Tuesday, September 4, 2018

"Seemingly Unexplainable" Absurdities of the Political Radical-Liberal Left

For the most part of August 25 through September 2, 2018, Senator John McCain’s death, and never-seeming-to-end related memorial activities, were used as a platform for bashing of President Trump and his Make America Great Again agenda.  This latest shameful display joining a growing list of prior divide-and-conquer maneuvers.  And now, this first week of September 2018, the "radical-liberal left" starts off with obstructing by all means possible the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.  After which will come something else. As the hissy-fit of the deep-state and its supporters from failure to put Hillary Clinton in place as president unrelentingly continues.

When faced with the endless examples of the “seemingly unexplainable” nation-destructive absurdities of the radical-political left and likeminded others—thankfully, connections to some resemblance of sanity savingly come to mind. Such as:

(1.) A New York Times bestseller book, titled: “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder,” by New York Times bestselling author, Michael Savage; and

(2.) The following quotation, often attributed to Robert A. Heintein: “Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.”

—William James Moore

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