Sunday, June 27, 2021


Along with humankind’s countless and much-too-often overlooked “good sides,” come a mixed bag of “much to the contrary” attitudes and behaviors. None the least, the many faces of “bias” —commonly viewed as “prejudices in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another; usually in a way considered to be unfair.” With what is deemed “fair” and “unfair” of course being, so-to-speak, in the eye of the beholder(s).

For example, the partially political cartoon at the top of Page 4, Opinion section, Weekend, Saturday-Sunday, June 26-27, 2021 edition, of our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun. No doubt considered by many to fittingly draw attention to 77-year old (once Trump attorney) Rudy Giuliani’s recent loss of law license.

As others, however, likely view that less biased and more responsible reporting would have also included a cartoon of much more community interest and national concern. Such as, one drawing attention to 78-year old Joe Biden’s (at best, embarrassing and troubling) gaff-afflicted public communications as President of this planet’s most powerful country.

And then, (on same Page 4) there’s the likewise not so subtly biased article titled, “Dispelling the myth of a ‘Christian nation’” — a worthy of read piece artfully articulating the author’s mix of selected facts and opinion. And ending with the words . . . “Any attempt to establish a Christian nation, therefore, always has been and always will be unjust, dangerous and profoundly un-Christian.”

A writing that many very likely strongly hold would have been far less unbalanced (biased), and much more responsible, if it had also included, for example, the following ever-so-relevant crucial facts:

(1.) America, this ever-so-unique and most precious Constitutional Republic, was also not founded as a “radical/militant Islam nation”;

(2.) Sharia law (Islam religious law), and other radical/militant Islam ideology, cannot co-exist with our U.S. Constitution, or otherwise with the unalienable human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;

(3.) any disregard of above facts (1.) and (2.) is not only blatantly un-American and in ignorance/denial of world history, but also  insanely suicidal.

As we individually and collectively pursue our respective gift-of-life journeys on this mutually shared planet, it seems especially noteworthy that — as with the rights to offend, be offended, etc. — the assumed or legitimate right to harbor and employ the many faces of bias also comes not void of responsibility and consequences, regardless of founding in oversight, ignorance, intent, or otherwise.

                                                            —William James Moore

Monday, June 21, 2021


When applying to human behavior, the transitive verb “Bullshitting” (BS) is commonly associated with that which is “nonsense, misleading, deceptive, etc.”

Now, in all honesty, if I were ever so inclined to search long and hard enough, there is a trace of possibility that I just might eventually stumble upon something I know very little about. However, such an obviously destined to be futile endeavor would certainly not lead to the ancient art of “bullshitting.” For therein rests an area I know considerably much more than just a bit about.

Including, but not limited to, the fact that “BS spewing behavior" rests not alone with the nation-destructive Marxist/Socialist/Communist Radical-Left puppets and puppet masters now infesting the people’s White House, U.S. Congress, and various other aspects of all levels of government.

For example, throughout my life (as a child, teenager, and now so-called adult), no shortage of self-indulged “BS” has at times been called upon to self-explain or otherwise excuse why various aims and opportunities were and remain beyond realization by the likes of me. When a more factual depiction of reality might have been, or might yet be, much to the otherwise — especially with much more-confident thinking and more responsible effort on my part.

Then, there was that vanity-driven “prior to marriage” BS. Which, for example, held that when once married I would never make the mistakes experienced by my parents and countless other clearly less-gifted married couples. This of course being at best a grossly naïve and immature view on my part — and long-ago disproved by a continuing history of personal shortfalls, many of which I once believed were beyond even the slightest of consideration by the once self-perceived me.

Followed of course by a massive dose of grossly presumptuous “prior to parenthood” BS. Which likewise held that if I ever were blessed to be a dad, I would never be guilty of the child-rearing mistakes experienced by my parents and countless clearly less appropriately-focused others. This also of course long ago being yet another most humbling life-reality-check, including regretful failings on my part that forever strive to overshadow, if not at times cancel, the wish-there-had-been-many-more done rights.

And now — in the rapidly-diminishing years of my too-often taken for granted gift-of-life journey, and as our U.S. constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture based on Judeo-Christian values, etc., are being threatened and destroyed before our eyes — I continue to “BS” myself. 

This time with the lofty notion that somehow I (or anyone) can make a difference; that somehow I (or anyone) can help salvage for ourselves, and preserve for our children and grandchildren, the precious liberty and freedom being threatened by an ever growing number and nature of present and ancient-rooted evils.

Nevertheless, each time the feelings of hopelessness reach the “throw-in-the-towel” (so to speak) tipping point, a most sobering and responsibility-inspiring thought comes to mind. That being, the countless worldwide who have already lost, or have never experienced, liberty and freedom, would likely consider it grossly-irresponsible and self-destructive “BS” to not at least try! Yes, using whatever ways and means one has available — or can make available — to at least try to not let the forces of evil deny our inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

And of course also ranking high on the list of truly indisputable “BS” — would be any thinking on my part or others that the life experiences and growing concerns expressed above are somehow alone shared by the likes of terminally-unique me. 

                                                      —William James Moore
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“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” —Helen Keller (1880-1968), American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Sunday, June 20, 2021


Upfront — the radical-left remains terrified by, and is struggling to recover from, the undeniable success of President Trump’s most fitting “What have you got to lose?” and his unprecedented “Promises made, promises kept!”

And, in keeping with the radical-left’s ongoing scorched-Earth-designed anti-Trump agenda —America is being nation-destructively besieged with a mixed-bag of racist-weaponized screams. Including those demanding that certain groups of now living U.S. citizens owe “apologies and reparations” for wrongs did long before they were born — by others they likewise had no control over or responsibility for.

Therefore, to those who are quick to jump on the radical-left’s apologies and reparations bandwagon, the following is a little related background you might consider, along with a free-of-charge plan you can pursue to help demonstrate just how much you truly, “truly care.”

RELATED BACKGROUND: When it comes to those who have been wronged on this planet, by someone, the list is without end. Including the often-called "Native Americans"---just one example of a shameful multitude.

Many if not most historical scholars agree that millions of “Native Americans” (also known as American Indians, Indigenous Americans, First Americans, and other terms) occupied what is now the United States long, long, long before the arrival of Christopher Columbus and other adventurers from Europe, Africa, Asia, etc.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are about 574 federally recognized Native American tribes in the U.S., comprising a current total population of about 6.79 million Native Americans (about 2.09 percent of the entire U.S. population). These being today’s descendants of Native American ancestors who faced centuries of persecution and discrimination, losing their land and resources, and forced onto reservations lacking the resources to sustain their culture and communities, etc. Native Americans who reportedly now have the highest poverty rate of any major racial group, with about one in four people living below the poverty line.

FREE-OF-CHARGE PLAN: Hence, any and all “regardless of skin color” non-Native Americans who truly, “truly care” about the radical-left’s apologies and reparations pitch . . . how about including a heart-felt apology to all now living Native Americans. As you return to them all of your ill-gotten land and other assets; timely pack up a handful of basic essentials; depart U.S. soil; and permanently relocate your abusive, offending, racist-infested, and otherwise despicable selves to your respective land of ancestry-origin within Europe, Africa, Asia, etc. Where you will undoubtedly be welcomed with open arms, bountiful liberty and freedom, and “free stuff” beyond your wildest dreams!

And, while at it, if you truly, “truly care” about saving the Planet Earth from so-called “Global Warming,” you will carry out your heart-felt apology and reparations departure without the benefit of any and all forms of evil fossil-fuel powered transportation.

Again, just something to ponder — if you truly, “truly care”!

                                                             — William James Moore  

Tuesday, June 15, 2021


“The unthinkable” didn’t just happen overnight.

No, “a sudden undertaking” did not bring about an “America now critically plagued with” nation/liberty-destroying racist propaganda, identity politics, critical race theory, 1619 Project, gender neutrality, attacks on our U.S. Constitution, open borders, encouraged and uncontrolled invasion by illegal aliens, failure to enforce our common-language English, failure to defend our common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, corrupt voting systems, and a people’s White House now occupied by radical-left puppets and puppet masters.

Much to the contrary, the chip, chip, chipping away started long, long before the November 03, 2020 presidential election.   By way of a sinister Marxist/socialist/communist radical-left plan that has, over the years, critically infested and taken root in virtually all aspects of U.S. society.  None the least, in various critical areas of our local/state/federal government; administration/teaching staff of our educational institutions; so-called news media; CEOs/other corporate staff of so-called Big-Tech (e.g., Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon); etc.

All while countless folks such as I were for much too long “asleep-at-the-switch” (so-to-speak), regarding the consequences of being, through ignorance and/or intent, irresponsibly inattentive of and to the age-old struggle between good and evil.

And now that evil has indisputably taken an unprecedented and ever-more-threatening hold throughout this most precious Constitutional Republic — the ever-so-daunting task of purging it and saving this best and likely last hope for liberty, will of course take much more than social media growling alone. 

In addition to a strong, responsible, and unmuzzled conservative pro-America voice, also required will be a level of exceptional patriotic wisdom, effort, and sacrifice that few if any of us now so-called adults in the room can honestly begin to envision.

An inescapable legacy and patriotic calling that now rests on the backs of younger generations of Americans—many of whom have not only been shamefully short changed on factual World/American history, but also contaminated with self-destructive anti-patriotic, hate-America propaganda.

Yet, another reminder that our gift-of-life journey entails choices and consequences, and comes not standard-equipped with a reverse gear.  

A further reminder also, that alone and regardless of how well-intentioned, these far from news-flashing words very likely and appropriately fall in the already bloated sack of “Much Too Little . . . Much Too Late!”

                                             —William James Moore
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“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”—Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


No doubt, the anti-America elite; the self-proclaimed all-inclusive; and haters of “everything Trump,” stood tall and proud—when, on Saturday, 05/29/2021, Cheshire cat-grinning, demonic-cackling Kamala Harris reportedly “tweeted” a photo of herself and told all of her followers to have a long, enjoyable holiday weekend. 

And, of course, it was very likely far from “innocent oversight” that, in doing so, she “did not” also encourage them to be respectfully mindful of the true meaning of Memorial Day (a most special time set aside long ago to recognize and honor all who have died while fighting in our nation’s military).

Nor, was it very likely the result of “innocent soul-saving intent” that racist-in-chief, hate and divisiveness-spreading, ice-cream cone-slurping Joe Biden chose to tele-prompter his way through a “woke” (racial-divisiveness-perpetuation) speech at America’s sacred Arlington National Cemetery.

It is, however, very much likely—as well as most sad, disrespectful, and (should be) deeply alarming—that radical-left puppets Biden and Harris did so with the planned intent of their puppet masters. To signal to their followers, and to those of us who hold them in contempt, that this is no longer “America.” But, instead, the (so-to-speak) caliphate of the ever more emboldened socialist/communist radical-left.

And, so it shall ultimately be—at the price of forever lost liberty—if in all future elections America’s so-called adults in the room fail to replace nation-destructive emotional BS with rational survival-focused citizen-responsibility. In elections that, at the risk of “offending” someone, are unrelentingly restricted nationwide to verified-legal U.S. citizens.

In the meantime, the liberty-destroying divide-and-conquer train wreck will continue—a painful beyond words reminder to anyone yet in touch with some resemblance of reality, that “elections really do have consequences!” And, much like life itself, don’t come standard-equipped with a “reverse gear.”

                                                   —William James Moore