” and “future”). 

Educational institutions (especially colleges and universities) “hooked” on funding, grants, approvals, curriculum-dictates, and other “control tools” of the Department of Education. Educational institutions that, by design, have put forth unrelenting effort to ensure that the fresh developing minds of our nation’s youth are not cluttered with factual World history, basic knowledge of and respect for the U.S. Constitution and our precious Constitutional Republic, as well as any resemblance of liberty-preserving patriotism. 

While at the same time ensuring that our youth are duly indoctrinated with an ignorant self-destructive lust for the benefits of socialism and communism. And, likewise duly conditioned to have unfailing disrespect and contempt for the U.S. and the shameful liberty, freedom, and opportunity it stands for. Indoctrination and conditioning of course undertaken over the years under the noses of we the so-called tax-paying, education-funding, adults in the room. 

Yes, as has long been among life’s many inescapable realities . . . our hope ultimately rests with each generation of our nation’s youth. Those to whom the torch of responsibility is ultimately passed. A reality one can clearly find much comfort and basis of hope in . . . as one is witness to the predominantly youthful makeup of the “truly caring” protestors now acting out their “indisputable concerns” in many of our nation’s streets and communities. 

And, for any reader who may fail to grasp or accept the herein use of a bit of satire and cynicism in an effort to constructively discuss serious issues and concerns . . . all I and like-minded others can offer you is a few “truly sincere” prayers.

                                                              —William James Moore

Monday, June 22, 2020


“THE PAST WAS ERASED, THE ERASURE WAS FORGOTTEN, THE LIE BECAME THE TRUTH” —Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), better known by his pen name “George Orwell” - an English novelist; essayist; journalist; critic.

Most sadly, the above words seem more and more prophetic as, nation-wide, we witness priceless symbols of U.S. History being “erased” by mobs of self-serving, law-breaking, liberty-threatening dispicalbles! As too often too many of we the so-called adults-in-the-room, and our political representatives, continue to bask in self-destructive tolerance, ignorance, complacency, apathy, greed, and of fear of offending those hell-bent to destroy our precious Constitutional Republic—humankind’s best hope for liberty, freedom, and opportunity!     —William James Moore