Thursday, December 17, 2020


As I understand it, as part of the now underway Electoral College “process,” on 01/06/2021 each State’s Electoral College votes must be counted in a joint session of Congress. Whereon/wherein, the Vice President, as President of the Senate is the presiding officer, as tellers open, present, and record the votes of the States in alphabetical order. As the President of the Senate in turn announces the results of each State’s vote, and then calls for any “objections.”

To be recognized during this process, an “objection” must be submitted in writing and be signed by at least one member of the House and one Senator. If an objection is recognized, the House and Senate withdraw to their respective chambers to consider the merits of any objections, following the process set out in 3 U.S.C. §15.

After all votes are recorded and counted, the President of Senate declares which persons, if any, have been elected President and Vice President of the United States. With any such elected President and Vice President thereafter taking the oath of office and being sworn in on 01/20/2021.

With me personally, the “straw that will break the camel’s back”—the so-to-speak “Last Straw”—will be any failure of the Republican members of Congress to jointly and unrelentingly put forth and successfully defend “objections” to the Biden/Harris travesty that will otherwise be imposed on America on January 06, 2021.

Yes, in my view, our rhino-infested Republican Congress has in too many ways for too many years, shamefully left President Trump (and our Country’s future) relatively defenseless against the onslaught of the socialist/communist radical-left!!!

And, “IF” at this nation-critical time the Republican Congress joins in lock step with Senator McConnell and other self-serving, void of courage, and otherwise spineless, so-called servants of the people, and on/before January 06 fails to strongly, loudly, and successfully voice “objections” to the fraudulent Biden/Harris so-called “win,” . . . . . then my personal plans at this time will be to then depart from any association with the Republican Party, and spend my remaining years, whatever they shall be, as a registered Independent, with continued dedication to a pro-America, America-first, strongly politically-conservative agenda.

And, until uniquely courageous and dedicated President Trump (or like-gifted and dedicated patriot) rises again, most sadly watch (and support the unrelenting fight against) the nation-destructive train wreck that a much dysfunctional Republican Congress in shameful measure contributed to.

                           —William James Moore

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