Monday, December 24, 2018

"America's Lunacy Wagon"

There is of course much good in the world. That which is truly worthy of our gratitude and efforts to support and add thereto. There is also much that is not right. That which justifies our concern and responsible attention. Such as, the failure of our U.S. Congress to timely fund construction of a security wall across our nation’s historically-proven to be vulnerable southern border. As same Congress continues to obligate billions upon billions of taxpayer dollars to the care and otherwise handling of the countless illegal aliens that flow into our already dangerously in-debt and liberty-threatened country.

Now, I and likeminded others could choose to spend our truly-uncertain share of the blessing of “life,” on ways that possibly could more constructively communicate concern and contempt for our government’s irresponsible behavior. Such as: overwhelming the private and public phones, snail-mail boxes, and e-mail files, of our elected “servants of the people” with voice messages, text messages, and letters of protest. Say nothing about other approaches often used by some to air their respective grievances, such as: public marches, boycotts, disruption of traffic, public harassments, destruction of the business/private property of others, etc.

However, it is much more likely that I and likeminded others will continue to spend precious time using social media platforms and Internet websites, etc., to vent frustrations shared personally and by countless others. And, in so doing, contribute to the wealth and otherwise welfare of the creators, owners, and investors of Facebook, Google, and Twitter, etc. As the same extremely liberal-entrenched businesses use their complex algorithm technologies to control who (if any) actually have access to our expressed concerns, as well as when, in what format, and for what end-purpose.

And so, “America’s Lunacy Wagon” moves on! Pulled by horses named Ignorance, Apathy, Complacency, Denial, Greed, and Fear. With the horses’ reins in ever-tightening control of a sinister wagoner (driver) named Deep-State, and support wagoner named Fake-News. While rapidly approaching a crucial fork in the road—with one path leading to the Preservation of Liberty; the other to the Abyss of Tyranny. A wagon of lunacy often overloaded with a mix of politicians and other willful or otherwise travelers, and too often occupied by me and likeminded others. Each nevertheless craving to in some way make or contribute to a meaningful difference.   –William James Moore

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“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” —Helen Keller (1880-1968), American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

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Footnote:  An edited version of above article was published in our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun, in the Public Mind section on page 4 of the Saturday-Sunday, Jan. 5-6, 2019 edition.

Monday, December 17, 2018

"Our U.S. Constitutional Republic"

The Pledge of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

There is sound reason why our United States Pledge of Allegiance refers to our country as a Republic and why our Declaration of Independence and Constitution do not mention the word democracy.

Our country’s founders were very aware of the failures of prior democracies, such as ancient Athens and Rome. They feared creating a government having too many similarities to a pure democracy. They especially recognized the importance of ensuring the right of political dissent and protecting minority groups and individuals from the tyranny of the majority. They knew that a pure democracy could result in mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people could take away the rights of the other forty-nine. Through their experience, insight, and great wisdom, they put in place a one-of-its-kind constitutional republic—not a pure democracy.

In so doing they passed to us a very special form of government where sovereignty deliberately rests with we the people. Where we may act on our own or through our elected representatives to deal with issues, where our government is a servant of its people—where our government’s power comes from and is limited by its citizens. That is, until we further screw-it-up by irresponsibly continuing to give up our U.S. citizens’ Constitution-guaranteed power to an ever-growing government loaded with self-serving, self-perpetuating, power and influence craving officials!

Our Constitutional Republic does include some likeness to a democracy, such as our use of democratic processes to elect our representatives, pass new laws, etc. But, as opposed to a democracy, our U.S. Constitution limits our government’s power and spells out how our government is to be structured. As a result, our Constitutional Republic is divided into three separate but equal branches of government. The Executive (Presidency), Legislative (Congress), and Judicial (Courts). Our Constitution establishes that no branch has absolute power, therefore providing special checks and balances on our government system and protection for the rule of law.

Our Constitution is the life-blood of our Constitutional Republic. The foundation of this land of unequaled opportunity; best hope for mankind; and envy of countless peoples deprived of and seeking liberty. A liberty for which much sacrifice has been made by so many, and for which limitless measures must always be taken to defend, protect, and preserve!

It is also to our peril that we forget that any nation is defined by its borders, common-language, and common culture. And, ever present are foreign and domestic forces that are dedicated to the destruction of our U.S. border security, our U.S. common-language English, and our U.S. common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

“We the people” must forever be most watchful and have zero-tolerance for any political leader, or branch of government, that demonstrates lack of respect for our U.S. Constitution or the government-system of checks and balances and rule of law it establishes! Or, fails to respect, protect, and defend our U.S. borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

Should we fail to do so, world-history shows that certain to follow will be tyranny and dictatorship, soon accompanied by loss of liberty/freedom and risk to survival! These are of course not words of exaggeration, nor of unjustified concern. But, rather, are a sincere expression of historically demonstrated facts-of-life.

                                                           --- William James Moore

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"A [pure] democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." —Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Personal Message To U.S. Representative-Elect, "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez"

With all due respect, you are beyond any reasonable doubt a most irresponsible, self-absorbed, sanity-challenged, history/economic systems-ignorant individual. And, most unnervingly, one who has recently been elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, by New York 14th congressional district voters who obviously warrant serious sanity-evaluation themselves!

Enabled by likewise irresponsible ratings and agenda driven news media, you continue to publicly demonstrate just how big a joke you truly are! As you spew your so-called democrat-socialist plans and proposals for curing every ill your clueless mind and radically-left supporters perceive our nation to have. Socialist/Communist-based plans and proposals that would entail countless trillions of dollars of funding—as you bask in total personal ignorance of what socialism and communism actual entail, and void of any practical understanding of just how vast one trillion of anything actually is! A personal ignorance supplemented by a truly dangerous lack of even the most basic understanding of our U.S. Constitution, three branches of government, and other foundation blocks of our precious Constitutional Republic! 

Somewhere behind your seemingly fixed wide-eyed, deer-in-the-headlights, expression, there likely is a grossly immature resemblance of a brain that is saying, “I (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) really, really, really, don’t have the slightest clue what I am doing, and, even more so, I can’t believe there are so many misguided fools out there that actually believe that I do!” 

Therefore, after giving timely consideration to the above most generous factual-assessment of your grossly lacking unpreparedness to responsibly carry out the duties of any position within our U.S. government, it is expected that you will immediately resign the U.S. House of Representatives seat that obviously out-of-touch voters awarded you during our recent 2018 mid-term elections. That is, if you can dig up but a trace of commonsense, responsibility, decency, and concern for our country and the wellbeing of present and future generations of Americans. None the least, the already stretched and overcommitted present and future U.S. taxpayers. Those whom you so frivolously keep assuming will somehow be able to come up with the countless “trillions of dollars” that would be needed to fund your ill-conceived, nation-destructive, liberty-threatening, socialist/communist agendas!

And, as you hopefully and responsibly choose to forgo your unprepared and ill-conceived political aspirations, may I suggest that you spend a bit of quality time reading, for example, the below referenced little book, titled, “Our” U.S. National Debt—101. A long past due effort on your part that should help enlighten you to just how grossly ignorant you are about what even “one” trillion dollars entails, say nothing about the beyond comprehension of the already existing burden of our nation’s out of control $21 Trillion National Debt!      —William James Moore

Link to: “Our” U.S. National Debt—101: A shameful Liberty-Threatening Legacy Being Passed To America’s Young Children, Grandchildren, & The Not Yet Born

Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Many Faces of Our Nation's "Enemies Within"

Our country’s “Enemies Within” come with many faces. None the least, our taxpayer-funded far-left contaminated education system—at “all” levels!

Yes, while too many of us for too many years have been irresponsibly “asleep at the switch,” the Progressives (radical-liberal left) have infiltrated and entrenched themselves in our nationwide public education system and throughout various aspects of our local, state, and federal government. And, as we have continued to cave in to demands for more and more education funding “for the sake of the children,” our nation’s youth have been, and continue to be, indoctrinated with the anti-U.S. propaganda and other liberty-threating venom of the radical-liberal left! While alarmingly, no longer taught the fundamentals of American history, government, and economics.

As a result, today many of our young people lack due respect for our country’s founding principles of liberty and time-honored traditions, and object to our free-market system of government. Young people to whom the responsibility for our nation will ultimately be passed, now dangerously unaware of and detached from the heroism and sacrifice entailed in our nation’s heritage.

For example, according to a Hillsdale College reporting, a 2016 Harvard poll showed that some “51 percent” of young Americans opposed capitalism, and a 2017 YouGov poll found that “44 percent” of millennials (born: 1981-1996) would prefer to live in a Socialist country in lieu of a capitalist one.

All of which might seem to be no big deal, unless, for example, you grasp that age 77 Independent-Party Bernie Sanders who came close to being the 2016 Democrat presidential nominee, was at the time and remains extremely popular among many of our nation’s youth. As is 29 year old political-activist Democratic-Party Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who, in 2018, unseated top Democrat Joe Crawley by winning the U.S. Representative seat for New York’s 14th congressional district. With both Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez deeply consumed with and fanatically pushing for socialist/communist programs that would entail untold trillions of additional tax dollars—in a U.S. already struggling to deal with a rapidly growing existing National Debt of more than $21 trillion!

Starting with what we do in the voting booths of our local, state, and federal elections, we U.S. citizens had better very timely pay close attention to, and responsibly confront, what is happing in and to our America!

For, our nation, liberty, freedom, and ultimate survival cannot continue to withstand: (1.) losing a generation of young Americans to the radical-liberal left; (2.) toleration of a FBI and other “Deep State” actors criminally attempting to dictate who our U.S. Presidents are, and are not; (3.) letting illegal aliens disrespect and over-run our borders and tap into our taxpayer-funded public treasury; (4.) condoning the radical-liberal left’s contamination of our public education system and indoctrination of our nation’s youth with their anti-America ideology; (5) a politically-biased mainstream news media hell-bent to deny and/or distort truth and reality, and to enable anti-America agendas; and (6.) a “we the people” consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear, concerning the “reality” taking place around us! The ultimately inescapable “reality” of the widespread foreign and domestic threats to our U.S. constitution; borders; common-language English; and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

“Our” America is not in need of those who strive to “transform” it into a likeness of the World’s many failed and failing nations. Much to the contrary, in critical demand are those capable and willing to protect, defend, and preserve it, and our precious liberty and freedom enabled by it—for present and future generations of Americans! Americans not educated, indoctrinated, and propagandized by radical-liberal ideology and agendas. But, Americans rightfully and truthfully taught about our country’s history and uniqueness, and as a result, proud and grateful for the wisdom, heroism, and sacrifice entailed in our nation’s magnificent and unequalled heritage—in humankind’s best hope for realizing the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness!     —William James Moore

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Climate Change / Global Warming . . . "Another side of the story"

The Wednesday, November 28, 2018 edition of our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun, included a front-page article titled, “Report: Climate change to impact ag, infrastructure and health of Kansans.” The following is not meant to be a critique or endorsement of said article, but rather to offer a constructive and otherwise appropriate related point of view. By way of “another side” of the “Climate Change” story that, as a Public Mind submission by the undersigned, has been provided to (but to date not yet published by) the Parsons Sun.                                                  William James Moore   12/01/2018

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"Another side of the story":

Reportedly: The Planet Earth is about 4.5 billion years old; the earliest fossil evidence of modern human existence, along with stone tools, date to about 300,000 years ago; World industrialization started in Western Europe in the late 1700s and early 1800s; the first considered safe and practical oil engine was developed in 1873 (about 146 years ago); in the remote past, Kansas was covered by seas; and people first came to Kansas some 11,000 to 12,000 years ago, during the last of the most recent Ice Ages.

And, although Kansas was reportedly not glaciated (covered with glaciers/sheets of ice) at that time, the climate was cooler and less seasonal than today, and huge animals such as mammoth and mastodon roamed the area until a gradual “warming trend” brought an end to our most recent Ice Age, and mass extinctions occurred—“around 10,000 years ago.” Long, long before we mere humans fired up our gasoline engines, coal-fired furnaces; and other fossil fuel burning, carbon dioxide emitting, technologies.

And, long, long, before we started putting concern about our so-called “carbon footprint,” and our delusional-craving to control our 4.5 billion year old Planet Earth’s ever-changing climate, ahead of other likely more pressing matters. Such as: the safety of our schools, places of worship, and other areas of public assembly, from murderous atrocities; our nation’s ever-spreading addictive drugs epidemic; the safety and security of our nuclear-powered electric plants and electrical power grids; control of nuclear weapons, both foreign and domestic; security of our U.S. borders; U.S.-beneficial immigration control; and “our” rapidly growing $21 trillion National Debt; etc.

Human serenity and survival seems to ultimately rely heavily upon our ability and willingness to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference. A perspective likely important to keep in mind, as we try our best to wade through and responsibly deal with the smothering load of past, present, and future information about our Planet Earth’s ever-changing climate. A climate that reportedly has, over billions of years, so far included some five “Ice Age” cycles—without the aid of we mere humans.

And, when faced with “Global Warming”/“Climate Change” related warnings, predictions, government-mandates, etc., especially those that don’t seem to satisfy the common sense test, it is likely especially important that we "identify and critique the source,” and also, as they say—“follow the money.”

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As cautioned by James Madison (1751-1836) many years ago, “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives.”

—William James Moore



Tuesday, November 27, 2018

A Looming Ancient-Rooted Threat To Our Liberty, Freedom, and Lives!

Just like it is now happening in England, Germany, and elsewhere in the World, we U.S. citizens can lose our country without, so-to-speak, a shot being fired. Simply by we-the-people tolerating open borders; not maintaining an immigration policy based on merit and one failing to require assimilation of our common language-English and common culture founded on Judeo-Christian values; not exercising responsible voting in our nation’s elections; and self-destructively ignoring the ongoing existence of an ancient-rooted evil (i.e., radical-militant Islam / Sharia-law) that continues to wage war against 21st century civilization. A very real and present threat having the U.S. as a primary target.

And, be not complacent or delusional—the loss of our country also means the loss of our liberty, freedom, and ultimately our lives!

A critical question and concern of course rests in the “true intentions” of the various Muslim individuals that are already seated, and about to be seated, in a number of U.S. political offices, and those now seeking such positions of political power. That is, do they “truly” hold allegiance to our U.S. Constitution . . . or do they openly or covertly hold allegiance to Sharia-law and/or other radical-militant Islam teachings, etc.?

And, let this sink in—our U.S. Constitution, and Sharia-Law or other radical-militant Islam teachings, CANNOT co-exist within our nation! And, for the sake of our liberty and freedom and that of future generations of Americans, we had damn well better get busy right now making and executing some wise survival-grounded choices—in our personal lives and throughout all levels of our government!

In speeches, September 29, 2014, to the United Nations General Assembly, and six months later, on March 03, 2015, before a special joint-meeting of our U.S. Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered very strong, rational, and plain-spoken warnings. About the growing threat of radical/militant Islam, and why ISIS must be defeated and Iran must never be allowed to gain nuclear weapons capability.

In his September 29, 2014 speech he strongly cautioned: “It's not militants. It's not Islam. It's militant Islam. Typically, its first victims are other Muslims, but it spares no one. Christians, Jews, Yazidis, Kurds – no creed, no faith, and no ethnic group is beyond its sights. And it's rapidly spreading in every part of the world. You know the famous American saying: "All politics is local"? For the militant Islamists, "All politics is global." Because their ultimate goal is to dominate the world.”

It is to our ultimate demise that we ever forget or be complacent about the threat posed by radical-militant Islam / Sharia-law. Yet another critical reason why we must practice as-required due diligence to ensure that we are truly aware of: who we elect to positions of power and influence within all levels of our government; who we let enter through and remain within our borders; and regarding all levels of our educational systems—who is teaching our children, and what are they being taught!  Again, at stake, nothing less than our nation’s ultimate survival and our too-often taken for granted liberty, freedom, and gift of life! 

If the message herein and happenings around the World and within our U.S. borders are not a sufficient wake-up call, there is a wide selection of fact-based readings available about this looming menace that should awaken even the most complacent or terminally-in-denial among us. Such as: (1.) "Because They Hate," by Brigitte Gabriel; (2.) "Killing Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness," by William James Moore; and an array of other sources. 

One’s “source” of factual-enlightenment is not what matters. What does however matter beyond description by words, is one’s dedication to seeking truth, recognizing and accepting reality, and responsibly applying the knowledge and wisdom gained therefrom!                                                                                                                                                                                                             ---William James Moore

Monday, November 26, 2018

Momma said . . . "Never Be A Sore Loser!"

As evidenced by so far surviving in spite of myself, over the years many family, friends, and others have been caring enough to share with me an array of voluntary paths to proper behavior and a good life. None the least, the importance of “never being a sore loser” . . . “never resenting the good fortune of others.” Such being a far from trivial bit of important life-guidance that falls in the sack of many crucial others that I still yet fall terribly short in measuring up to.

For, to this day, I find myself envious, and at times very resentful, of those who, for example, “win the various lotteries”! And if truth be within me, if I had the intelligence-gathering resources of the “deep state”; the reputation-destroying power of the radical-left; and the unrelenting 24/7 support of the biased media, . . . I very likely would harass, shame, and if necessary threaten, other winners until they caved in, publically apologized for contaminating the human race with their presence, and swiftly passed their obviously underserved winnings in total to “me”—the truly deserving.

Never the less, and while burdened with many acknowledged personal flaws and failings, I still find needed comfort and life-sustaining refuge in the realization that I “am not” the cause of nor responsible for: hate speech; racial-divide; California’s wild fires; floods, hurricanes, tornados; world hunger; gun violence; atrocities carried out by terrorists; police brutality; abuse of illegal aliens; climate change; inadequate health care; wars and turmoil throughout the World; student debt; disease; income inequality; sexual discrimination; white supremacy; crime; drug addiction; workplace violence; identity theft; assassination of Abraham Lincoln; the U.S. National Debt; and countless other ills throughout the World.

Because, as any sane, clear-headed, open-minded, rational-thinking, mature human being knows—those cited above, and countless other yet to be identified Russian-colluded curses and plagues against humankind, are clearly and indisputably caused by and the responsibility of President Trump, and his incessant “Make America Great Again” endeavor! And, those that fail to understand and acknowledge this factually-defendable reality are clearly, plainly, and simply, among the many “despicable deplorables” who are hell-bent to roadblock continuation of Past-President Obama’s “Transformation (destruction) of America” agenda.

However, all is not lost, for the solution is clear and simple. Replace President Trump with a “deep state” created Obama/Clinton clone that “fake news media” will 24/7 support, and other radical-left parties will unrelentingly worship. And then—all will be well again!

But, good judgement suggests now is a good place to halt this particular writing. Before inadvertently revealing yet another of my numerous personal short-falls—such as, the use of just a tad bit of often difficult to recognize cynicism and sarcasm to communicate very serious concerns about truly important issues. 
                                                              —William James Moore

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Showing That "You Truly Care"!

Since around year 2000, the number of “legal” immigrants to the United States has reportedly numbered about 1,000,000 per year, as countless others continue to appropriately wait in line to pursue “legal” entry into our nation.

While, as of this posting, caravans of invaders continue their approach through Mexico to our southern border, waving foreign flags of places they supposedly are seeking refuge from. Many if not most among them, hell-bent to defy and illegally breach our borders in unrelenting quest of access to our taxpayer-funded public treasury. By way of a magnitude of taxpayer-funded benefits—taxpayer-funded resources often not available to even the most destitute of countless “legal” U.S. citizens, such as, our nation’s homeless veterans, homeless children, and unfortunate others.

It is noteworthy that, as these mobs of blatant disrespect of our nation’s sovereignty continue to head our way, there are those within our borders that, under the guise of “caring,” hold in utter contempt any effort to, in any manner, delay or prevent unlawful entry of these or others into our already $21 trillion in-debt nation.

And, it is in special consideration of such self-declared “uniquely-caring” individuals that the below proposed program is offered. While recognizing that the following is but one of likely many options available to those craving for a way to show just how much they “truly care”!

“Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” — (Proposed Draft):

(A.) Applies to: U.S. citizens who desire and support unsecured U.S. borders, unrestricted immigration, and “catch and release” policies being applied to illegal aliens caught on U.S. soil.

(B.) Required Action: If you truly put the welfare of illegal aliens above that of your fellow U.S. citizens, then unrelentingly pressure your representatives in the House and Senate to timely establish a volunteer “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” that will help you put “your” time, money, and other personal resources where your heart and mouth are. For example, a federal government administrated program whereby, through a user-friendly government website, you can register and apply for an official “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Designee" assignment.  Whereby, after appropriate vetting and acceptance, you can be assigned, for example, five appropriately vetted illegal aliens from our existing “catch and release” immigration policy. Five individuals who, as their designated custodian/guardian, you will be totally responsible—at “your” personal expense—for their housing, clothing, food, education, medical care, entertainment, and other humanitarian needs, as well as accountability for their physical location, general conduct, and availability for government monitoring, etc. A responsibility that will continue lawfully and uninterrupted until the illegal aliens assigned to you have within applicable U.S. Government designated time frames, either become: (1.) English speaking, English using, U.S. culture-assimilating, self-supporting, law-abiding, legal U.S. citizens; or, (2.) lawfully deported from U.S. soil.

(C.) Alternative Response: Should you choose not to have, support, and personally participate in an “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” such as described above, then it should reasonably be assumed that you are among those who recognize their patriotic duty to constructively support responsible U.S. immigration policies. Those designed to secure our U.S. borders, mandate merit-based immigration, and eliminate “catch and release” and other nation-threatening or otherwise irresponsible handling of illegal aliens.

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If, within the above, the reader finds that a bit of cynicism and sarcasm was used to communicate a serious concern and sound proposal, such was and is the intent.    —William James Moore

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

"Among Life's Inescapable Realities"

Along with blessings experienced by a countless many, come a number of life’s inescapable realities. Such as, to note but a few: some among us pay taxes, others do not; there is no such thing as “free” (someone, somewhere, at some point, pays); death eventually applies to all; the Sun comes up in the East; you can’t eat a bowling ball (at least not in its intended-for-use form); life is not fair; freedom of speech does not only apply to what you or I agree with, but also the views of others; only those who successfully win the battle against evil and oppression will have the opportunity to realize the inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness; and, both our “voting” and “not voting” have truly serious, long-lasting, and otherwise profound consequences.

Yes, the conduct (good, bad, or indifferent) of our local, state, and federal government is ultimately the consequence of votes cast, or not cast, by “we the people”—past, present, and future. A reality not erasable by any amount of wrongly assigned blame/credit. For, in our U.S. constitutional republic, it is our votes or lack thereof that determine who will be granted positions of governmental power and influence over our lives and livelihood. An extent of power and influence our country’s Founding Fathers wisely intended to be duly limited and held in check. By way of the Bill of Rights and other liberty recognizing provisions of our very unique and most precious U.S. Constitution—our firewall against tyranny—our safeguard against cruel or oppressive government or rule.

And, for those who continue to maintain that our votes don’t matter, note that our recently completed 2018 midterm elections reportedly entailed campaign spending totaling well over a staggering $5 billion. An unthinkable expenditure that of course does not include the untold millions upon millions of untraceable dollars (so-called “dark money”). All spent in a grueling battle for our votes—in an unrelenting struggle for positions of power and influence within our government. Votes, and lack of votes, that truly have consequences!

For, in the end, it will be our votes and failure to vote that determine, for example:

Whether our liberty-sustaining U.S. Constitution survives, or is replaced by life/liberty-destroying Sharia Law or other cruel and oppressive rule; whether our nation’s foundation blocks of secured borders, common language-English, and common culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, continue to survive, or are destroyed by irresponsible immigration policies; whether we have a free-enterprise economic system that promotes continued growth, prosperity, innovation, individual opportunity, and security, or the nation/liberty-destructive ravages of socialism/communism; whether our ever-growing and out-of-control $21 trillion national debt is responsibly dealt with, or we self-destruct from continued out-of-control government spending; whether our educational institutions teach truth and help prepare our nation’s youth to responsibly deal with the realities of life, or condition them to scramble for the false security of a taxpayer-funded “safe space” and delusional comfort of an “anxiety-relieving kitten/puppy,” at the first encounter with a view not aligned with that of their own; whether we accept the reality of “limited resources,” or self-destruct under the delusion that the cost of so-called “free” food, clothing, housing, education, transportation, entertainment, legal services, smart phones, and other wants and needs, will somehow be paid for by the “tooth fairy” or some other “elusive them.” And, by no means the last nor least --- whether our nation is constructively supported by an election process of integrity, inputted by informed and responsible voters, or suffers the liberty threatening consequences of a system contaminated by input of non-U.S. citizens, sabotage by foreign governments, and/or from the ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, and greed, of we U.S. citizens.

It seems Abraham Lincoln was unsettlingly prophetic when reportedly stating, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”                           

                                                                                       —William James Moore 

Monday, October 29, 2018

To Vote or Not to Vote: A Long-Standing Dilemma for a Growing Many

Except for certain special circumstances, our YR 2018 U.S. general “mid-term” elections will be held on Tuesday, November 6. Each administered by the respective state and local governments, regardless of whether involving federal, state, or local offices. Millions upon millions of dollars will have been spent in relentless truthful and untruthful, as well as lawful and unlawful, efforts to sway our votes in favor of particular candidates.

Through it all, millions of U.S. citizens will do their best to become responsibly informed and do the right thing. As a seemingly ever-growing shameful number of others, will choose to forgo their right to vote for or against those seeking positions of power, influence, and responsibility within our government. A most precious U.S. citizen right protected and preserved by countless past and present, often at ultimate sacrifice. A right yet denied to and sought by untold millions of less fortunate others worldwide.

Those committed to the long-standing search for and use of excuses for “not voting” will likely recognize one or more of the following time-worn examples: forgot to register/vote; bad weather; sick; disabled; inconvenient voting place; ID required; proof of U.S. citizenship required; conflicting schedule; had to work; on travel/vacation; disgusted with politics; no good candidates; all political parties are the same; politics is all about money; corrupt politicians; the one I want is not on the ballot; all that politicians really care about is just getting elected. As well as that age-old standby—“our votes don’t really count anyway.”

On the other hand, those striving to maintain their personal commitment to “responsible voting” may find a much needed booster-shot somewhere within the following crucial priorities: preservation of our—U.S. Constitution, borders, common-language English, common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, and our too often taken for granted liberty and freedom. If none of these seem to address one’s “why bother to vote” pondering—how about “the future of our children and grandchildren”. That is, the wellbeing of future generations of Americans, already saddled with an outrageous and rapidly growing $21 Trillion National Debt. The result of many years of greed, corruption, and less than responsible government, left unchecked for too long by “we the people”—the so-called adults in the room.

We can do our best to be informed and active voters, or waist our precious and fragile privilege. We have the opportunity to be a part of our country’s solutions, or its problems. We can focus on the “reasons” for voting, or the “excuses” not to. The “choice” is ours—that is, at least “so far” such remains the case. 

                                                               —William James Moore 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

"An Open Letter To President Trump" --- Re: The "Caravan of Invaiders Now Headed to Our U.S. Southern Border!

Dear President Trump, Below is a Website copy of signed original sent to you via Priority U.S. Mail this date, 10/24/2018. Sent with no illusions that you will likely ever see it, especially considering it being humanly impossible for any President to personally process the thousands of communications craving their daily attention. None the less, and regardless of source, it is hoped that the concerns expressed below receive your priority consideration. Respectfully, W.J. & C.A. Moore.

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“Make America Great Again!”

October 24, 2018

The President
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

We of course fully and respectfully recognize that it is humanly impossible for any president to personally process the thousands of communications craving their attention each day. None the less, and whether communicated to you by way of this letter or other means, it is our hope and trust that the nation-crucial message provided herein is timely included in your priority considerations.

Since the beginning of your candidacy, we have been among the growing millions of your strong and most dedicated supporters. A support most warranted by your unrelenting efforts, many sacrifices, and ever-growing number of accomplishments on behalf of our country—on behalf of “all” Americans!

And, it is with our most sincere thanks, appreciation, and continued support of your many good works that the following special request is respectfully offered for your consideration. A request not only reflecting the concerns of the undersigned, but also that of our likeminded family members and friends, as well as no doubt countless millions of other justifiably concerned U.S. citizens:

Well before the, now moving through Mexico, ever-growing so-called “caravan of immigrants” reaches our country’s southern border, please hold a primetime President’s Address to the Nation, in which you include as a minimum the following seven (7) points in the clearest of terms and seriousness of conviction:

(1.) A nation—any nation—is defined by its borders, common language, common culture, and nature of government.

(2.) Our country—the United States of America—is a constitutional republic defined by its borders, common language-English, and common culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

(3.) Migration, immigration, or other non-U.S. citizen entry into the U.S. is NOT a “right” to be fulfilled at the demands of anyone. To the contrary, it is a “privilege” granted or denied at the sole discretion of the United States of America.

(4.) The ever-growing so-called “caravan of immigrants” now moving uninvited by the U.S. through Mexico on way to our U.S. southern border, with intent of illegal entry into our country, is considered by the U.S. to be “a caravan of invaders,” “disrespectful of our nation’s sovereignty,” and “a threat to our national security.” And as such, will be refused illegal entry into the U.S. by any and all required means, including the as determined necessary use of our armed military resources.

(5.) And to those planning, organizing, funding, and otherwise perpetrating this “caravan of invaders”—hear and heed the following:

(a.) Whether you be foreign or domestic, the U.S. government will seek you out, publicly identify you, and hold you accountable to the fullest extent of U.S. and International Law; and

(b.) If you “truly, truly care” about the innocent men, women, and children, caught up in the existing and other planned politically-orchestrated “caravan(s) of invaders,” you will timely halt, turn such around, fund, and otherwise ensure a timely and humanitarian return to their point(s) of origin. For, as earlier stated, any and all attempts of illegal entry into the U.S. will be considered non-tolerated acts of aggression and threats to our national security. Which will be confronted and prevented through the use of any and all means necessary, including armed U.S. Military support.

(6.) And to the government of Mexico, it is your duty to protect and control your country’s borders, and your responsibility to NOT provide accommodations for the present or other so-called “immigrant caravans” seeking to overwhelm U.S. border security and gain illegal access to our U.S. soil. Therefore, be advised that your continued failure to timely and effectively address said duty and responsibility will ultimately result in a U.S. Military enforced comprehensive closure and barricade of our total U.S. southern border. To remain in effect until you have demonstrated to U.S. satisfaction the implementation of policies no longer constituting a threat to the sovereignty and control of our southern border.

(7.) And to U.S. citizens who desire and support unsecured U.S. borders, unrestricted immigration, and “catch and release” policies being applied to illegal aliens caught on U.S. soil—hear and note the following:

(a.) If you truly put the welfare of illegal aliens above that of your fellow U.S. citizens, then please unrelentingly pressure your representatives in the House and Senate to timely establish a volunteer “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” that will help you put “your” time, money, and other personal resources where your heart and mouth are. For example, a federal government administrated program whereby, through a user-friendly government website, you can register and apply for an official “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship” role. Whereby, after appropriate vetting and acceptance, you can be assigned, for example, five appropriately vetted illegal aliens from our existing “catch and release” immigration policy. Five individuals who, as their designated custodian/guardian, you will be totally responsible—at your personal expense—for their housing, clothing, food, education, medical care, entertainment, and other humanitarian needs, as well as accountability for their physical location, general conduct, and availability for government monitoring, etc. A responsibility that will continue lawfully and uninterrupted until the illegal aliens assigned to you have within applicable U.S. Government designated time frames, either become: (1.) English speaking, English using, U.S. culture-assimilating, self-supporting, law-abiding, legal U.S. citizens; or, (2.) lawfully deported from U.S. soil.

(b.) Should you choose not to have, support, and personally participate in an “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” such as described above, then it should reasonably be assumed that you are among those who recognize their patriotic duty to constructively support responsible U.S. immigration policies. Those designed to secure our U.S. borders, mandate merit-based immigration, and eliminate “catch and release” and other nation-threatening or otherwise irresponsible handling of illegal aliens.

Mr. President, those not in your shoes can in no way begin to truly identify with the awesome burden and challenges you face in dealing with the “caravan of invaders” now approaching our southern border, as well as our country’s many other most daunting of challenges. And, while full well knowing that regardless of what you do or don’t do, the radical-liberal left, biased news media, and other naysayers will contribute nothing but criticism and obstructionism, it is none the less hoped and wished that you will continue to be blessed with the wisdom and courage to not cave into such negativity, and just do what your heart and sound mind tells you is ultimately best for our nation.

With the above being said, and on behalf of millions of likeminded others, we want to take this opportunity to again express our most sincere gratitude for the absolutely great job being carried out by you and those chosen to serve with you. And especially for the long-awaited and crucially-needed hope and inspiration that you represent to us and millions of other Americans.

Like you and many others, we long ago became aware and deeply concerned that we were not passing on to our children and grandchildren the same America of liberty, freedom, and opportunity that we were recipient of. And, given that we are now in our mid-seventies, we have been blessed to be around long enough to recognize and appreciate that history will one day rightfully portray you to be high among our country’s best—if not our country’s most constructive and accomplishing U.S. President ever!

At this point we would be amiss to not note that anything herein that you find helpful to your efforts was in majority measure the result of special input and encouragement from our son. And that any shortfalls of this most sincere correspondence are in turn solely the credit of the undersigned.

Please keep the faith and unrelentingly continue the many great works you are pursuing. And may you and your family be held safe and much blessed always!

Most Respectfully,

William J. & Cecilia A. Moore
Enclosure: Copy of Public Mind Article: “Then Along Came Trump.”

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(Public Mind article published in local newspaper, the Parsons Sun)

(Also posted at:

“Then along came Trump”

Posted (in the Parsons Sun): Friday, January 19, 2018 11:53 pm

To The Sun:

It was supposed to be a slam dunk. Starting with 17 candidates, the Republican Party’s brutal and self-devouring primary had ended with one survivor, Donald Trump. The Democrat primary, beginning with three candidates, had soon became a race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Sanders endorsed Clinton, as hacked e-mails exposed that top DNC officials had early on dismissed Sanders as a viable candidate and attempted to undermine and derail his campaign.

Yes, the 2016 presidential election was supposed to be a done deal. Millions had been given and promised a seemingly endless list of “free-stuff” from our trillions of dollars in-debt public treasury. Years of effort had been invested in promoting victimhood, racial/social unrest and an array of other divide-and-conquer agendas. Political correctness had been widely entrenched as weapons against truth, fact, reality, free speech and common sense. So-called mainstream media and entertainment-industry elite had saturated the country with politically biased venom. And a deep state (liberty-threatening manipulators within the IRS, FBI and other government agencies) was firmly established to disrupt and block any serious threat to the status-quo.

Yes, our U.S. borders would soon continue to be essentially open to all, providing a growing voter-base for some, and endless source of cheap labor for others. And forever secure would be the positions of power and influence within the self-sustaining partnership between the radical/irresponsible elements of the political left and political right — the entrenched base of irresponsible career politicians, lobbyists and bureaucrats.

But then came President Trump. A wealthy businessman, Washington outsider, a threat to the swamp. The president put U.S. interests above that of other nations, and U.S. citizens’ rights above the welfare of illegal aliens. He tried to replace nation destructive political correctness with truth, fact, reality and common sense. He declared radical/Islamic terrorists to be radical/Islamic terrorists. He committed to the seemingly impossible task of making America great again, donating his taxpayer funded salary to charity and expressing a merry Christmas wish as a merry Christmas wish. This president had more U.S. preserving accomplishments during his first year in office than most if not all his predecessors (the biggest Tax Cut and Reform Bill in America’s history”; “destruction of the ISIS caliphate”; and a “historically unmatched booster-shot to U.S. economy”—being none the least among hundreds of crucial achievements so far). All while swimming upstream against opposition in both political parties; a hostile mainstream news media; an on-going, nation-damaging hissy-fit from election sore-losers; and a “deep state” committed—not to our U.S. Constitution, liberty, and freedom—but to our President’s and country’s failure.

Seems Abraham Lincoln was unsettlingly prophetic when reportedly stating, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

But what do I know, I’m just an old “deplorable”—and likely now labeled by the politically-correct as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamaphobic. — WILLIAM JAMES MOORE, Parsons, KS

Sunday, October 21, 2018

A Caring Heads-up from Gracie!


My name is “Gracie.” As you will note from the above photo, I am of the species “Canis lupus familiaris.” More informally referred to as of the “dog” family.

Cutting to the chase, so to speak, I and relatively sane others cannot help but be increasingly and justifiably concerned, as we watch and listen to various TV talk-shows, so-called “news” broadcasts, social media chatter, and political spectacles, etc. As we are likewise truly disappointed in and alarmed by the related destructive behavior of what appears to be a growing number of the self-declared “superior” human species. People that I and other so-called “lesser-beings” share this precious earth with.

More specifically . . . long, long ago one of my kind’s most cunning competitors for human attention—the “Felis catus” species (or, “cats” for short), developed the ability and willingness to basically “tolerate” not only themselves and others, but especially “human beings” in general. While at the same time we dogs have advanced even further! That is, we not only have the capacity and willingness for “tolerating” much of the human race, we have also been blessed (or possibly cursed) with the unmatchable capacity for “unconditional affection”—even for some of the obviously most undeserving. Yes, we mere dogs are that yet unmatched source of human-craved, and too-often taken for granted, “unconditional affection,” which to date the “cat” species has chosen to not trouble themselves with—and many humans seem generally incapable of.

Yes, even after thousands upon thousands of years of experience and consequences, you humans still continue your self-absorbed, self-destructive “intolerance” of one another. A nature of intolerance that, since the beginning, has been used by the more greedy and sinister among you to fuel “divide and conquer” agendas and other liberty-destroying behaviors. In an ever worsening craving and quest for power and control over others through various means. None the least being the promotion of dissent between, for example, those labeled as “the oppressed (victims)” and those accused of being “the oppressors.” Liberty-destroying agendas of dissent, often aided by self-defeating ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears of too many among you.

Although we mere “dogs” and our counterpart lesser-beings lack the solution to what seems to afflict the human species, we nonetheless justifiably and most fearfully recognize the following certain reality. That being, it is crucial that you very, very soon: (1.) seriously acknowledge your self-destructive behavior, and (2.) “replace” your menacing weapons of political-correctness, identity-politics, racism, victim vs oppressor, illusion that life must be “fair” and that anything is truly “free,” etc., with some basic common-sense tolerance for one another! Should you fail to do so, you the so-called superior human species are most certainly going to screw-up this planet Earth for “all” of us! And, be not deceived—your failure to demonstrate due respect for one another has been far exceeded by your undeniable success at developing weapons of mass-destruction capable of doing us “all” in!

The above being some top priority concerns to responsibly ponder as you go about your self-destructive intolerance of the inalienable (God-given) rights of other human beings to life, liberty, and pursuit of (not guarantee of) happiness. Too often also ignorant or unconcerned that that you also share this earth with countless other life forms, each struggling with life in their own respective ways to realize their likewise inalienable (God-given) role in the yet to be truly understood big scheme of things.

With Unconditional Affection,


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As shared with: —The Moore's (William James & Cecilia Ann)


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Some Thoughts About "Options," "Rights," & "Responsibility"

We universally-flawed humans of course have the “option” to believe what we choose to believe.  However, and in clear contrast to the behavior of some, none among us have the “right” to insist that everyone else believe as we do.

For example, I and likeminded others have the “option” to believe in the importance of protecting, preserving, and adhering to our U.S. Constitution; securing our national borders; enforcing merit-based immigration policies; learning and using our common national language-English; assimilating our common national culture founded on Judeo-Christian values; and maintaining our capitalist free-enterprise system (rather than communism/socialism), etc.

We likewise have the option of believing that it is our responsibility to do our best to elect and support government representatives and leaders who are seriously committed to these same beliefs.  We also have the option of honoring the sacrifice of those who established our truly unique Constitutional Republic, and those of the past who have fought, and those of the present who continue to fight, to protect and preserve our inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and the “pursuit” of (not guarantee of) happiness.

And, while not having the right to insist that the rest of the world share the values and beliefs cited above—as proud legal U.S. citizen Americans, I and likeminded others do have the option (if not responsibility) to lawfully encourage those who believe and behave otherwise to set up their residence, and carry out their anti-American dreams, somewhere other than within our U.S. borders. For us to do otherwise likely makes us a contributor to the liberty-threatening nation-destructive illusion that within our U.S. borders, interfering with the constitutional rights of legal U.S. citizens is a workable option.

But what do I know, I’m just an elderly unapologetic “deplorable”—and likely now labeled by the self-absorbed, self-proclaimed politically-correct as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamaphobic.   Nevertheless, someone who at times entertains the thought of possibly being aware of a thing or two, for no other reason than having so far been blessed to live long enough to see a thing or two.  - - -  Of course, you, the reader, certainly have the “option” of believing otherwise. 
                                                              —William James Moore

Monday, October 1, 2018

U.S. Faces Crucial "Fork in the Road"!

When I and others of same time frame entered this world, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was the U.S. President—you can do the math. And, some thirteen U.S. Presidents later, I and countless likeminded others ponder the world around us with a mixed state of positive wonder and deep concern.

Positive wonder regarding the many life-improving advances now available to an ever-growing fortunate many worldwide. And, a deep concern about the ancient-rooted evils and other dark-sides of humankind that yet threaten—not only our daily livelihood—but our ultimate survival. Threats all too often, and for much too long, treated with self-destructive apathy and complacency.

For example, although our country continues to be faced with daunting social challenges, and serious threats from enemies within and beyond our borders, the turnout of lawful voters in our local, state, and national U.S. elections continues to be irresponsibly and shamefully low. Leaving the fate of current and future generations of Americans vulnerable to those who strive to destroy our constitutional democracy and the precious liberty and freedom so many past and present have paid the ultimate price for. A liberty and freedom too many among us too often take for granted, as countless among our world’s much less fortunate continue to strive for, often at ultimate sacrifice.

Our upcoming November 2018 elections represent a rapidly approaching “crucial fork in the road”! Unlike a “crossroad” that implies multiple options, the “fork in the road” facing us includes only two paths. 

One leading to respect for and preservation of our U.S. Constitution; borders; common-language English; free-enterprise economic system; and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values. 

The other being a suicidal path into the liberty and freedom destroying abyss of socialist/communist agendas. Fueled by the divide and conquer weapons of political correctness, racism, identity politics, victimization, and hate-promoting propaganda, etc.

The choice is ours—at least at this point in time it remains so.

And, as we ponder the crucial upcoming November 2018 elections, and the consequences thereof, it is well that we also keep in mind that history attests that it is not “wars” that destroy nations—but the “apathy and complacency” of the people thereof.

Which brings us to the truly prophetic and inescapable wisdom of the following quotation commonly attributed to Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), our 16th U.S. President: “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

So, for the sake of present and future generations of Americans, we are called upon to do the responsible thing in our November 2018 elections and thereafter! That being, to ensure that we only elect and support members to our U.S, Congress (House & Senate), that are truly dedicated to the support and success of President Trump’s “U.S. First” agenda for making and keeping America great again!

                                                             —William James Moore

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"BEWARE, Judge Brett Kavanaugh" --- You will likely next be "accused" of WITCHCRAFT!

The Salem witchcraft trial of 1878 (some 140 years ago; when Rutherford B. Hayes was U.S. President) was reportedly the last (or at least the most recent) witchcraft trial held in the United States. In short, it involved one Lucretia Brown’s “accusation” that one Daniel Spofford had attempted to harm her through his “mesmeric” mental powers. Reportedly, the judge dismissed the case.

If one fast-forwarded above referenced trial to the present, and replaced Daniel Spofford with Brett Kavanaugh, the radical-political left and like-minded others would be working overtime to demand a re-trial and guilty verdict!

The Salem witch trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts between February 1692 and May 1693. More than 200 people were accused, nineteen of whom were found guilty and executed by hanging (fourteen women and five men). One other man was pressed to death for refusing to plead, and at least five people died in jail. It was the deadliest witch hunt in the history of the United States.

Hence, it seem only logical that it will only be a matter of time until the radical-political left and like-minded others add “accusations of Witchcraft” to their growing arsenal of weapons of smear, defamation, and otherwise personal destruction, of those posing a threat to their nation-destroying ideology and agenda. 
                                                              —William James Moore

Sunday, September 23, 2018

"Trump Reality" Versus "Radical-Left Propaganda"

CAUTION: In addition to some acknowledged “opinion,” this fitting expression of freedom-of-speech also contains “fact” and “truth”—and therefore likely considered offensive and threating to those of intolerant and closed mind.

The so-called mainstream media and radical-left talking heads, etc., would have one believe that much of the whole world hates Trump! And, if you don’t—there’s something seriously wrong with you! Of course, anyone having a resemblance of sanity and even a touch of commonsense and open-mindedness, and taking the initiative to become a responsibly informed U.S. citizen, sees through all the destructive BS our country is being bombarded with.

That is, the yet sane among us recognize that any view that President Trump is “universally thought of” as being disliked; hated; not respected; and otherwise a despicable being, etc., is just so much propaganda crap! Just the nation-dividing/destroying fabrication of a corrupt, and in many cases criminal, “deep state” and radical-political left—flamed 24/7 by an equally corrupt and politically-biased so-called mainstream media and likeminded others. And while one has the liberty to have a negative take on President Trump—and some of course do—a healthy perspective should not be lost in all the politically-charged noise around us.

For, throughout our nation is another view too often dangerously smothered in the abyss of all the divide and conquer venom by the promoters and supporters of socialism/communism within our borders. That being, the view of millions of patriotic, free-thinking Americans—of all groups, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, etc. Those of sound mind and blessed with some survival-essential good old commonsense, open-mindedness, and interest in the truth, etc. Those who view President Trump with admiration, respect, love, appreciation, envy, etc. Those who rightfully acknowledge him as being our legitimately elected U.S. President and our Military’s Commander in Chief. A, like the rest of us, flawed human being. But unlike most of us, a “cannot be bought” wealthy businessman who, by his own choosing, is working indescribably hard to do what is right for our country—as he donates his taxpayer funded Presidential salary to charity.

A U.S. President who, against unthinkable and inexcusable obstruction, is not only “trying to” but also actually “accomplishing” much (if not more than) than that which he “promised” during his campaign for president. A brutally fought campaign he “legitimately won” against a notable array of democrat and republican opponents—against career politicians. And, in spite of a politically biased news media, and a “deep state” criminally committed to his defeat—“prior” to and “after” his election. A most deservingly and increasingly popular U.S. President who continues to draw packed-to-capacity crowds at his unquestionably unique and unmatched “Trump Rallies.”

Truly historical events where the numbers “remaining outside” often equal or exceed the numbers of those arriving early enough to gain entrance to routinely capacity-filled arenas. Such as, the estimated 20,000 supporters or so traveling to the recent “President Trump Rally” held September 21, 2018, at Springfield, Missouri. A display of support that, once again, “filled to capacity” the JQH Arena on the Missouri State University campus; with equal or exceeding numbers remaining on the outside, in lines reaching the equivalent of miles upon miles. An encouraging display of positive-for-America support that no doubt deeply troubles President Trump’s political opponents and those who wish to see him fail—our nation fail.

Yes, “Trump rallies” being but another example of unprecedented display of citizen-support. Such being among a growing number of “Trump positives,” unlikely to ever be factually and otherwise responsibly reported by what has truly earned the deserving label of “Fake News”! 

Undeniable “Trump positives” that should, none the less, be a serious heads-up to a dysfunctional U.S. Congress. A wake-up call to very timely step up to their sworn duty to our U.S. Constitution and the therein stated obligations to we-the-people, our nation—to present and future generations of legal-citizen Americans. 

                                                              —William James Moore

Friday, September 21, 2018

Kavanaugh-basher---'Dr.' Christine Margaret Blasey Ford---Owes "Dispicable Deplorables" a Public Apology!

The unrelenting efforts of the radical-left to disrupt and roadblock Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, has left me and countless others with some troubling thoughts. Including thoughts of you, now ‘Dr.’ Christine Margaret Blasey Ford, thinking of me and likeminded others as despicably deplorable bullies, racists, xenophobes, liars, islamophobes, fascists, and homophobes, etc.

Thoughts of you furthermore driving the ultimate verbal stake in our hearts by also thinking that none among us will ever live long enough, or ever have the courage, to demonstrate even a single patriotic act of nation-saving importance.

Now, I and likeminded others are “not sure” whether you have or have not to date actually entertained such thoughts of us. Especially since we can’t be sure about the exact dates, times, places, or frequency of such thinking, or of witnesses thereto. Or, if you have not yet done so, or whether you will or will not one day do so. And, it is of course likely that only an until-death-do-you-part, taxpayer funded, FBI background check, headed up by someone of Robert Mueller’s integrity and perseverance, could ever reveal the true nature of any aspect of your thinking, of us or otherwise.

Nevertheless, given that you are an American psychologist and professor in clinical psychology at Palo Alto University, you more than most must certainly recognize, and hopefully appreciate, how truly devastated we can be at even the most passing thought that you have, or will one day, think of us in such a traumatizing and offensive way.

Therefore, by way of this special FB Post, you are advised that you owe me and likeminded others a most timely and sincere public apology for any of the above-described offensive thinking you have entertained of us, from your age of consent to date, and/or for that which you may hereafter ponder about our kind.

And as you prepare your due and fitting (and no doubt professional and caring) apology to us, you should be especially mindful of a no doubt most frustrating to you fact of life. That being—and contrary to the above traumatizing thoughts attributed to you—I and likeminded others have, in our lifetime, managed to demonstrate at least one indisputable patriotic act of nation-saving importance! We voted for President Trump and his Make America Great Again Agenda! An act we shall also proudly and unfailingly repeat in the future!

Respectfully awaiting your apology. —William James Moore (on behalf of self and likeminded others)

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PS - If, in the above, one notes a bit of "serious" satire--be assured, such was the intent!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The "Ilusion of Human Purity" and "Criticality of Our U.S. Elections in November 2018"

An “oxymoron” is a figure of speech in which “opposing” words or terms appear together, with a result that can logically be seen as nonsense, a contradiction, or otherwise not reality. For example: “cruel kindness,” “living death,” “to make haste slowly,” “awfully nice,”.” Or, “act naturally,” “deafening silence,” “bipartisan cooperation,” and “business ethics.” And, then there’s the likely grand prize winning oxymoron of all time . . . “human purity”! Followed by the new kid on the block . . . “democratic socialism”!

By way of respective religious/spiritual leanings, an estimated 2.2 billion human occupants of this planet reportedly accept that the “only example of purity” to yet walk among us was crucified about 2,000 years ago. However, this widespread acknowledgment has yet to ever slow down our futile search for (and often demand for) human flawlessness.

For we continue to seek and expect perfection not only in others, but in ourselves. With costly results we continue to place “unrealistic expectations” on virtually all aspects of society. Such as, to site a few, our: parents, spouses, children, significant others, friends, foes, neighbors, police, fire department and ambulance personnel, doctors, dentists, other professionals/nonprofessionals, heroes, religious/spiritual leaders, government leaders/representatives, etc.

Yes, we even unrealistically raise the bar of purity for our nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court (this being an obvious reference to the dog and pony show associated with current Congressional processing of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, and reaching back into his teen years for evidence of human imperfections. The teen years where likely none among us were blessed with an abundance of good sense or overwhelming responsibility).

Now, please don’t take this unsolicited, opinionated ranting out of context. For, I for one am among those who strongly believe that our strife for perfection is a good and survival-essential thing . . . that is, provided we temper such with some “appropriate limitations.” Now at this point, some are likely and rightfully pondering how are we to know what is and is not “appropriate.” To which I say, fret not! For we have all around us a growing “source of direction,” not only about human purity, but essentially concerning all things.

You know the source I’m talking about. Those self-proclaimed purists within: the elected and appointed elements of our government; the so-called mainstream news media; Hollywood/NFL and other entertainment industries; Facebook and other social media companies; Google and other Internet Search Engine companies; etc.

Those self-absorbed liberty-threatening beings who know better than we: what, where, when, and how, we should eat, sleep, breathe, speak, and vote, etc. What cars we should drive; what guns and other personal weapons we should not have; what hobbies and entertainment we should not engage in; who our doctors and other medical care professionals should be; what private clubs or organizations we should not belong to; etc. How public restrooms should be identified and who should be permitted to enter therein. Who should and should not be permitted to speak on what subjects on our public colleges and universities; etc. What statues and other historical markers should exit; what should and should not be taught in our public schools, colleges and universities; and what religious freedoms are and are not appropriate to exercise. And, even who our U.S. President should be . . . regardless of what our U.S. Constitution actually stipulates, or how we choose to vote!

Be not deceived or complacent. Our nation is at a critical tipping point! The outcome of our upcoming November 2018 elections will determine whether we step up to the plate, take charge of our affairs, and assume responsibility for our nation’s direction. Or, if we have instead turned over our fate and ultimate survival to the self-proclaimed all-knowing purists, and the spoiled and clueless of the young and old who like sheep mindlessly follow them. Those long striving to overwhelm our nation with their “liberty-destroying direction.” Those now openly and unapologetically beating the drums of “Democratic-Socialism”—which is of course just another marketing ploy for the freedom death-spiral to communism! 

Unspeakable shame on we U.S. citizens should, in November 2018 and thereafter, we fail to protect our great nation and liberty from such evil. 

The choice is ours.  At least, for now!    —William James Moore

Saturday, September 15, 2018

A Day Brightened By A Complete Stranger

 Recently, “self-absorbed I” was on a routine power-walk near the Parsons High School—a spectacle casual observers might likely describe as “pretend exercise.” While pausing to tighten a shoe string, I received a very surprising and day-brightening greeting from a total stranger. One actually acknowledging my existence; even making eye contact! And, not just hurriedly scurrying-by, seemingly detached from one’s surroundings, with head buried in a smartphone screen, or ears plugged with earbuds, etc.

Yes, while appearing to show up out of nowhere, and although now living life after the tragic loss of a leg, this complete stranger took the time and effort to extend a warm greeting to another unknown. You know what I mean, that very unique and especially friendly “body-language” that a most handsome male dog, with black and white hair, sporting a reddish collar, and missing a right front leg, uses when wishing to warmly engage with we humans.

Thereafter, without a spoken word being exchanged, this complete stranger chose to accompany me for a couple of city blocks or so, alongside, or nearby. As he cheerfully walked, ran, and romped about, with a demonstrated nature of energy, balance, coordination, confidence, and joyfulness that many of his peers having the benefit of all four legs likely much envied. And, doing so with an enviable spirit void of even the slightest trappings of self-pity, victimhood, and remorse regarding the horrific injury he had obviously once suffered and the special challenges now faced.

For a special moment in time my attention seemed to depart from my “self-absorbed self”—as I instead focused on this most cheerful canine dealing with life and his world while having only three legs. I wondered what traumatic experience had taken one of his precious front limbs, and thought about the painful, fearful, and challenging recovery process he had to have likewise dealt with. Questioning whether I would be able to in kind endure similar tragedy, and thereafter have the positive and confident attitude he so enthusiastically exhibited. The answer I kept coming up with—very likely, not.

As this cheerful stranger departed my presence, likely in search for more interesting company elsewhere, I much hoped that his well-kept appearance indicated that his home was nearby and he would soon safely return thereto.

It seems noteworthy that for the most part cats appear to basically “tolerate” us. While dogs are blessed (possibly burdened) with the capacity for “unconditional affection” for we humans—and in some cases, even for the most undeserving among us.

And, regarding our likewise human capacity for “tolerance” and “unconditional affection” for one another, and for other life-forms we share this Earth with—well, that seems to be a work in process with considerable room for improvement.

But now, back to my “self-absorbed self” and real or imagined challenges—and at times a sense of “terminal uniqueness” likely shared by countless others.    —William James Moore 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Ex-President Obama is a Hopless Narcissist and Void of Shame!

About the time Ex-President Obama and Ex-First Lady Michelle were poised to enter the White House to “serve” we-the-people, their combined net-worth was reportedly about $1.3 million. A nest egg that has thereafter reportedly grown to an estimated $40 million to $75 million, depending on the information source.

A net-worth that of course does not yet include a $65 million joint book deal they have since reportedly signed, nor the actual value of a multi-million dollar Obama-Netflix production deal, which was no doubt aided along by one of Netflix’s new board members, Susan Rice, who “served” as Obama’s national security advisor. You know, the same Susan Rice who took the fall for Obama and Clinton by appearing on an array of Sunday talk shows in 2012, as she blatantly lied to we-the-people about the “terrorist massacre” carried out on our U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya (i.e., blaming the deadly attack instead on reaction to an internet video).

And, of course, the above wealth-estimates do not include the over $200,000 per year ex-president lifetime pension; security services; and other U.S. taxpayer-funded perks the Obama’s are also recipient of. Overall, according to data collected by Analytics@American, an online business analytics program from American University, the Obama’s could very well amass an estimated $242.5 million or more during their “post-presidency.”

But, now in his ex-president retirement days, what is this “ex-liar in chief”; this most racially-biased “divider in chief”; this demonstrated enemy-within of our U.S. Constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, etc., now doing with his leisure time? Well, you can be assured he is not striving to protect and preserve our Constitutional Republic for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans!

No, he is not using his oratory skills, wealth, or other resources to help the current administration clean-up the social and economic mess left by him and others. For, much to the contrary, the self-serving narcissistic Obama is once again out on the campaign trail, spreading the same old nation-destructive agenda through the same old pack of lies and same old tools of deception.

And, just in case one has a little difficulty recalling how the Obama agenda of racially-charged lies and deception is packaged, for consumption by his target audience of the “always offended” and “forever victims”—below is a snapshot from the past, from Obama’s “Change We Can Believe In” pitch:

(Reference the following, but a few of the many, historically-demonstrated False and Deceptive Declarations of Candidate/President Barack Hussein Obama)

“We have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division and conflict and cynicism . . . That is one option. Or, at this moment, in this election, we can come together and say, ‘Not this time’ . . . .”

“The first thing I will do as President will be to reverse the illegal and unconstitutional aspects of the Patriot Act, with the stroke of my pen.”

“. . . that means no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens.”

“I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the president of the United States of America.”

“. . . I taught the Constitution for ten years, I believe in the Constitution, and I will obey the Constitution of the United States. We’re not goanna use ‘signing statements’ as a way of doing an end-run around Congress.”

“I pledge to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office.”

“I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

“I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will execute the office of president of the United States faithfully, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States.”

“My administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in government.”

“. . . IRS targeting of political dissidents had “not even a smidgen of corruption”.

“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

“. . . I believe in the Second Amendment, I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms, I will not take your shotgun away, I will not take your rifle away . . . .”

“If you’ve got a business—you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

“. . . U.S. will “do what we must” to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons.”

And, then there is the March 2012 “hot microphone incident” at a joint press opportunity with then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev prior to a global nuclear security summit in Seoul, South Korea, that picked up then-President Obama whispering to Medvedev that he would have “more flexibility” to negotiate on issues like missile defense after the 2012 election (i.e., during Obama’s second term).

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