Wednesday, December 9, 2020


In addition to the ages-old Good vs Evil conflict, much of humankind has long wrestled with “crucial shortages” regarding liberty, freedom, food, shelter, clothing, safety, security, tolerance, understanding, personal responsibility, caring, compassion, love, etc. While ever-basking in an “overabundance” of unrelenting craving to “assign blame.”

And, in keeping with the long-standing tradition of “fault-finding,” I and no doubt countless others have in more recent times been especially and justifiably driven to jump on the band wagon (so-to-speak)!

And, in so doing, seek and “assign blame” for “THE EVER-GROWING EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO AMERICA” posed by, for example: China; Big-Tech (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.); America’s liberal-biased New Media; America’s radical-liberal infested Educational Institutions; and the socialist/communist radical-left factions of the Democrat Party; etc.

A most challenging “fault-finding” journey which, any resemblance of true self-appraisal, unfortunately reveals an inescapable “Me Side”! For example:

(1.) As China continues its overtake and destroy America agenda, . . . I knowingly and unknowingly purchase automobiles, smart phones, and an array of other products which, in whole or in part, are “Made in China”;

(2.) As so-called Big-Tech (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) increasingly use their fortunes and manipulating-algorithms to muzzle/cancel the free speech of those they disagree with, and otherwise support the nation-destructive agendas of the socialist/communist radical-left, . . . I continue to use Google and Facebook, and at times have even (shamefully) considered the use of Twitter as an aid to spewing my unsolicited pro-America politically-conservative views;

(3.) As our so-called Main-Stream News Media over the years became owned and infested with radical-left-biased political activists posing as “providers of news,” . . . I contributed to their ratings by watching/listening to, or otherwise being tuned to, their propaganda-infested broadcasts. A practice long ago “discontinued,” and more recently even applied to the once so-called “fair and balanced” FOX;

(4.) Even as our local newspaper has become more and more politically-liberal biased, and increasingly restrictive (if not totally intolerant) of politically-conservative leaning Public Mind submissions from its subscribers, . . . I have (not yet) “cancelled” our subscription;

(5.) As countless of our nation’s youth have been, and continue to be, brainwashed by educational institutions infested with radical-left biased administrative and teaching staff, and anti-America curriculum void of factual World history, etc., . . . I have never sought or served in a Board of Education role, or otherwise meaningfully confronted this truly nation destructive assault;

(6.) As, over the years, the socialist/communist radical-left factions within the Democrat Party, and their rhino/Trojan horse supporters within the Republican Party, overtly and covertly carried out anti-America, liberty/freedom/nation-destructive agendas, . . . I for “too many years” was irresponsibly oblivious to the existence and nature of, and threat posed by, our country’s many “enemies within”! And, much too detached from my responsibility to unrelentingly pursue being a meaningfully informed and constructively-active politically-minded citizen.

And, as I (likely now in vain) continue this most self-revealing “seek-and-assign-blame” journey, our precious Constitutional Republic is made no less threatened by, and I find and am due no comfort or pardon from, awareness of being but “one mere me”—in a nationwide “Me Side” of “Blame.”

—William James Moore

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
—Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President.

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