Monday, June 21, 2021


When applying to human behavior, the transitive verb “Bullshitting” (BS) is commonly associated with that which is “nonsense, misleading, deceptive, etc.”

Now, in all honesty, if I were ever so inclined to search long and hard enough, there is a trace of possibility that I just might eventually stumble upon something I know very little about. However, such an obviously destined to be futile endeavor would certainly not lead to the ancient art of “bullshitting.” For therein rests an area I know considerably much more than just a bit about.

Including, but not limited to, the fact that “BS spewing behavior" rests not alone with the nation-destructive Marxist/Socialist/Communist Radical-Left puppets and puppet masters now infesting the people’s White House, U.S. Congress, and various other aspects of all levels of government.

For example, throughout my life (as a child, teenager, and now so-called adult), no shortage of self-indulged “BS” has at times been called upon to self-explain or otherwise excuse why various aims and opportunities were and remain beyond realization by the likes of me. When a more factual depiction of reality might have been, or might yet be, much to the otherwise — especially with much more-confident thinking and more responsible effort on my part.

Then, there was that vanity-driven “prior to marriage” BS. Which, for example, held that when once married I would never make the mistakes experienced by my parents and countless other clearly less-gifted married couples. This of course being at best a grossly naïve and immature view on my part — and long-ago disproved by a continuing history of personal shortfalls, many of which I once believed were beyond even the slightest of consideration by the once self-perceived me.

Followed of course by a massive dose of grossly presumptuous “prior to parenthood” BS. Which likewise held that if I ever were blessed to be a dad, I would never be guilty of the child-rearing mistakes experienced by my parents and countless clearly less appropriately-focused others. This also of course long ago being yet another most humbling life-reality-check, including regretful failings on my part that forever strive to overshadow, if not at times cancel, the wish-there-had-been-many-more done rights.

And now — in the rapidly-diminishing years of my too-often taken for granted gift-of-life journey, and as our U.S. constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture based on Judeo-Christian values, etc., are being threatened and destroyed before our eyes — I continue to “BS” myself. 

This time with the lofty notion that somehow I (or anyone) can make a difference; that somehow I (or anyone) can help salvage for ourselves, and preserve for our children and grandchildren, the precious liberty and freedom being threatened by an ever growing number and nature of present and ancient-rooted evils.

Nevertheless, each time the feelings of hopelessness reach the “throw-in-the-towel” (so to speak) tipping point, a most sobering and responsibility-inspiring thought comes to mind. That being, the countless worldwide who have already lost, or have never experienced, liberty and freedom, would likely consider it grossly-irresponsible and self-destructive “BS” to not at least try! Yes, using whatever ways and means one has available — or can make available — to at least try to not let the forces of evil deny our inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

And of course also ranking high on the list of truly indisputable “BS” — would be any thinking on my part or others that the life experiences and growing concerns expressed above are somehow alone shared by the likes of terminally-unique me. 

                                                      —William James Moore
= = =

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” —Helen Keller (1880-1968), American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

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