Sunday, November 15, 2020


Biden and Harris—the born-again “Healers” and “Uniters” of the “socialist/communist radical-left infested” Democrat Party—boldly promise to “Save the Soul” of our nation!

Unquestionably an awesome task, and one long pursued with at best limited/questionable success by countless others over the many years. So, one might fittingly ask, “What is the Biden/Harris team’s secret?

Actually, no “secret” at all! Because the “how-to” has been publicly and privately playing out before our eyes for a long, long time! By way of truly sacrificial and otherwise deeply caring application of the following summarized twelve-step plan —taken verbatim from the radical-left’s historically-tested official playbook on “How to Save Souls while Transforming America into a Venezuela/Cuba type Socialist/Communist Hellhole”:

(1.) “PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION”: Never fail to publicly (and without mercy) accuse and shame foes of the radical-left of being that which “the radical-left actually is and does”. And when the accused exhibits any sign of objection, then swiftly, publicly (and without mercy) label them as being despicably racist and otherwise unfit for any form or nature of human existence. And if by chance the accused is a business owner, then additionally move to destroy said business by any/all means available;

(2.) “DIVIDE AND CONQUER”: Impose “divide and conquer” policies and legislation that create an ever-growing base of “victims” committed to unrelenting voter-support of the radical-left. Including but not limited to a solid base of broken/dependent families, wherein the role of a head-of-household bread-winning father has been critically marginalized (preferably eliminated), and each “victim” never loses sight of who their pro-America “oppressors” and radical-left “saviors” are;

(3.) “DEFY HISTORICAL REALITY”: Impose policies and legislation that are anti-America, anti-U.S. Constitution, anti-U.S. Secured Borders, anti-U.S. Judeo-Christian Common Culture, and anti-U.S. Common Language-English. And do so in total disregard of the historical reality that no nation can, nor has, ultimately long-survived without secured borders, a common culture, and common language;

(4.) “ADDICT VOTER-SUPPORT TO “FREE STUFF”: Impose immigration policies and legislation that enable open U.S. borders, flooding the U.S. with illegal aliens attracted to so-called “Free Stuff” (food, clothing, housing, medical services, education, transportation, legal services, etc., etc.) from the U.S. taxpayer-funded public treasury. Illegal aliens that overwhelm our schools, hospitals, law enforcement, and other infrastructure; abuse and bankrupt our welfare system; and fail to respect and assimilate U.S. Judeo-Christian values and the U.S. common language-English. An every growing population of illegal aliens that nevertheless are programed to unrelentingly provide voter-support to the radical-left;

(5.) “IGNORE TRUE THREATS TO HUMANKIND”: Impose military defense/immigration policies and legislation that disregard the ages-old (never-to-go-away) terror threat of radial-militant Islam—a Worldwide threat committed to purging the Earth of all who refuse to submit to the life and liberty-destroying control and ideology of radical-militant Islam. While at same time, using radical-left power to stamp out the existence/spread of Judeo-Christian based faith;

(6.) “WEAPONIZE EVERY CRISIS”: Never fail to take advantage of and aptly weaponize a crisis (such as the so-called Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic), or to take advantage of the human tendency of countless millions to have their heads often buried in the sands of ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, irrational fear, and self-indulging distractions;

(7.) “BRAINWASH AMERICA’S YOUTH”: Unrelentingly use the taxpayer-funded public treasury to establish and maintain an educational system (schools, colleges, universities) infested with a radical-left biased staff and bureaucracy that brainwashes American youth with pro-radical-left bias and anti-America propaganda;

(8.) “WEAPONIZE THE NEWS MEDIA”: Impose legislation and policies that over the years establish, promote, and maintain an ever-growing nationwide base of radical-left supporting “Political Activists” posing as America’s mainstream “News Media”;

(9.) “ENSLAVE THE MASSES TO AN UNSUSTAINABLE NATIONAL DEBT”: Impose legislation and related federal government spending that defies all basic rules of economic commonsense and responsibility, and do so in total disregard of an unsustainable National Debt certain to one destroy the lives, liberty, and opportunity of future generations of Americans;

(10.) “INFILTRATE OPPONENT RANKS”: And if ever presented with a radical-left supportive self-serving “Trojan-horse” opportunity, put on your “Rhino” camouflage and join the “pro-American cause”—wherein you can pose as being among the most supportive of their patriotic aims, while in reality exercising the extensive weaponry of the radical-left agenda;

(11.) “PURSUE POWER/CONTROL AT ALL COSTS”: Always keep upper-most in mind—the “agenda” means little to nothing in the absence of positions of power and influence to needed to execute it! Therefore, as necessary to support the socialist/communist radical-left Democrat Party’s quest for unrestrained power and control, unrelentingly infest the U.S. election process with “as-required” and “unlimited” and “ever-more-creative” nation-wide corruption. Even if doing so calls for an all-out effort to place the control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of the U.S. Constitutional Republic, in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, career politicians in American history (Joe Biden), and a likewise radical-left running mate (Kamala Harris)—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable!

(12.) “MAXIMIZE IMMEDIATE AND LONG-STANDING INTIMIDATION”: Furthermore . . . should an “outsider” (such as President Donald J. Trump) ever truly expose and threaten the status-quo, then immediately solicit and without mercy employ every available faction and weapon of the radical-left supportive “deep state” to marginalize, cancel, and otherwise destroy the “outsider,” his/her family, close associates, friends, and otherwise supporters. And, in doing so, send the message loud and clear to the “outsider,” the “outsider’s supporters,” and to all others who might one day consider following the “outsider’s” patriotic path—“How dare you have the hopeless and unmitigated gall to ever consider seriously executing your U.S. Constitution-established “citizen sovereignty”! Yes, how dare you! For it is we, the self-proclaimed elite of society who are in ultimate control of you lessor being’s destiny! A not-to-be-challenged control duly warranted and extended to us, by those hopelessly addicted to the special brand of anti-America ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and irrational fear that we promote and nurture, and from which with no remorse we self-servingly harvest America-destructive advantage from.”

And, it is only through the above deeply compassionate socialist/communist plan, and radical-left moral superiority, that the souls of America’s patriots can be saved from the unspeakable scourge and torment of liberty, freedom, and opportunity to pursue happiness!

= = =

—William James Moore  -  Trump and Pence 2020!!!

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President.

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President.

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