Friday, September 7, 2018

A Special Message To The National Football League (NFL)

Below is a special message to the NFL “costume-wearers” and like-minded others who choose to participate in and otherwise contribute to the gross and inexcusable disrespect of our U.S. Flag and National Anthem at NFL events and elsewhere: 

“You should get off your knees, and somewhere else on your own time, find a positive, constructive, and otherwise nation-healing way to air your concerns.  As you, the relatively privileged, are fortunate to be often paid millions to “play” a game on make-believe grass, while wearing high-tech protective gear, and covered by the best medical attention money can buy.  As your freedom to do so is protected and preserved by less-privileged others who are often called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice.” 

"And, to Nike and other companies that have chosen to support the despicably unpatriotic behavior of the NFL, Colin Kaepernick, and like-minded others, . . . there are no words to fittingly describe the utter contempt due you for your shameful unconditional lust for profit.  Furthermore, if you seriously want to get in touch with what "the ultimate sacrifice" truly entails, then lend an attentive ear, for example, to the personnel in, and families of, our nation's military, police departments, fire departments, etc., and while at it pay a respectful visit to the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall and Arlington National Cemetery!"  --- William James Moore

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