Saturday, February 23, 2019

"They alone"---Are Not the Problem or Solution

Few would likely dispute that the “blame game” is enjoying ever growing popularity far beyond that of serious “solution seeking.” Especially in the often brutal world of “politics.” And with our country’s next general elections now being some twenty months away, ample time seems available to sharpen one’s fault-assigning skills.

Yes, our country’s next general elections will be held Tuesday, November 3, 2020. At that time, all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives; 34 of the 100 U.S. Senate seats; the office of U.S. President; 13 state and territorial governorships; and numerous other state and local positions of political power and influence will be contested.

Many will try hard to be responsible voters. Others through ignorance or intent will permit propaganda, irrational thinking, etc., cloud their judgement. While, sadly, some will not participate at all—as millions of enslaved or otherwise oppressed people, worldwide, are denied same crucial liberty-preserving opportunity.

As long-typical of each election cycle—much news reporting, social media chatter, and talk-show broadcasts will be flooded with a mix of critiques. Often emotionally-charged views about both the holders and seekers of political positons. Critiques, some founded in truth and fact; others rooted in agenda driven falsehoods, distortions, and ignorance. Critiques that communications technology helps spread ever faster to millions—many of whom are ill prepared to determine legitimacy and/or how to responsibly handle.

Critiques of “They alone” too often failing to acknowledge a most basic and crucial consideration. That being, the political figures often blamed or praised for everything that (so-to-speak) walks, flies, and breaths—are not elevated to positions of political power and influence by the “tooth fairy.” But, rather, by “votes”—whether rational, irrational, informed, uninformed, legal, illegal, or otherwise. Votes that reflect the good, bad, or indifferent mindset of those who cast them. Votes having both short-term and long-term consequences.

Consequences such as our now out-of-control and rapidly growing $22 trillion National Debt. A liberty threatening menace not alone created by self-serving power-seekers and others chosen to represent us within the various branches of our government. But also by the self-destructive apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears of many among us—often rooted in the age-old lust for so-called “free stuff” to be paid for by “someone else.”

World history is cluttered with examples where, to their peril, some generations for too long took liberty and freedom for granted. Lest we succumb to similar fate, we must not “too late” grasp that the source of our nation’s real and perceived troubles rests not with “They alone”—but more so within the attitudes and behaviors of “we the people.” As do also our nation’s many examples of past, present, and further sought greatness.

At ultimate risk of our willingness to embrace reality: nothing less than the opportunity for present and future generations of Americans to continue to experience the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

                                                          —William James Moore

“Fear knocked at the door. 
Faith answered. 
And lo, no one was there.”

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Pelosi, Schumer, Tlaib, Omar, & Cortez---Are "Not alone" the Problem!

“No”—age 78 Pelosi, age 68 Schumer, age 42 Tlaib, age 37 Omar, & age 29 Cortez—are “Not alone” the problem.

“No”—the present U.S. Speaker of The House NANCY PELOSI, who has been in the Congress for some 32 years; U.S. Senator “CHUCK” SCHUMER, on a political payroll for at least 44 years (essentially his entire after-law-school life); U.S. Representative RASHIDA TLAIB, the oldest of her parents 14 children, and one of two Muslim women now seated in our U.S. Congress (as of 2019); U.S. Representative ILHAN ABDULLAHI OMAR, the youngest of her parents 7 children, and the other of the two Muslim women now seated in our U.S. Congress (as of 2019); and, U.S. Representative ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (as of 2019), the so-called origin of the recent democrat-sponsored “Green New Deal” (designed to rid the U.S. of air travel, cows, billionaires, and other causes of “Global Warming,” etc.)—are “Not alone” the problem.

“The Problem is even more so”—the nation-destructive mindset of those who have, through ignorance and/or intent, and by way of their votes, elevated these and like-minded others into positions of power and influence within our U.S. Government! And, here’s a clue—such votes were not cast by the “Tooth Fairy,” “Russia,” or some “Centuries-old Trump Conspiracy,” etc.

So, all the well-intentioned cries for “impeachment,” “term limits,” or other riddance measures regarding Pelosi, Schumer, Tlaib, Omar, Cortez, and likeminded others—will not likely alone change the anti-America, socialist/communist mindset of their supporters, or the future voting behavior of their supporters.

Nor, will the alone purging of our U.S. Congress of these particular despicables, at this late date, reverse the already-cat-out-of-the-bag effects of past/present failed U.S. immigration policies, and past/present/future birth rates disparity. All of which have long ago set in place projections that, for example, strongly suggest that the U.S. Muslim population will grow much faster than the U.S. Jewish population. With, by 2040, Muslims replacing Jews as the second-largest religious group in the U.S. after Christians. And by 2050, the U.S. Muslim population projected to reach 8.1 million, or 2.1% of the total U.S. population — nearly twice the share of today.

Furthermore, it doesn’t take a mathematical genius to grasp the ultimate “long-term” effects of one group of people multiplying much faster than another group of people—as each struggle to control what “at least for now” still stands as a the first and yet only one of its kind Constitutional Republic named the “United States of America.” Where the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are still acknowledged, and an unrelenting effort to protect and preserve such yet exists.

So, keep those U.S. borders "open" to the unrestrained invasion by all who wish! And, continue to accept and tolerate within our U.S. borders, those who are committed to never assimilating our U.S. Constitution, common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, and common-language English!

And, while at it, we might also extend a heart-felt apology to our nation’s young children, grandchildren, and Americans not yet born
for the undeniable threats to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness being passed to their shoulders to be one day suffered and unthinkably dealt with.                                                                                                                               —William James Moore

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

An Epitome of Hypocrisy---The News Media's Wilful Neglect of "Female Genital Mutilation (FGM/C)"

At the slightest hint of “racism” or “discrimination” or "uncaringness" or “non-inclusiveness”; etc., the so-called mainstream U.S. news media and radical-liberal talk-show circus, will rise up in outrage!  And, regardless of whether such claim is real, imagined, mistaken, contrived, or just outright non-existent, these pompous elements of our society will often unrelentingly overwhelm us with 24/7 politically-biased and ratings-lusted propaganda.  Until someone has been, as a minimum, branded as an unforgivably despicable social outcast!

However, the same self-declared “epitomes of caring” continue to selectively ignore some of our World’s undeniably real and ongoing tragedies.  Such as, the millions of past and present women and girls Worldwide who are shamefully subjected to “female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C).”  More specifically, subjected to the horrific and ancient-rooted practice of piercing, cutting, removing, or sewing closed all or part of a woman’s or girl’s external genitals for no medical reason.  A truly barbaric practice that researchers estimate more than 500,000 girls and women in the United States have experienced or are at risk of being subjected to.

And “why” the continued avoidance of this longstanding and continuing tragedy?  Because FGM/C doesn’t fit the liberty/nation-destructive narrative!  Yes, FGM/C doesn’t serve those who are otherwise preoccupied with more lucrative vote-seeking and/or ratings-craving endeavors.  Such as, spinning their agenda-driven pretense about their deep concern for humankind.  Especially, for example, regarding the welfare of illegal aliens and the children used to aid their self-serving illegal invasion of our country.

According to Public Health Reports / March-April 2016/ Volume 131: In 1996, the U.S. Congress passed legislation making female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) illegal in the United States.  Nonetheless, Center of Disease Control (CDC) estimates revealed approximately 513,000 women and girls in the U.S. were at risk for FGM/C or its consequences in YR 2012, which was more than three times higher than earlier estimates based on 1990 data.  And, the increase in the number of women and girls younger than 18 years of age at risk for FGM/C was more than four times that of previous estimates.

The CDC conclusion being, this estimated increase was wholly a result of the rapid growth in the number of immigrants from FGM/C-practicing countries living in the United States and not from increases in FGM/C prevalence in those countries.

On July 20, 2016, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health (OWH), announced more than $6 million in grant awards over a 3-year period to cities across the nation.  Eight sites covering thirteen cities were selected to address the gaps and problems in FGC-related health care services for women and girls living in the U.S. who experienced FGC.  The funds were to be used to prevent FGC of women and girls living in the U.S. who are at risk for having the procedure conducted here or in another country.

Yes, in excess of a half-million women and young girls now in the United States are at risk of being subjected to FGM/C within our U.S. borders, or temporally taken abroad for this hideous procedure!  A shameful practice brought to U.S. soil as the result of immigration to the U.S. from African and Middle Eastern countries and elsewhere. From societies where FGM/C is entrenched in barbaric cultural tradition.

Brought to U.S. soil by individuals having no plans, or U.S.-enforced incentive, to discontinue this truly cruel and most-inhumane procedure, and otherwise “assimilate” U.S. culture and abide by U.S. constitutional law.   As the yet untouched among us, through innocent-ignorance or intent, turn our so-called civilized heads away, in favor of countless less-challenging and more self-absorbed causes and distractions.

While, in this the 21st century, millions of women and young girls Worldwide continue to suffer deathblows to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, at the unspeakably-cruel hand of ancient-rooted FGM/C.

                                                     —William James Moore 

“So here I stand, one girl among many. I speak not for myself, but so those without a voice can be heard.  Those who have fought for their rights.  Their right to live in peace.  Their right to be treated with dignity.  Their right to equality of opportunity.  Their right to be educated.” —Malala Yousafzai (1997- )

“However, some things must be said, and there are times when silence becomes an accomplice to injustice.” —Ayaan Hirsi Ali (1969-), a Dutch-American activist; author; former politician of Samali origin; a leading opponent of female genital mutilation; proponent for a reformation of Islam; supporter of women’s rights; an atheist; and founder of the AHA Foundation.

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” —Maya Angelou (1928-2014), American poet, author, memoirist, civil rights activist.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Roots of "Taken for Granted Liberty" & "Coveted E-Devices": Reality Check-101

What is of course not a newsflash to the right-minded among us—the smartphone, iPad, E-Tablet, PC, laptop, wide-screen TV, Xbox, and countless supporting apps, etc., did not originate in dictator-ruled North Korea; or communist China, Russia, and Cuba; or Islam-ruled Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia; war-torn Syria; or an radical-Islamic caliphate, nor the now before-our-eyes self-destructing Venezuela or long list of other socialist-failed nations; etc.

Nor, did an exceptionally generous tooth fairy leave us with these seemingly “now-can’t-do-without” devices—these now essentially “additional body-parts”—these now entrenched “means of communications and entertainment”—these in many cases increasingly business and government “essential technologies.”

No, very much to the contrary. Instead, such technology came about through people having the opportunity to express and pursue their creativity and for-profit economic endeavors. People fortunate to live in a unique Constitutional Republic (the USA) that embraces the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Not a guarantee against failure, but the right to seek one’s understanding of personal fulfillment.

Rights acknowledged by a first and yet one of its kind U.S. Constitution. A “crucial-to-individual-liberty” constitution originated long ago by exceptionally wise individuals. Persons who not only escaped tyranny and courageously fought for and achieved liberty, but also were determined to preserve it. By putting in place a government “of, by, and for” the people.

A most precious Republic offering a lasting constitutional barrier to the return of tyranny or other oppressive rule over its citizens—a barrier that must, however, be ultimately defended and preserved by “each generation” of Americans.

A Constitutional Republic that is now not only facing an array of new and long-standing “foreign threats,” but also that of wide-spread “enemies from within”! Serious “domestic threats” that, most sadly, includes growing numbers within more recent generations of Americans. Individuals who are ignorant of, or have lost-touch with, our country’s roots.

Individuals who fail to grasp that our nation, and too-often taken for granted liberty, cannot survive without protecting and preserving our U.S. Constitution; borders, common-language English; and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values. 

Individuals who by way of their votes and/or other nation-destructive behaviors, are now filling seats within our local, state, and federal government with persons openly or covertly aligned with socialism, communism, radical-Islam, Sharia-law, or other anti-American ideology. 

Liberty-threatening, nation-destructive individuals who are being enabled by other Americans who are consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear.  Fueled, distracted, and manipulated by corrupt and politically biased individuals imbedded throughout our education system, news media, and government bureaucracy.  

Among life’s inescapable realities is our ultimate demise! Should we, through ignorance or intent, continue to choose or otherwise tolerate to be represented, governed, or otherwise controlled by, those who have not assimilated our country’s roots and refuse to embrace our U.S. Constitution.

It seems that Abraham Lincoln was unsettlingly prophetic when reportedly stating, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”                                                    —William James Moore