Friday, February 26, 2021


May curses fall upon all who with informed intent helped place control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of our precious Constitutional Republic, in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, and dangerously-incoherent, career politicians in American history (Joe Biden); and his only-a-heartbeat-away extremely radical-left backup (Kamala Harris)—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on even “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable! And, to those who through ignorance likewise contributed to this rapidly unfolding nation-destructive tragedy—may due shame likewise be upon you!   —William James Moore

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“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
                                      —Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President.

Saturday, February 20, 2021


Most if not all topics can be the subject of various points of view, none the least—“Teachers’ Tenure.” 

For example, it seems that any serious discussion of the pros and cons of "Teachers’ Tenure" will eventually involve concerns about student-misbehavior in our schools; related obstacles posed by irrational parents; along with concerns that “absence of tenure” can make it too easy to fire teachers, and can in turn invite and encourage abuse by administrators, etc.

And then there’s the view of some that school administrators are often teachers who "couldn’t make it in the classroom."  Of course, if such a claim were to have validity it certainly would not speak well for the education system that certifies our school administrators, or for the folks that hire them to run our schools.

However, if “absence of tenure” represents a serious job-security concern for “qualified” and “competent” teachers—then, it would appear there should be an even deeper concern for our graduating children!

Why? Because by far the vast majority of them will at some point step out into a “real world” that is essentially “without tenure”! Into a world of opportunities, choices, and consequences—justly experienced by some, and unjustly by others. Into a world that in addition to fairness also includes abuse, unfairness, lawsuits, etc.—all without the protection of “tenure.”

Yes, to ever become independent self-supporting beings, at some point the majority of our children will have to be able to earn sustainable income, either through self-employment or as a public/private employee. As an employee, most will have to gain and maintain acceptance in an “At-will”/”Free-Will” employment world.

Meaning that they (as an employee) and their employer can at any time for any reason (other than illegal) terminate their working relationship without incurring legal liability. This again being the “real world” that most of us—and eventually the majority of our children—must work in, pay our bills in, raise a family in, and continue other aspects of our gift-of-life journey in. And, by far, the majority must do so—“without tenure”!

Tenure is often defined as “a senior academic’s contractual right not to have his or her position terminated without just cause.” Something not afforded to most other occupations and the working majority. Regardless of occupation—any “contractual right” lawfully worked out between an employee and employer could reasonably be viewed as being the sole business of the respective parties and not the concern of our federal or state government.

It could also be reasonably viewed that, when it comes to job security, our senior academics and other educators should have to seek and maintain employment under the same job protection measures afforded to their graduating students—where job security is a competition matter—and not a given occupation-privilege, government-mandate, or otherwise assumed right.

And, such will be the “real-world” circumstances that the vast majority of our children will ultimately be called upon to responsibly deal with. A crucial “reality lesson” our children should be taught early-on by parents and educators through “personal example”—how to live and prosper in a world “without tenure.”

The world I and countless others personally worked in from an early age until our so-called senior years—all without tenure. During which time we had the opportunity to work for and with some fair, courteous, and professionally competent people who were respected by us and others—as well as for and with some considered to be much otherwise. And, each experience was enjoyed or otherwise endured and survived—all “without tenure.”

Nevertheless, contracts of various types obviously do play an important part in our society of growing complexities. However, history and experience has yet to show that “tenure” and other “contracts” are the answer to misbehaved, disruptive and otherwise undisciplined students.  

Or to parents that are missing, irresponsible, or irrational; or to frivolous lawsuits, incompetent teachers, incompetent school administrators, incompetent school boards; or to unconcerned citizens; or to an over-reaching federal government’s increasing control of our education system.

“Tenure” and other “contracts” also have not yet resolved or explained why intelligent adults can have a deep-seated aversion to reasonable and common-sense discipline at home, in public, and at school—but on the other hand have little to no concern about the growing use of mood/mind-altering drugs on our children. 

Drugs that can inhibit little boys and little girls from behaving like little boys and little girls. Drugs potentially much more harmful to the physical and mental well-being of our children than some old-fashioned and otherwise appropriate consequences for misbehavior.

Dangerous medications that continue to mask major problems. Such as the lack of appropriate diet, exercise, rest, discipline, entertainment, adult role models, etc.—as well as irresponsible adults at home, at school, and elsewhere. Drugs that financially benefit the “adults” involved in the production, marketing, and administration of such potentially harmful substances. 

Medications with known and yet-to-be-discovered side effects—often disregarded by professionals and others pursuing the almighty dollar, as well as by those seeking a “prescribed-for-children” pill to replace their parenting role and other adult responsibilities.

Our federal and state governments, school systems, and we parents, grandparents, and other concerned citizens, have much bigger and more important fish to fry than “tenure.” Protecting our children from “legal” as well as the “illegal” pill-pushers, and some serious attention to appropriate diet, exercise, rest, discipline, entertainment, adult role models, etc., seem to be some good starting points.  

                                                                 —William James Moore

Friday, February 12, 2021


In addition to being painfully reminded that elections have consequences—millions of Americans also now awake each day in further witness to just how bone-chilling afraid the radical-left is of President Donald J. Trump!  A seemingly inescapable horror from which they are now panic-driven to try to eliminate through a 24/7 as-long-as-necessary “scorched-earth assault”!

A nation-dividing, nation-destroying, no-limits assault that will not only continue, but will become more and more insane-based and divisive until at least meaningfully hindered by purging anti-America ideology and other demons from the people’s White House and other parts of government.

Yes, the socialist/communist radical-left infested Democrat Party not only viewed “Trump” as a truly existential threat “while he campaigned for the Presidency” and “throughout his exceptionally accomplished administration”—but, even now as “private citizen” President Donald J. Trump”!  A proven outstandingly capable, qualified, experienced, patriotic, and popular “Trump”—who just might possibly “again” run for and win another term as the people’s President! 

Bringing with him that horrid affront to the radical-left—an ever growing “America-First,” “Make/Keep America Great Again” movement!  A historic nation-saving crusade not destroyed, but rather increasingly strengthened and awakened, by the tragic outcome of our country’s crucial November 03, 2020 general election—one stolen through fraud and deceit by the radical-left!

Therefore, swiftly added to the radical-left’s socialist/communist infested aims—the obviously long-planned, highly-prioritized “scorched earth assault” now underway by the current occupants of the people’s White House and their controlling Marxist-Leninist minded puppet masters!  

A most sinister assault to not only destroy any/all evidence of President Trump’s outstanding legacy, and otherwise eliminate him and his historic movement as an existential threat, but to in turn forever silence and otherwise “cancel” his ever-growing base of supporters—and thus the crucial liberty-saving voices of millions of patriotic conservative Americans! 

A no-limits “scorched-earth assault” supported by phony impeachment trials, destructive racist-labeling, double-standard accusations, self-proclaimed moral superiority, and an array of other sinister Marxist-Leninist weaponry.  

None the least, the long-employed weapon of “projection psychology”!  Where by, with straight face and without mercy, the radical-left boldly ACCUSES innocent patriotic conservative Americans and its other foes of shamefully “being” and “doing” that which the radical-left ACTUALLY “is” and “does”! 

So, we must hang on tight, keep the faith, and strive diligently America!  Because without doubt an extremely rough ride lies ahead in this uniquely blessed land of (so far) unequalled liberty, freedom, and opportunity!  

For our journey is now especially fraught with uniquely sinister temptations and treachery.  Threats not survivable through apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and irrational fear—but, through deep faith responsibly emboldened by a timely employed winning strategy!  

As “HOW DARE YOU EVER AGAIN CHALLENGE THE SELF-PROCLAIMED RULLING CLASS,” continues to be deceitfully pandered by the radical-left as “unity,” “caring,” “compassion,” “concern,” “void of racism,” "tolerance," and otherwise “true feelings”!  All of course being weapons of distraction in a most sinister radical-left assault likewise deceitfully billed as “saving the soul of America”!                                                                                                                                                                                     —William James Moore   

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 It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.” —Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1940-1945 and again from 1951-1955). 

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.”  —Ayn Rand (1905-1982), Russian-American writer and philosopher. 

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”   ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President. 

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.  Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”   —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President. 

“I am only one, but still I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.”  —Helen Keller (1880-1968), American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021



Millions of Americans now awake each day to the devastating results of our nation’s November 03, 2020 General Election. Painfully reminded that elections have consequences, and that hope alone is not a winning strategy! 

A successful “strategy” must include a sufficiently robust plan designed to achieve one’s major or overall aim. The socialist/communist radical-left infested Democrat Party had such a strategy—and the RINO-infested Republican Party did not! And America is now paying the painful liberty destroying price!

Yes, through an obviously successful strategy, the radical-left has been able to place control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of our precious Constitutional Republic, in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, career politicians in American history—Joe Biden.

Along with, just a heart-beat-away, his extremely radical-left running mate, Kamala Harris—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on even “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable!

Much to the contrary, and lacking a successful strategy, a RINO-infested, un-united, and otherwise dysfunctional Republican Party wasted a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! By failing to support and defend one of the (if not the) most hard working, dedicated, and accomplished U.S. Presidents ever—President Donald J. Trump—and his America-First agenda!

As President Trump and ever-growing millions of patriotic conservative supporters were left (and remain left) to swim upstream against a magnitude of radical-left sharks. Including, but not limited to, radical-left biased: prime time news media; big tech (e.g., Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc.); corrupt self-serving career politicians in both major political parties; as well as countless self-serving corrupt deep-state players throughout the federal government bureaucracy!

Yes, the socialist/communist radical-left infested Democrat Party had (and still has) a demonstrated successful strategy. One designed, put in place, and fine-tuned over many years.

A VERY UNIFIED RADICAL-LEFT STRATEGY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Creating an ever-growing self-perpetuating voter-base of “victims” beholding to the Democrat Party, through “open borders” and “free stuff” from the taxpayer-funded public treasury; flooding the nation with unlawful/unaccountable ballots to accommodate as-needed voter-fraud; infesting vote-processing staffs (especially in key states) with corrupt Democrat Party beholding players; publicly campaigning on promises of “unity,” “caring,” “compassion,” “feelings,” “equality,” “fair share,” “saving the planet Earth,” “etc.,”—while actually and unrelentingly pursuing the “true” agenda of the socialist/communist radical-left.

A “TRUE” DEMOCRAT AGENDA INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: a U.S. Economy/Health Care destroying “Green New Deal” and “Rationed Medicare for All”; job-killing taxes and regulations on businesses; taxpayer-funded abortions; banning and confiscating firearms from law-abiding citizens; criminalization of free speech and Judeo-Christian religious beliefs; abolishment of Electoral College; abolishment of Voter ID requirements; Voting Rights for illegal aliens and felons; open borders; citizenship and voting rights to millions of illegal aliens; packing Supreme Court with anti-U.S. Constitution liberals; taxpayer-funded Slave reparations; Federal intrusion into local police departments; Restoring the “Fairness doctrine” to destroy conservative talk radio.

A “TRUE” radical-left strategy further emboldened by: defunding the military; continuing the spread and practice of Sharia law on U.S. soil by resident Muslim populations who have no plans or intent of ever “assimilating” Judeo-Christian values or other U.S. common-culture norms; permanently halting all “drain the swamp” investigations and other Trump administration-initiated efforts to bring to justice corrupt parties within the prior Obama/Biden administration; and, always practicing “projection psychology”—by without mercy “accusing” patriotic conservative Americans for shamefully “being” and “doing” what the radical-left actually “is” and “does”! And if and when they resist such accusations—publicly and destructively label them as shameful “racists”!

Yes, WITHOUT A SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY, you don’t so-called “win” an election by confining a bumbling corrupt fool candidate to a basement, while his opponent—America’s truly exceptionally-accomplished President—works tirelessly and covers the country with a magnitude of overwhelmingly attended “America-First” “Make/Keep America Great Again” rallies!

Furthermore, the socialist/communist radical-left infested Democrat Party will NOT be defeated in forthcoming elections—WITHOUT A WINNING STRATEGY! An indisputable fact-of-life made even more certain by the unrelenting and obviously highly-prioritized “scorched earth” drive underway by the current occupants of the people’s White House and the controlling radical-left puppet masters!

A most sinister aim to not only destroy any/all evidence of President Trump’s outstanding legacy, and otherwise eliminate him and his historic movement as an existential threat, but to likewise forever silence and otherwise “cancel” his ever-growing base of supporters — and thus the voices of millions of patriotic conservative Americans!

On a related note, in the now naturally rapidly-diminishing so-called senior citizen phase of my gift-of-life journey, I still suffer from bouts with vain-infested “terminal uniqueness.” While of course the humbling reality is that I am far from alone! Not only in my general thinking, but also regarding very troubling and increasing concerns that my generation, and America's other so-called adults, are not passing on to our children and grandchildren the same (or preferably more so) America of liberty, freedom, and opportunity that was passed to us.

And, recognizing that America’s present and future depends upon having a WINNING STRATEGY already in place—countless of us are increasingly frustrated and often painfully self-critical. For lacking the personal wisdom and ways to meaningfully contribute to such a dire need—one that can’t be fulfilled by grumbling, growling, or hope alone! As is so aptly emphasized and cautioned by the below inserted historically prophetic quotations from not so long ago.   —William James Moore

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“It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.” —Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1940-1945 and again from 1951-1955).

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.” —Ayn Rand (1905-1982), Russian-American writer and philosopher.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President.

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President.

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” —Helen Keller (1880-1968), American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Sunday, February 7, 2021


Given growing evidence that “tolerance” is far from an abundant virtue of the radical-left, a growing number may already be painfully disappointed with their Party’s progress of turning our country into another socialist/communist hell-hole. Yes, even after already occupying the White House for some 19 days — Biden still has not yet got the job totally done!

Even after already signing a shamefully huge number of so-called “Saving-America’s Soul” Executive Orders! Even after having some 47 years of self-proclaimed “experience” for the job! Even after all the public “Nation-Uniting/Healing” lies and behind the scenes promises and corruption! And, even after being supported “but-a-heart-beat-away” by our country’s “first female (and of color)” presidential backup — still, Biden has not yet got the job totally done!

Nevertheless, all is not lost! Because — at least “so far” — there appears to be no public evidence of Biden/Harris-caused “HURT FEELINGS,” or of “INSESSANT CRIES FOR THEIR IMPEACHMENT”! At least, within the countless millions who, through ignorance or intent, worked so long and hard and nation-destructively to infest the White House with their occupancy.

Therefore, and especially to those who consider themselves once or still yet traumatized by President Trump’s straight-talk, void-of-political-correctness demeanor, and businessman-approach to protecting and preserving our inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness — try one’s best to bask in a bit of gratitude that at last one’s “FEELINGS” seem to be now safe and secure in the hands the Biden/Harris Team!

As Biden and Harris, fittingly “masked,” spend the balance of their in-process four year occupation of the people’s White House — further demonstrating just how uniquely uniting, non-racist, ever-so-inclusive, understanding, and otherwise compassionate they and their socialist/communist radical-left Democrat Party puppet-masters truly are!

                                                             —William James Moore

Friday, February 5, 2021


Just in case one might benefit from a gentle reminder — a “Parasite” is an organism living on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host.

And, speaking of reminders — “We the People” are collectively "the employer” of a most burdensome staff of “Federal Government” employees. One that, according to “our” Office of Personnel Management (OPM), now numbers some 2.1 million! Spread throughout the three branches of “our” U.S. government (executive, legislative, and judicial). Meaning of course — politicians and their staff members; military personnel; and numerous civilian employees.

Within these hard to grasp and ever-changing numbers, are lots of good hard-working people striving to do the right thing. Dedicated Americans increasingly overshadowed and out-shouted, however, by no shortage of self-serving, blood-sucking, parasitic leeches feeding off of our taxpayer funded public treasury!

And, while there are many of the self-absorbed nation-destructive latter (e.g., Biden; Harris; Pelosi; Schumer; Schiff; McConnell, etc.), one that keeps coming to mind, likely the result of his seemingly ever-media-presence as “the” so-called China Virus expert, is the “HIGEST PAID OF THEM ALL” — good old Dr. Anthony Fauci!

Yes, 80 years young career bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose annual salary (according to latest available 2019 reporting) was $417,608 — making him “our” highest-paid employee in “all” of “our” U.S. federal government!

Paid even more than the $400,000 yearly salary we allot to our U.S. Presidents! Yes, more than the same presidential salary that President Trump voluntarily forfeited, and chose to “donate” to charity, throughout his exceptionally dedicated and profoundly accomplished four years in office!

Obviously, any serious thought about “We the People” having on our payroll those who are striving to destroy our country, through their socialist/communist radical-left infested agendas and other insanities, is of course painful and otherwise disheartening beyond words!

But, for us to continue to reserve the “HIGHEST SALARY OF THEM ALL” for someone whose most visible contribution in the work place appears limited to self-promoting media appearances, and spewing such profound and revolutionary guidance as “wear a mask,” “wash your hands,” and “stay 6 feet apart,” etc., — just seems to be an epitome of deeply shameful inconsideration and irresponsibility on our part as his ultimate “employer”!

As, during our respective gift-of-life journeys, millions upon millions of “We the Employer” are called upon to somehow get by with a bit less than the (now likely much more than) $1,144 per day we continue to, year after year, shell out to good old Dr. Fauci. Along with in kind grossly-absurd compensation packages to countless like-undeserving others!

Yes, driven by ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and irrational fear, too many of us—through ignorance or intent—continue to enable a parasite-infested political hierarchy! One that is rapidly becoming more and more a government “of the government,” “by the government,” and “for the government”!

Nevertheless, and on a further encouraging and uplifting note, I remain confident that one day—after extensive self-analysis—it will be “revealed” why I was hell-bent to bother others with this self-absorbed babbling. A revelation I am most certain will ultimately show that, rather than traceable to some personal character flaw on my part, or a failing of my loving parents — the root-cause fault indisputably rests totally and unforgivably with “Trump”!  Along with so-called "Climate Change," "Hurt Feelings," and much more of the World's ills and misfortunes!     

                                                           —William James Moore

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


At the time of this 02/02/2021 posting, “OUR” unsustainable, rapidly-increasing U.S. NATIONAL DEBT totaled more than $27.8 Trillion ($27,865,617,000,000)!

Or, when expressed in a bit more personal fashion—a debt burden of more than $84,156 per each U.S. Citizen (or, $222,191 per taxpayer)!

Yes, “each” newly-born U.S. Citizen arriving today, was unknowingly and helplessly presented with a “Very Special B-Day Present” from America’s so-called past and present “adults”—a passed-on to them “personal debt obligation” of over $84,156 and rapidly growing!

Of course, the above truly uplifting information becomes even more comforting when mixed with the following News Flashes:

(1.) “The Federal Government has no money”! Other than: tax revenue (from us); money it prints (which can devalue our money and/or further increase our debt); or, money it borrows (which again represents more debt to us).

(2.) “Ever-increasing Spending/Debt is not sustainable, and involves consequences”! Whether that of the typical American household, or that of our federal government.

(3.) “Nothing is truly free—none the least, our National Debt”! That which may appear to be so-called “free” to one, must at some point be “paid for” by another. If not by today’s so-called adults, then at some future point by their descendants. 

(4.) “The size of a Trillion of anything defies human comprehension”! To assist in understanding how big “a trillion” is, one trillion seconds equals about 31,710 years. Therefore, paying back our present National Debt of $27.8 Trillion at “One Dollar per Second” would take about 881,538 years! And, some 158 billion seconds ago—Jesus Christ walked this Earth!

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And, just in case one should encounter a day when everything is going “much better” than one can longer bear—no more than an attentive minute or so at the “link inserted below” should bring about at least some temporary relief from such trauma!
                                                             —William James Moore