Thursday, February 14, 2019

Pelosi, Schumer, Tlaib, Omar, & Cortez---Are "Not alone" the Problem!

“No”—age 78 Pelosi, age 68 Schumer, age 42 Tlaib, age 37 Omar, & age 29 Cortez—are “Not alone” the problem.

“No”—the present U.S. Speaker of The House NANCY PELOSI, who has been in the Congress for some 32 years; U.S. Senator “CHUCK” SCHUMER, on a political payroll for at least 44 years (essentially his entire after-law-school life); U.S. Representative RASHIDA TLAIB, the oldest of her parents 14 children, and one of two Muslim women now seated in our U.S. Congress (as of 2019); U.S. Representative ILHAN ABDULLAHI OMAR, the youngest of her parents 7 children, and the other of the two Muslim women now seated in our U.S. Congress (as of 2019); and, U.S. Representative ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (as of 2019), the so-called origin of the recent democrat-sponsored “Green New Deal” (designed to rid the U.S. of air travel, cows, billionaires, and other causes of “Global Warming,” etc.)—are “Not alone” the problem.

“The Problem is even more so”—the nation-destructive mindset of those who have, through ignorance and/or intent, and by way of their votes, elevated these and like-minded others into positions of power and influence within our U.S. Government! And, here’s a clue—such votes were not cast by the “Tooth Fairy,” “Russia,” or some “Centuries-old Trump Conspiracy,” etc.

So, all the well-intentioned cries for “impeachment,” “term limits,” or other riddance measures regarding Pelosi, Schumer, Tlaib, Omar, Cortez, and likeminded others—will not likely alone change the anti-America, socialist/communist mindset of their supporters, or the future voting behavior of their supporters.

Nor, will the alone purging of our U.S. Congress of these particular despicables, at this late date, reverse the already-cat-out-of-the-bag effects of past/present failed U.S. immigration policies, and past/present/future birth rates disparity. All of which have long ago set in place projections that, for example, strongly suggest that the U.S. Muslim population will grow much faster than the U.S. Jewish population. With, by 2040, Muslims replacing Jews as the second-largest religious group in the U.S. after Christians. And by 2050, the U.S. Muslim population projected to reach 8.1 million, or 2.1% of the total U.S. population — nearly twice the share of today.

Furthermore, it doesn’t take a mathematical genius to grasp the ultimate “long-term” effects of one group of people multiplying much faster than another group of people—as each struggle to control what “at least for now” still stands as a the first and yet only one of its kind Constitutional Republic named the “United States of America.” Where the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are still acknowledged, and an unrelenting effort to protect and preserve such yet exists.

So, keep those U.S. borders "open" to the unrestrained invasion by all who wish! And, continue to accept and tolerate within our U.S. borders, those who are committed to never assimilating our U.S. Constitution, common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, and common-language English!

And, while at it, we might also extend a heart-felt apology to our nation’s young children, grandchildren, and Americans not yet born
for the undeniable threats to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness being passed to their shoulders to be one day suffered and unthinkably dealt with.                                                                                                                               —William James Moore

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