Thursday, September 10, 2020


Yes, just "RELAX" .  .  .  because, freely shared below is a very simple, painless, and obvious “Three-Step Solution” to our country’s troubled times:

(STEP ONE): All legitimate U.S. citizens simply try hard to NOT vote in our upcoming November 03, 2020 elections, and in any/all U.S. elections thereafter;

(STEP TWO): However, if vote one must, then without fail always support candidates who are pawns of the anti-America socialist/communist radical-left, such as Biden/Harris. Yes, without fail, use the precious power of your vote to support nation/liberty destructive agendas such as: rioting/looting; elimination of police protection/law and order; open borders; uncontrolled immigration; and “FREE” housing, food, clothing, medical care, income-inequality cash allowances, smartphones, college education, transportation, child care, legal counsel, and entertainment, etc., for everyone the radical-left defines as being a “victim” or is otherwise supportive of the radical-left’s power-craving agenda. As well as taxpayer-funded subsidies for “climate change” and other rip-offs beneficial to the radical-left’s socialist/communist aims;

(STEP THREE): Strictly on an “optional basis,” consider some very serious prayers for your remaining time on this Earth, as well as for that of your children, grandchildren, and future generations of Americans. That is, just in case STEPS ONE and TWO don’t work out so well for some unforeseen reason.

SPECIAL NOTE: Of course those among us still hanging on to some trace and resemblance of sanity, will recognize that just a “touch of satire” was used in the above so-called solution. With the hope of drawing crucial attention to a most serious liberty and freedom threating concern—the outcome of “our” U.S. elections, November 03, 2020! An opportunity for each of us to put on our big-boys and big-girls clothes and do our duty to help save America! By ensuring a Trump and Pence landslide victory! And one that critically includes a U.S. House and Senate “majority” truly supportive of a Trump and Pence “America-First”/”Law and Order” agenda! 

                                                —William James Moore   

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