Saturday, November 7, 2020


As much if not most of the World continues to wrestle with the widely reported Coronavirus (COVID-19), the U.S. is “in addition” plagued with another most sinister (but much less acknowledged) threat!  That being—a long-standing, wide spread, and increasingly severe "Pandemic of Reckless Irresponsibility"!

“RECKLESS” is of course generally considered to be “without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.”  Whereas, “IRRESPONSIBILITY” being the “lack of a proper sense of responsibility.”  Such as, the handling (rather, too often gross-mishandling) of much of our country’s general and mid-term elections—time and again!   Especially that of our recent corrupt-infested 2020 elections!

Yes, in this ever-more-awesome high-tech day and age, seemingly filled with gadgets to scratch life’s every itch, many have figured out how to “RESPONSIBLY” and “ON TIME”:  pay our bills; file tax returns; mail a card and/or present; eat, sleep, awake, show up at work; engage in craved-after entertainment; service our vehicles; take our meds; etc.; etc.; etc.  However, when it comes to “RESPONSIBLY” and “ON TIME” casting, counting, and reporting of votes crucial to the maintenance and survival of our precious liberty, freedom, and nation’s ultimate survival—growing numbers among us seem to be increasingly and ever-so-hopelessly challenged!

And, while we find ways to travel to the Moon and back; build and maintain an Earth-orbiting Space Station; view photos sent from robots we have landed on far away planets; equip virtually every living occupant of the U.S. with a Smart Phone; and provide effective security for corrupt/self-serving politicians living in gated/privileged housing; etc.—how to ensure nation-wide legal, on-time, and corrupt-free voting continues to be beyond our grasp!  A shameful liberty-threatening nation-destructive circumstance that will continue until the personal/political will, wisdom, common sense, and courage to correct such failing truly outweighs the status-quo of related ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear!

It is of course noteworthy that the World’s countless much-less-fortunate are yet to be burdened with the herein cited, and thus far largely U.S.-localized, “Pandemic of Reckless Irresponsibility.”  Because such folks are of course much more focused on their often life-threatening and futile struggle to gain the priceless liberty, freedom, and “responsibility,” that growing numbers among us continue to shamefully and tragically abuse and take for granted. Self-destructive behavior continued in reckless disregard of the following truly insightful, historically founded, and aptly cautionary message often attributed to President Ronald Reagan: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where we were free.” 
                                              —William James Moore 11/07/2020

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