Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The "Ilusion of Human Purity" and "Criticality of Our U.S. Elections in November 2018"

An “oxymoron” is a figure of speech in which “opposing” words or terms appear together, with a result that can logically be seen as nonsense, a contradiction, or otherwise not reality. For example: “cruel kindness,” “living death,” “to make haste slowly,” “awfully nice,”.” Or, “act naturally,” “deafening silence,” “bipartisan cooperation,” and “business ethics.” And, then there’s the likely grand prize winning oxymoron of all time . . . “human purity”! Followed by the new kid on the block . . . “democratic socialism”!

By way of respective religious/spiritual leanings, an estimated 2.2 billion human occupants of this planet reportedly accept that the “only example of purity” to yet walk among us was crucified about 2,000 years ago. However, this widespread acknowledgment has yet to ever slow down our futile search for (and often demand for) human flawlessness.

For we continue to seek and expect perfection not only in others, but in ourselves. With costly results we continue to place “unrealistic expectations” on virtually all aspects of society. Such as, to site a few, our: parents, spouses, children, significant others, friends, foes, neighbors, police, fire department and ambulance personnel, doctors, dentists, other professionals/nonprofessionals, heroes, religious/spiritual leaders, government leaders/representatives, etc.

Yes, we even unrealistically raise the bar of purity for our nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court (this being an obvious reference to the dog and pony show associated with current Congressional processing of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination, and reaching back into his teen years for evidence of human imperfections. The teen years where likely none among us were blessed with an abundance of good sense or overwhelming responsibility).

Now, please don’t take this unsolicited, opinionated ranting out of context. For, I for one am among those who strongly believe that our strife for perfection is a good and survival-essential thing . . . that is, provided we temper such with some “appropriate limitations.” Now at this point, some are likely and rightfully pondering how are we to know what is and is not “appropriate.” To which I say, fret not! For we have all around us a growing “source of direction,” not only about human purity, but essentially concerning all things.

You know the source I’m talking about. Those self-proclaimed purists within: the elected and appointed elements of our government; the so-called mainstream news media; Hollywood/NFL and other entertainment industries; Facebook and other social media companies; Google and other Internet Search Engine companies; etc.

Those self-absorbed liberty-threatening beings who know better than we: what, where, when, and how, we should eat, sleep, breathe, speak, and vote, etc. What cars we should drive; what guns and other personal weapons we should not have; what hobbies and entertainment we should not engage in; who our doctors and other medical care professionals should be; what private clubs or organizations we should not belong to; etc. How public restrooms should be identified and who should be permitted to enter therein. Who should and should not be permitted to speak on what subjects on our public colleges and universities; etc. What statues and other historical markers should exit; what should and should not be taught in our public schools, colleges and universities; and what religious freedoms are and are not appropriate to exercise. And, even who our U.S. President should be . . . regardless of what our U.S. Constitution actually stipulates, or how we choose to vote!

Be not deceived or complacent. Our nation is at a critical tipping point! The outcome of our upcoming November 2018 elections will determine whether we step up to the plate, take charge of our affairs, and assume responsibility for our nation’s direction. Or, if we have instead turned over our fate and ultimate survival to the self-proclaimed all-knowing purists, and the spoiled and clueless of the young and old who like sheep mindlessly follow them. Those long striving to overwhelm our nation with their “liberty-destroying direction.” Those now openly and unapologetically beating the drums of “Democratic-Socialism”—which is of course just another marketing ploy for the freedom death-spiral to communism! 

Unspeakable shame on we U.S. citizens should, in November 2018 and thereafter, we fail to protect our great nation and liberty from such evil. 

The choice is ours.  At least, for now!    —William James Moore

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