Friday, February 5, 2021


Just in case one might benefit from a gentle reminder — a “Parasite” is an organism living on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host.

And, speaking of reminders — “We the People” are collectively "the employer” of a most burdensome staff of “Federal Government” employees. One that, according to “our” Office of Personnel Management (OPM), now numbers some 2.1 million! Spread throughout the three branches of “our” U.S. government (executive, legislative, and judicial). Meaning of course — politicians and their staff members; military personnel; and numerous civilian employees.

Within these hard to grasp and ever-changing numbers, are lots of good hard-working people striving to do the right thing. Dedicated Americans increasingly overshadowed and out-shouted, however, by no shortage of self-serving, blood-sucking, parasitic leeches feeding off of our taxpayer funded public treasury!

And, while there are many of the self-absorbed nation-destructive latter (e.g., Biden; Harris; Pelosi; Schumer; Schiff; McConnell, etc.), one that keeps coming to mind, likely the result of his seemingly ever-media-presence as “the” so-called China Virus expert, is the “HIGEST PAID OF THEM ALL” — good old Dr. Anthony Fauci!

Yes, 80 years young career bureaucrat Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose annual salary (according to latest available 2019 reporting) was $417,608 — making him “our” highest-paid employee in “all” of “our” U.S. federal government!

Paid even more than the $400,000 yearly salary we allot to our U.S. Presidents! Yes, more than the same presidential salary that President Trump voluntarily forfeited, and chose to “donate” to charity, throughout his exceptionally dedicated and profoundly accomplished four years in office!

Obviously, any serious thought about “We the People” having on our payroll those who are striving to destroy our country, through their socialist/communist radical-left infested agendas and other insanities, is of course painful and otherwise disheartening beyond words!

But, for us to continue to reserve the “HIGHEST SALARY OF THEM ALL” for someone whose most visible contribution in the work place appears limited to self-promoting media appearances, and spewing such profound and revolutionary guidance as “wear a mask,” “wash your hands,” and “stay 6 feet apart,” etc., — just seems to be an epitome of deeply shameful inconsideration and irresponsibility on our part as his ultimate “employer”!

As, during our respective gift-of-life journeys, millions upon millions of “We the Employer” are called upon to somehow get by with a bit less than the (now likely much more than) $1,144 per day we continue to, year after year, shell out to good old Dr. Fauci. Along with in kind grossly-absurd compensation packages to countless like-undeserving others!

Yes, driven by ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and irrational fear, too many of us—through ignorance or intent—continue to enable a parasite-infested political hierarchy! One that is rapidly becoming more and more a government “of the government,” “by the government,” and “for the government”!

Nevertheless, and on a further encouraging and uplifting note, I remain confident that one day—after extensive self-analysis—it will be “revealed” why I was hell-bent to bother others with this self-absorbed babbling. A revelation I am most certain will ultimately show that, rather than traceable to some personal character flaw on my part, or a failing of my loving parents — the root-cause fault indisputably rests totally and unforgivably with “Trump”!  Along with so-called "Climate Change," "Hurt Feelings," and much more of the World's ills and misfortunes!     

                                                           —William James Moore

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