Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Not all that far south of the U.S. exists the country of Venezuela. A bit larger than Texas; a little more than half the size of Alaska. With a January 2022 population estimated at about 28 million, as compared to some 332 million in the U.S.

Venezuela once ranked high among the wealthiest and most thriving economies in the world. About 60 years ago or so even surpassing China and Japan in per capita income. A country with petroleum reserves still today recognized as being among the largest (if not “the” largest) in the world. 

As many of its citizens once basked in the luxury of a thriving health care system, and an array of other so-called never-ending free-stuff, dispensed by a government infested with radical-socialism, uncontrolled spending, and lust for self-serving power and control.

But, in about the blink of a mere decade or so—it all changed for Venezuela! Yes, and not that long ago, one of the wealthiest and most thriving nations on Earth was caught in years of a yet underway downward spiral. Into an increasingly devastating abyss of growing political and civil discontent, corrupt elections, hopeless civil protests, skyrocketing hyperinflation, utility and transportation disruptions, a nationalized petroleum industry, and critical shortages of food, medicine, and other life and health sustaining essentials.

A human tragedy prompting millions of Venezuelans to flee their country in recent years. Including many to the U.S.—a country that seems to include a growing many who (through ignorance and/or intent) strive to take the U.S. down the path of Venezuela, Cuba, and other ultimately liberty-destroying countries.

At this point a most fitting question would seem to be, “What must exist to keep the U.S. from becoming yet another failed nation of economic disaster and lost liberty?” 

And, in brief, a rational response would appear to include “The crucial Foundation Blocks of our truly unique and most precious Constitutional Republic.” Such as: (1.) the U.S. Constitution; (2.) secured U.S. borders; (3.) a U.S. common language-English; (4.) a U.S. common culture founded on Judeo-Christian values and principles; (5.) legitimate U.S. elections at all levels of government; and (6.) an adequate number of informed and actively engaged legal U.S. voters, and occupants in all roles of government, capable and willing to unyieldingly protect, defend, and responsibly apply Foundation Blocks (1.) through (5.).

It has often been written that, at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s Founding Fathers, “What have we got, a republic or a monarch?” Reportedly, his response was, “A republic if you can keep it.” 

And history will duly record whether each generation of Americans continues to be recipient of the torch of responsibility for a yet protected, preserved, and thriving “Constitutional Republic USA” . . . or, one day cursed with the lost liberty abyss of another "Venezuela"?  
                                                      —William James Moore

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[The above was also included in the Public Mind section on page 4 of the Parsons Sun’s Weekend, Saturday-Sunday, January 22-23, 2022 Edition.]