Friday, May 24, 2019

The Right To "Offend" and "Be Offended"

As a part of a notable presentation I once had the opportunity to attend, one of the principal speakers openly-acknowledged still having—as he with tongue-in-cheek put it—a “few” unresolved personal imperfections. Such as:

(1.) “Having a down deep preference of not ever being made aware of disagreements with his views, opinions, and perspectives—regardless of any image of open-minded tolerance he may portray”; 

(2.) “Having a strong craving to have ‘his’ way in most matters—in spite of any uniquely-obliging image he may convey.”

In this self-deprecating manner, the speaker was of course drawing attention to some aspects of human nature not at all unique to him. Attention to some shared attitudes and behaviors that most if not all of us, at one time or another, fail to duly consider—as a result of our ignorance, oversight, or intent. Especially, for example, when using Internet-facilitated social media to share our hopes and concerns and/or to comment about that shared by others.

Yes, in spite of social media’s illusive safe-space buffer and ever-growing political-correctness algorithms, etc., even this “modern day communications experience” is not immune to providing us with, in not always necessarily gentle and subtle ways, some human nature reality checks. None the least, regarding the limitations and consequences of even our most admirably intended communications. For example

(1.) Presenting an argument or opinion to people who already agree with it is actually, as they say, “Preaching to the Choir”; 

(2.) For some among us to accept facts, logic, common-sense, and historically-founded experience and wisdom, etc., seems to be a futile or otherwise impossible activity best described by the adage, “Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig”; 

(3.) Before undertaking the impossible task of having truly meaningful communications with those combatively opposed to entertaining any view other than that of their own, all would be well-advised to heed the caution flagged by another old saying, “Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty and the pig likes it”; 

(4.) Sharing firmly-held hopes, beliefs, and concerns with others, via social media or otherwise, inescapably entails certain risks and a mix of potential double-edged sword outcomes. None the least being—"relationships that as a result are either sustained, improved, strained, or irreparably-damaged, etc."

Therefore, at times some might reasonably consider it best for all concerned to just keep one’s self our hopes and concerns and views about that of others. Especially regarding deeply engrained and often emotionally-charged attitudes regarding politics, religion, etc.

Yes, that might seem so—until, that is, one considers the heavy (often ultimate) past and present price paid by so many to protect and preserve the “liberty to speak freely” (while not infringing upon the equal rights of others). Our right to offend and be offended; our right to agree and be disagreed with; our right to at times have our way and at times accommodate that of others. 

A take-away from all this chatter seems to be—and as evidenced by Amendment #1 of our U.S. Bill of Rights (first ten Amendments to U.S. Constitution)—America’s founders clearly understood, through wisdom and personal experience with tyranny, that it is to our peril should we ever fail to grasp that “freedom of speech” is high among the indisputably-essential foundation blocks of our inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. 

The “right to offend” cannot exist where the “right to be offended” does not. 

                                                           —William James Moore 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

"How to Gain & Keep a Seat in U.S. Congress"---A "Free" and "Historically-Proven" Five-Step Plan

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”
                                                                    —Groucho Marx

“If there is ever a fascist takeover in America, it will come not in the form of storm troopers kicking down doors but with lawyers and social workers saying, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”                                                                              —Jonah Goldberg

“Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.” 
                                                                       —Ronald Reagan

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Having never personally sought or held a job in “politics,” this historically-proven-successful plan was derived from wisdom gained from the “University of Life” . . . while personally observing, helping to pay for, and living with the results of, politicians in conflict with the intent of our country’s Founders. More specifically, politicians who turn “serving the people” into a “life-time career” of seeking and partaking of an array of self-serving special privileges and other personal benefits.

And now being in my senior years and otherwise ill-equipped to productively pursue its use, this most valued and sought-after plan is herein offered to the general public, “free-of-charge” [subject only to basic commonsense conditions specified later herein].

                                            =   =   =

STEP #1 — “Perfect Location”: Legally or otherwise, be born in, move to, or otherwise establish citizenship in, a most unique constitutional republic. One providing unequaled liberty and freedom. The worldwide-envy of countless less fortunate others. In the first and yet only nation governed by a unique constitution that establishes a separation of powers through three separate but equal branches of government: An Executive Branch (headed by the president), a Legislative Branch (headed by Congress, which includes a House of Representatives and a Senate), and a Judicial Branch (headed by a Supreme Court). A government of checks and balances—with each branch having its own responsibilities to uphold the constitution, work with the other branches of government, and to protect the liberty/freedom of each citizen. In a nation where sovereignty (supreme power and authority) rests with its citizens. In—the best hope for humankind—a nation established by wise, insightful, and courageous, framers who worked hard to avoid the risk of dictatorship or tyranny. A most precious republic resulting from human needs and sacrifices—all too often disregarded due to innocent ignorance or intentional agenda. In other words—in the “United States of America,” the only place on Earth that satisfies these long-standing and much sought after human needs and expectations.

STEP #2 — “Unrelenting Persistence”: Never hesitate to do “whatever it takes” to get elected to the political office you seek. You will get a lot of help. Largely from voters absorbed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear—especially concerning their country’s national and international best-interests. And from those who, “in consideration for” their votes and otherwise support, expect in kind special favors from your position of power and influence. Always remember that constant diversion and distraction from the real issues can also be a valuable aid to your success.

STEP #3 — “Properly Prioritized Objectives”: Once elected, your first and foremost aim must always be keeping your job and maintaining and expanding any power it provides you. Important even above the oath you have taken to uphold your constitutional role. And, while “serving the people,” always make sure that your salary, healthcare, retirement, and overall benefit package far exceed that of your average constituent and private sector counterparts.   Special Focus: If you have any anti-America leanings, and/or originate from, or otherwise hold the ideology of, a socialist, communist, or otherwise failed and/or liberty-depriving nation, make sure you unrelentingly use your political campaign and ultimate seat in the U.S. congress to impose the destructive aspects of such background on America.

STEP #4 — “Skillful Delegating”: Should you ever be forced to actually deal with any of your respective constitutional duties, make sure that you readily delegate those tasks to one or more of the existing hundreds of government-funded agencies, departments, bureaus, or commissions. More preferably—create a “new” one that duplicates one or more of the untold hundreds of tax-payer burdens already in place. In doing so, the VA, IRS, EPA, CFPB, USDHS, NSA, DNI, NRLB, BLA, NRC, and OSHA, are but a few of the countless existing models to consider. But, in any case, make sure that the functions you delegate your responsibilities to have union representation, and without fail also provide their government employees with salaries, bonuses, healthcare, retirement, and other benefits that exceed that of their private sector counterparts.

It is also important that you entrust your passed-on responsibilities to folks who—similar to your circumstances—also have job security, bonuses, and an overall benefit package, duly protected from any efforts by “the voters” to control the cost of government. As well as protection from any attempt to hold anyone accountable for waste, fraud, abuse of power or for basic unsatisfactory job performance. Recent scandals involving the FBI, CIA, VA, IRS, NSA, and BLA, etc., can serve as good role models. If supporting funds run short for these or other agencies, bureaus, departments, and commissions—make certain to readily increase taxes as required to at least maintain the status-quo. As well as cover any cost-of-living increases, etc.

Once you get your political agenda implanted in one or more of these functions you are pretty much home free. Because these bureaucracies are headed up by and staffed with people not elected by or realistically accountable to “the people.” But, ever so important also, is to never forget to remind the government bureaucracies which you create and/or perpetuate, just how important it is that they remember to whom they owe their existence and longevity. That, being to you, of course.

STEP #5 — "Accepting Responsibility": Last but not least and regardless of political affiliation—NEVER accept responsibility for anything. Make sure you blame any and all shortfalls on the other party, the previous administration, or someone else. Or, if need be, to an act of God, or a “computer glitch.” Keep in mind that in selected cases a politically biased and agenda driven news media can also be very, very supportive of such efforts. As can an electorate consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, greed, fear, class warfare, social-media frenzy, or other distractions and diversions. And relax—after your time of “serving the people” has passed, you will very likely be able to get by and make ends meet through the various opportunities that await you—as a lobbyist, political advisor, author, guest speaker, corporate board member, talk show guest/host, government appointee, or maybe your own Reality TV Show—to list but a few struggling opportunities.

BASIC COMMONSENSE CONDITIONS: Any/all users of above Five-Step Plan must without reservation accept, agree, and ensure that the plan offeror/originator, William James Moore, will be recipient of untraceable life-time political favors commensurate with each respective user’s level of success achieved as a result thereof. And that, in accordance with political custom, such favors and their source will be categorically denied to exist—that is, until being of benefit to the plan offeror/originator to do otherwise. Furthermore, those who fail to grasp the intended jest, cynicism, and satire of this offer and these said conditions, may well find that the herein plan and other aspects of this posting are not compatible with their respective career aspirations, sense of political humor, and/or other concept of reality.

CAUTIONARY NOTES AND ENCOURAGING ACKNOWLEGMENTS: The above “Five Step Plan” will not appeal to everyone. Fortunately, there still exists truly good, honest, hardworking, competent, informed, responsible, and self-sacrificing citizens. Within the young and old; rich and poor; and in between. Patriotic politicians, media personnel, and folks from all other walks of life. Those who are positive contributors to society and truly have our country’s best interests in mind. Such persons will be much too busy trying to do the right thing, to have anything other than justified contempt for the above Five Step Plan and those who pursue it or similar behavior. And, it is to our U.S. citizens’ shame and misfortune that such scarce, deserving, and often publicly scorned folks, are not more often recipient of our unrelenting support and appreciation.
                                                                  ---William James Moore

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“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” —Plato

“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.”—Napoleon Bonaparte

“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.”  —Milton Friedman

“A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.”                                                        
                  —Theodore Roosevelt

“What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.”
                                                                  —Margaret Thatcher

Friday, May 17, 2019

"Preaching To The Choir" and "Wrestling With Pigs"

It is of course far from a news-flash that millions of Americans share a deep concern about the continuing chip, chip, chipping-away at our nation’s “crucial foundation blocks” — our U.S. Constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values. By an array of very real and ever-spreading threats to our liberty and freedom, some of which are noted at the end of this posting.

Millions of us likewise share an unrelenting craving for ways and means to somehow meaningfully contribute to a successful struggle against such threats. To in some way help ensure that we pass on to our nation’s children, grandchildren, and future generations of Americans, the nature of precious liberty and freedom earlier availed to us for our responsible handling. 

As a seemingly growing number of us have at times included, and continue to include, Social Media among our ways of expressing our related hopes and concerns. 

Social media—a “communications experience” that continues to offer millions of us reminders of mixed intent about some of life’s often overlooked realities. Such as:

(1.) Presenting an argument or opinion to people who already agree with it is, as they say, “Preaching to the Choir”;

(2.) Attempting to share facts, logic, common-sense, and historically-founded experience and wisdom, etc., with those of a closed-mind, is a futile or otherwise impossible activity best described by the adage, “Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig”;

(3.) And, before undertaking the impossible task of meaningfully-communicating with those hell-bent to blatantly defy facts, logic, common-sense, and historically-founded experience and wisdom, etc., one should well heed the caution flagged by another old saying, “Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

Therefore, in the face of the above realities, it would seem that regardless of how positively (or negatively) intended, much of any efforts to influence the thinking of others likely falls in the sack of “exercises in utter futility.” Especially when it comes to matters regarding deeply ingrained attitudes regarding politics, religion, etc.

However, and as evidenced by the ever growing efforts to intimidate, shout-down, and otherwise muzzle any “freedom of speech” other than that defined and expressed by the radical political-left, . . . it is indisputably clear and crucial that “liberty and freedom” defending voices also continue to be heard throughout America and elsewhere. Even if doing so, risks (so-to-speak) “preaching to the choir”; “getting soiled while wrestling with pigs”; and “enduring the frustration of never being able to teach pigs to sing.”

And, for myself and others who can benefit from a crucial memory-jog regarding “why put forth the effort” summarized below are some randomly-listed examples of the wide-spreading threats facing present and future generations of Americans. Individually and collectively entailing a most daunting challenge that one day will fall upon the shoulders of our now nation’s youth. Many of whom have been conditioned to believe that “life is (or should be) fair.” And consumed with the delusion that there actually exists something that is “free” (not ultimately paid by someone)—including our too often abused and taken-for-granted “liberty and freedom.”

[“A Not All-inclusive Reminder List” of Threats to Our Liberty, Freedom, and Ultimate Survival: Socialism; communism; radical/militant Islam; Sharia law; a growing and unsustainable $22 trillion National Debt; a dysfunctional and self-perpetuating U.S. Congress; entrenched politically-biased “deep state” of unelected government bureaucrats; politically-biased news media; efforts to disarm law-abiding citizens; uncontrolled U.S. borders; lack of merit-based immigration policy; racism propaganda and other divide-and-conquer agendas; politically-liberal biased administrations embedded throughout much of our schools, colleges, and universities; efforts to silence any “freedom of speech” other than that of the radical political-left; political correctness (denial of truth, fact, reality); uncontrolled voter-registration and illegal-balloting; and a self-destructive base of non-participating legal U.S. voters, as well as active voters consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears.]     —William James Moore 

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Confronting Self-Inflicted "BS"

When associated with human behavior, the transitive verb “bullshitting” (or possibly more gentle, softer, less-offensive abbreviation—“BS”) is commonly associated with that which is nonsense, misleading, deceptive, etc.

Now, in all honesty, if I were ever so inclined to search long and hard enough, there is a trace of possibility that I just might stumble upon something I know very little about (smile). However, not at all so when it comes to “bullshitting”—for therein rests an area I know more than just a bit about.

Throughout my life (as a child, teenager, and so-called adult), self-inflicted “BS” has often been used to self-explain or otherwise excuse why various aims and opportunities were and remain beyond realization by the likes of me. When reality might have been, or might yet be, much otherwise—given more confident thinking and an enhanced level of effort on my part.

Then, there was that self-inflicted “prior to” marriage “BS.” Which, for example, held that when once married I would never make the mistakes experienced by my parents and countless other married couples. This of course being a grossly-naïve view on my part, and long-ago disproved by a continuing history of personal shortfalls, many once believed beyond any consideration by the once self-perceived me.

Followed of course by a massive dose of self-inflicted “prior to” parenthood “BS.” Which likewise held that if I ever were a dad I would never be guilty of the child-rearing mistakes experienced by my parents and countless others. This of course being yet another long-ago unachieved aim—more aptly a not met crucial responsibility—contributed to in no small measure by many painfully-regretful failings on my part.

And now—in the rapidly-diminishing years of my too-often taken for granted gift-of-life journey; as our U.S. constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture based on Judeo-Christian values, etc., are being threatened and destroyed before our eyes—I continue to “BS” myself. This time with the lofty notion that somehow I (or anyone) can make a difference; that somehow I (or anyone) can help salvage for ourselves, and preserve for our children and grandchildren, the precious liberty and freedom being threatened by an ever growing number and nature of present and ancient-rooted evils.

Nevertheless, each time the feelings of hopelessness reach the “throw-in-the-towel” (so to speak) tipping point, a sobering thought comes to mind. That being, if they were given the opportunity to ponder—those who have already lost or have never experienced liberty and freedom, would likely consider it to be grossly-irresponsible and self-destructive “BS” to not at least try! Yes, using whatever ways and means one has available, at least try to not let the forces of evil deny the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

And of course ranking high on the “BS” list would be any thinking that the experiences and concerns expressed above are somehow unique to, and alone shared by, the likes of me. 

                                                           —William James Moore  

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“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” —Helen Keller (1880-1968), American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President.

“To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last – but eat you he will.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President

“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” —Eliezer Wiesel (1928-2016), Romanian-born American Jewish writer, professor, political activist, Nobel Laureate, Holocaust survivor.

“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” —Eliezer Wiesel (1928-2016), Romanian-born American Jewish writer; professor.

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” —Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968), American Baptist minister; 1964 Nobel Peace Prize Recipient; First President of Southern Christian Leadership Conference; activist; most visible spokesperson and leader in civil rights movement from 1954 until his assassination in 1968.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Socialism: A Warning from the Dead!

STRONGLY SUGGESTED VIEWING: “Socialism: A Warning from the Dead.” A FREE BlazeTV/Glen Beck special, originally steamed live Wednesday, May 01, 2019, at 8 p.m. ET (7 p.m. CT) on YouTube, Facebook, and BlazeTV.  

Presenting a LIVE in-depth look at the top-down and bottom-up tactics used in the past to flip free-market nations to socialist or communist regimes. Liberty/freedom-destroying tactics many of which are being mimicked in American politics today.   ---William James Moore.