Saturday, February 2, 2019

Roots of "Taken for Granted Liberty" & "Coveted E-Devices": Reality Check-101

What is of course not a newsflash to the right-minded among us—the smartphone, iPad, E-Tablet, PC, laptop, wide-screen TV, Xbox, and countless supporting apps, etc., did not originate in dictator-ruled North Korea; or communist China, Russia, and Cuba; or Islam-ruled Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia; war-torn Syria; or an radical-Islamic caliphate, nor the now before-our-eyes self-destructing Venezuela or long list of other socialist-failed nations; etc.

Nor, did an exceptionally generous tooth fairy leave us with these seemingly “now-can’t-do-without” devices—these now essentially “additional body-parts”—these now entrenched “means of communications and entertainment”—these in many cases increasingly business and government “essential technologies.”

No, very much to the contrary. Instead, such technology came about through people having the opportunity to express and pursue their creativity and for-profit economic endeavors. People fortunate to live in a unique Constitutional Republic (the USA) that embraces the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Not a guarantee against failure, but the right to seek one’s understanding of personal fulfillment.

Rights acknowledged by a first and yet one of its kind U.S. Constitution. A “crucial-to-individual-liberty” constitution originated long ago by exceptionally wise individuals. Persons who not only escaped tyranny and courageously fought for and achieved liberty, but also were determined to preserve it. By putting in place a government “of, by, and for” the people.

A most precious Republic offering a lasting constitutional barrier to the return of tyranny or other oppressive rule over its citizens—a barrier that must, however, be ultimately defended and preserved by “each generation” of Americans.

A Constitutional Republic that is now not only facing an array of new and long-standing “foreign threats,” but also that of wide-spread “enemies from within”! Serious “domestic threats” that, most sadly, includes growing numbers within more recent generations of Americans. Individuals who are ignorant of, or have lost-touch with, our country’s roots.

Individuals who fail to grasp that our nation, and too-often taken for granted liberty, cannot survive without protecting and preserving our U.S. Constitution; borders, common-language English; and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values. 

Individuals who by way of their votes and/or other nation-destructive behaviors, are now filling seats within our local, state, and federal government with persons openly or covertly aligned with socialism, communism, radical-Islam, Sharia-law, or other anti-American ideology. 

Liberty-threatening, nation-destructive individuals who are being enabled by other Americans who are consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear.  Fueled, distracted, and manipulated by corrupt and politically biased individuals imbedded throughout our education system, news media, and government bureaucracy.  

Among life’s inescapable realities is our ultimate demise! Should we, through ignorance or intent, continue to choose or otherwise tolerate to be represented, governed, or otherwise controlled by, those who have not assimilated our country’s roots and refuse to embrace our U.S. Constitution.

It seems that Abraham Lincoln was unsettlingly prophetic when reportedly stating, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”                                                    —William James Moore

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