Friday, May 17, 2019

"Preaching To The Choir" and "Wrestling With Pigs"

It is of course far from a news-flash that millions of Americans share a deep concern about the continuing chip, chip, chipping-away at our nation’s “crucial foundation blocks” — our U.S. Constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values. By an array of very real and ever-spreading threats to our liberty and freedom, some of which are noted at the end of this posting.

Millions of us likewise share an unrelenting craving for ways and means to somehow meaningfully contribute to a successful struggle against such threats. To in some way help ensure that we pass on to our nation’s children, grandchildren, and future generations of Americans, the nature of precious liberty and freedom earlier availed to us for our responsible handling. 

As a seemingly growing number of us have at times included, and continue to include, Social Media among our ways of expressing our related hopes and concerns. 

Social media—a “communications experience” that continues to offer millions of us reminders of mixed intent about some of life’s often overlooked realities. Such as:

(1.) Presenting an argument or opinion to people who already agree with it is, as they say, “Preaching to the Choir”;

(2.) Attempting to share facts, logic, common-sense, and historically-founded experience and wisdom, etc., with those of a closed-mind, is a futile or otherwise impossible activity best described by the adage, “Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig”;

(3.) And, before undertaking the impossible task of meaningfully-communicating with those hell-bent to blatantly defy facts, logic, common-sense, and historically-founded experience and wisdom, etc., one should well heed the caution flagged by another old saying, “Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

Therefore, in the face of the above realities, it would seem that regardless of how positively (or negatively) intended, much of any efforts to influence the thinking of others likely falls in the sack of “exercises in utter futility.” Especially when it comes to matters regarding deeply ingrained attitudes regarding politics, religion, etc.

However, and as evidenced by the ever growing efforts to intimidate, shout-down, and otherwise muzzle any “freedom of speech” other than that defined and expressed by the radical political-left, . . . it is indisputably clear and crucial that “liberty and freedom” defending voices also continue to be heard throughout America and elsewhere. Even if doing so, risks (so-to-speak) “preaching to the choir”; “getting soiled while wrestling with pigs”; and “enduring the frustration of never being able to teach pigs to sing.”

And, for myself and others who can benefit from a crucial memory-jog regarding “why put forth the effort” summarized below are some randomly-listed examples of the wide-spreading threats facing present and future generations of Americans. Individually and collectively entailing a most daunting challenge that one day will fall upon the shoulders of our now nation’s youth. Many of whom have been conditioned to believe that “life is (or should be) fair.” And consumed with the delusion that there actually exists something that is “free” (not ultimately paid by someone)—including our too often abused and taken-for-granted “liberty and freedom.”

[“A Not All-inclusive Reminder List” of Threats to Our Liberty, Freedom, and Ultimate Survival: Socialism; communism; radical/militant Islam; Sharia law; a growing and unsustainable $22 trillion National Debt; a dysfunctional and self-perpetuating U.S. Congress; entrenched politically-biased “deep state” of unelected government bureaucrats; politically-biased news media; efforts to disarm law-abiding citizens; uncontrolled U.S. borders; lack of merit-based immigration policy; racism propaganda and other divide-and-conquer agendas; politically-liberal biased administrations embedded throughout much of our schools, colleges, and universities; efforts to silence any “freedom of speech” other than that of the radical political-left; political correctness (denial of truth, fact, reality); uncontrolled voter-registration and illegal-balloting; and a self-destructive base of non-participating legal U.S. voters, as well as active voters consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears.]     —William James Moore 

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