Saturday, February 23, 2019

"They alone"---Are Not the Problem or Solution

Few would likely dispute that the “blame game” is enjoying ever growing popularity far beyond that of serious “solution seeking.” Especially in the often brutal world of “politics.” And with our country’s next general elections now being some twenty months away, ample time seems available to sharpen one’s fault-assigning skills.

Yes, our country’s next general elections will be held Tuesday, November 3, 2020. At that time, all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives; 34 of the 100 U.S. Senate seats; the office of U.S. President; 13 state and territorial governorships; and numerous other state and local positions of political power and influence will be contested.

Many will try hard to be responsible voters. Others through ignorance or intent will permit propaganda, irrational thinking, etc., cloud their judgement. While, sadly, some will not participate at all—as millions of enslaved or otherwise oppressed people, worldwide, are denied same crucial liberty-preserving opportunity.

As long-typical of each election cycle—much news reporting, social media chatter, and talk-show broadcasts will be flooded with a mix of critiques. Often emotionally-charged views about both the holders and seekers of political positons. Critiques, some founded in truth and fact; others rooted in agenda driven falsehoods, distortions, and ignorance. Critiques that communications technology helps spread ever faster to millions—many of whom are ill prepared to determine legitimacy and/or how to responsibly handle.

Critiques of “They alone” too often failing to acknowledge a most basic and crucial consideration. That being, the political figures often blamed or praised for everything that (so-to-speak) walks, flies, and breaths—are not elevated to positions of political power and influence by the “tooth fairy.” But, rather, by “votes”—whether rational, irrational, informed, uninformed, legal, illegal, or otherwise. Votes that reflect the good, bad, or indifferent mindset of those who cast them. Votes having both short-term and long-term consequences.

Consequences such as our now out-of-control and rapidly growing $22 trillion National Debt. A liberty threatening menace not alone created by self-serving power-seekers and others chosen to represent us within the various branches of our government. But also by the self-destructive apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears of many among us—often rooted in the age-old lust for so-called “free stuff” to be paid for by “someone else.”

World history is cluttered with examples where, to their peril, some generations for too long took liberty and freedom for granted. Lest we succumb to similar fate, we must not “too late” grasp that the source of our nation’s real and perceived troubles rests not with “They alone”—but more so within the attitudes and behaviors of “we the people.” As do also our nation’s many examples of past, present, and further sought greatness.

At ultimate risk of our willingness to embrace reality: nothing less than the opportunity for present and future generations of Americans to continue to experience the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

                                                          —William James Moore

“Fear knocked at the door. 
Faith answered. 
And lo, no one was there.”

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