Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Some Thoughts About "Options," "Rights," & "Responsibility"

We universally-flawed humans of course have the “option” to believe what we choose to believe.  However, and in clear contrast to the behavior of some, none among us have the “right” to insist that everyone else believe as we do.

For example, I and likeminded others have the “option” to believe in the importance of protecting, preserving, and adhering to our U.S. Constitution; securing our national borders; enforcing merit-based immigration policies; learning and using our common national language-English; assimilating our common national culture founded on Judeo-Christian values; and maintaining our capitalist free-enterprise system (rather than communism/socialism), etc.

We likewise have the option of believing that it is our responsibility to do our best to elect and support government representatives and leaders who are seriously committed to these same beliefs.  We also have the option of honoring the sacrifice of those who established our truly unique Constitutional Republic, and those of the past who have fought, and those of the present who continue to fight, to protect and preserve our inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and the “pursuit” of (not guarantee of) happiness.

And, while not having the right to insist that the rest of the world share the values and beliefs cited above—as proud legal U.S. citizen Americans, I and likeminded others do have the option (if not responsibility) to lawfully encourage those who believe and behave otherwise to set up their residence, and carry out their anti-American dreams, somewhere other than within our U.S. borders. For us to do otherwise likely makes us a contributor to the liberty-threatening nation-destructive illusion that within our U.S. borders, interfering with the constitutional rights of legal U.S. citizens is a workable option.

But what do I know, I’m just an elderly unapologetic “deplorable”—and likely now labeled by the self-absorbed, self-proclaimed politically-correct as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamaphobic.   Nevertheless, someone who at times entertains the thought of possibly being aware of a thing or two, for no other reason than having so far been blessed to live long enough to see a thing or two.  - - -  Of course, you, the reader, certainly have the “option” of believing otherwise. 
                                                              —William James Moore

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