Saturday, December 12, 2020


The United States of America—this only of its kind Constitutional Republic—has long been humankind’s best (and likely last) hope for liberty, freedom, and opportunity.

Aside from ever-present foreign threats, . . . what then would ever possess and drive any U.S. citizen/resident to—consciously and with factually-informed intent—strive to destroy our country, and its crucial foundation blocks (our U.S. Constitution; secured borders; common-language English; and common-culture rooted in Judeo-Christian principles)?

The answer, in the simplest of terms—“pure unadulterated evil” . . . with “evil” being that which is profoundly immoral and wicked, and “unadulterated” being that which is complete and absolute)!

“Evil” evidenced in various “behaviors”—such as, “greed,” “hate,” etc.

“Evil behaviors” carried out by an array of faces, including but not limited to a nation-destructive many within: the creators/administrators/controllers of so-called “big tech” (Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.); mainstream news media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, etc.); “self-serving/corrupt” elected individuals and un-elected bureaucrats—in all branches of our local, state, and federal government; and by countless otherwise U.S. citizens/residents.

Ever-challenging our inherent “freedom of choice”—the “good” versus “evil” battle has waged since the beginning. As has humankind’s struggle to wrestle liberty and freedom from the jaws of tyranny, fascism, etc.

And, as countless of the World’s less fortunate continue to crave and pursue legal/illegal access to America’s many blessings, — along with an array of foreign threats, the “evil” within our borders continues an unrelenting assault to turn America into another socialist/communist hell-hole.

No doubt convinced that regardless of the pain and suffering that ensues, “they”—the self-declared elite—will always be safely aloof and securely detached from the human misery they create or contribute to. While forever comfortably nestled in their "gated" residences and positions of corruption and self-serving power and influence. Residences and positions of power and influence they did not gain in a socialist/communist stench, such as China, Cuba, Venezuela, etc., but rather, in the same America they are hell-bent to destroy!

As countless losers of liberty, freedom, and opportunity continue to bask in the self-destructive abyss of ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and irrational fear.

      —William James Moore       Trump and Pence 2020!!! 

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“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” —Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President.

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