Monday, December 30, 2019

Immigrants--Not Existing U.S. Citizens--Must Adapt!

“An upfront heads-up”—some may be offended or otherwise pissed-off by this posting.  If you are among the so distraught, one can still choose to try on some adult pants and consider this posting with an open and rational mind, or, simply just spend your reading time elsewhere.

In any case, before anyone gets their panties in a wad, it is worth noting that . . . as with most if not all U.S. citizens . . . our family’s ancestors also came here from other countries.  Ancestors who learned the U.S. common-language (English), were grateful for the opportunity, worked hard, and didn’t trash America.  Ancestors who became U.S. citizens, were “proud” to be one, some served in the military, some contributed otherwise!  All benefiting from liberty and freedom unique only to this best hope for humankind . . . The United States of America!

And worth repeatingour U.S. common-language is “English” . . . not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc.  So, if you wish to become a U.S. citizen . . . not only “learn,” but also “use” English.

Clearly, I and likeminded others have no problem with anyone coming to the U.S. “legally,” with the aim of making a good life for themselves and their family.  BUT, if you are coming here with the expectations that we accept and become what you just came from, then that’s simply not happening!  So, if assimilating (adapting) our U.S. common culture is not your aim, please timely return to your country of origin and focus your efforts on making it a better place to live and take pride in.

And to Muslims and others who wish to live under Islamic Sharia law—you need to timely exit the United States, because Sharia law and our U.S. Constitution cannot co-exist!  While taking due heed that our U.S. common-culture was and remains founded on Judeo-Christian values . . . which, again, cannot co-exist with liberty/freedom-destroying Sharia law.  This not being some Christian, right wing, political pitch, but indisputable and unnegotiable fact!  And one certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools and other public institutions.

So, if you are offended by "unalienable (God-given) rights," the "U.S. Pledge of Allegiance," and the “foundation blocks” of this great nation (i.e., our U.S. Constitution, secured borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values) . . . then you need to ASAP set your sights on some other part of the world.  Because it is you, and not we the legal, patriotic, U.S. citizens, who must do the “adapting.

Friday, December 20, 2019


As recently reported by various media (and soon smothered by nation-wide trivia): At about 6:30 A.M. Central Time, Friday, December 6, 2019, a Saudi aviator in training pulled out a handgun in a classroom at the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, and opened fire, killing three and injuring eight.

A heinous act carried out before the murderer being fatally shot by one of two Escambia County sheriff’s deputies, reportedly arriving on scene in less than five minutes. The murderer, identified as Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, a member of the Saudi military, was one of some 852 Saudi nationals being trained in the United States as part of a Pentagon security cooperation agreement with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Alshamrani reportedly began his three-year course in August 2017, in studies including English, basic aviation and pilot training. Reportedly, this barbaric atrocity is currently being investigated by the FBI as a suspected “terrorist act”.

TEN YEARS EARLIER . . . On November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood Military Base, Texas, Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, mass-murdered 13 people and wounded some 32 others. Hasan admitted carrying out this unspeakable act; a jury panel of 13 officers convicted him of 13 counts of premeditated murder, 32 counts of attempted murder, and unanimously recommended that he be formally dismissed from the Army and sentenced to death. Although the Army irresponsibly failed to charge him with “terrorism”, and the Department of Defense (DoD) disgustingly classified his mass murders as “workplace violence”—a subsequently-released Senate report described this atrocity as “the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001”.

Nevertheless, as of this 12/20/2019 posting—approaching some six years after his conviction—Hasan is still alive! Yes, this self-admitted, convicted-killer; this despicable coward who proudly massacred his “unarmed” military peers and other victims; this—by any reasonable standard—“terrorist”; this scourge on mankind, described by his military peers as “anti-American”; this prime example of radical/militant Islam—is still alive!

Incarcerated on military death row at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas at U.S. taxpayers’ expense—as mandatory appeal stages that typically could take up to 10 to 15 years are carried out by appellate court “reviews” of his case. With, ultimately, a military death sentence reportedly requiring final approval by the U.S. President. All representing an unconscionable insult to any resemblance of justice on behalf of those he murdered and injured and their loved ones.

And, to date, there is no visible citizen-outrage, no marching in the streets in protest, and no actions being taken to give our military personnel the option to carry a sidearm on our military bases in self-defense against such terrorist acts! We are too consumed with “hurt feelings,” “care of illegal aliens on U.S. soil,” “political correctness,” “safe-spaces on our college campuses,” “climate change,” “ignoring our out of control National Debt,” etc., etc., etc.

“Why?” should be the unrelenting question ringing in the ears of not only the President, Congress, and our military leaders—but, also in the ears of the seemingly unconcerned throughout the rest of us.

The barbaric atrocities mentioned within this posting are haunting reminders that must not be silenced until true justice is served! Justice that also includes a long-past-due repeal of a related 26-year-old Department of Defense (DOD) Policy! An irresponsible policy that is clearly a major contributing factor in not only the massacres at Fort Hood and Pensacola Naval Air Station, but elsewhere. Reportedly, a policy originally-approved by President Clinton upon taking office in 1993, and, left in place by President Bush, President Obama, and (so far) by President Trump.

DOD Regulations creating “gun free zones” on various military bases and installations, and forbidding military personnel from carrying their personal firearms, etc. Policies removing the right of personal-protection and self-defense from our military men and women—the same people we put in harms-way to protect us and others. We trust them to put their life and limbs at risk on our behalf, but not to routinely carry a self-defense sidearm on a military base? What an irresponsible and potentially life-threatening way to say, “Thank you for your service!”

Further evidence of the irresponsible failings of the DOD’s “gun free zones” policies is offered by way of the below “copy” of related correspondence sent to my Kansas representatives in Washington, August 6, 2015:

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August 6, 2015

Dear Representative Jenkins,
Dear Senator Roberts,
Dear Senator Moran,

In June, 2009, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad killed 1 and injured another at a recruiting station in Little Rock, Arkansas...

In November, 2009, Nidal Malik Hasan killed 13 and injured 32 at the Soldier Readiness Center in Fort Hood, Texas...

In September, 2013, Aaron Alexis killed 12 and injured 3 at Navy Yard in Washington, DC...

In April, 2014, Ivan A. Lopez killed 3 and injured 16 marking the second mass-shooting in Fort Hood, Texas...

In July, 2015, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez killed 5 and injured 2 at a recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee...

These things stated, allow me to note that every one of these tragedies were facilitated by the federal policy that mandates ‘Gun-Free Zones’ at bases and other military workplaces.

Seeing that "Gun-Free Zones" have consistently failed -- and at the expense of many American lives -- I urge you to work with your colleagues to eliminate the "Gun-Free Zones" currently existing at military establishments.

Fact is, "Gun-Free Zones" are nothing more than "Free-Fire Zones" for predators and terrorists.

Furthermore, rumors are circulating that our U.S. Navy may charge Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) Timothy White for “illegally” using his sidearm against Mohammed Abdulazeez – the terrorist who opened fire at a recruiting station and reserve training center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 2015. As demonstrated patriots of this great nation, you clearly recognize that any such action against LCDR White would be an outrageous injustice and a devastating and demoralizing insult to our past, present, and future military personnel. LCDR should be awarded an appropriate Letter and Medal of Commendation for his courageous act—not disrespectful hassle from the country he serves.

Please take immediate action on this.


William James Moore
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“I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” —George Mason, Co-author of the Second Amendment.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

A "Few" Words About "Serving The People"

From around 1789 to 1815, Members of our U.S. Congress received a daily honoraria payment of about $6 while in session; and from 1818 to 1855, about $8 per day . . . again, “while in session.” With, back then, Congress typically in session legislating a few months each year, given that America’s Founding Fathers envisioned that being a Member of Congress would be a “part-time” job.

However, let us now do a bit of fast-forwarding to more recent times:

Today, a Speaker of the House, such as Nancy Pelosi, receives an annual salary of about
$223,500. With the standard salary for a Member of Congress being about $174,000 per year. Members of Congress also receive a pension for up to 80 percent of their salary depending on how long they’ve “served.” They also become eligible for a pension after just five years in office. They can also earn outside income up to 15 percent of their salary. And, they receive more than $10,000 in subsidies from the taxpayers to help pay for health insurance. Therefore, the total pay and benefit package for a rank-and-file Member of U.S. Congress is estimated to be worth at least $200,000 per year . . . putting every Member of Congress in the top 3 percent of Americans based on income.

Our U.S. Congress typically schedules about 124 days of legislating per year, compared to the average American worker who works about 240 days per year. Therefore, Members of Congress are actually in Washington working just about half time . . . about 2.4 days per week.

However, Members of Congress say they actually work very hard because even though they only work 2.4 days per week on Congressional business in Washington, they must spend another 2.6 days (or more) meeting with constituents and raising money for re-election campaigns.

Nonetheless, being a Member of U.S. Congress, or a top Congressional staffer, can be a ticket to becoming fabulously wealthy as a lobbyist. And, according to, some 427 former Members of Congress are now corporate lobbyists. In addition, almost 5,400 former Congressional staffers have left Capitol Hill to become federal lobbyists in just the recent 10 years. One report found that Members of Congress get a 1,452% pay raise on average when they become lobbyists. Former Congressman Billy Tauzin as just one example, was reportedly paid almost $5 Million per year to lobby for drug companies.

Is it any wonder, therefore, that a century ago, Washington, D.C. was a relatively small and sleepy town. Whereas, today, the Washington D.C. area has an estimated population of 6,000,000 and is the fastest growing and richest metropolitan area in America! And, of the top 10 richest counties in America, six are in the Washington, D.C. suburbs!

Likewise, is it any wonder, therefore, when concerned, fed-up, clear-thinking, patriotic American citizens elect a U.S. President to “drain the swamp” . . . that there has been, since day one of his (President Trump’s) presidency, an unrelenting and incessant cry and undertaking for “impeachment” from and by America’s most threatening enemy from within! From and by a “deep state” of corrupt and self-serving “politicians and unelected bureaucrats” hell-bent to maintain the status-quo! Under the insulting and nation-destructive pretense of “serving the people.”

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Source/Reference: The Conservative Caucus (a project of Americans for Constitutional Liberty).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Hypocrisy Has Many Faces

Although at times seeming to be not that long ago—when I entered this world, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (01/30/1882 – 04/12/1945) was in his third term as U.S. President.  Of course, as viewed by some, “being around for a while” may amount to not much more than “being around for a while.” Nevertheless, having the thus-far opportunity to do so has afforded me a bountiful array of observations and enlightenments.  Some uplifting; some much otherwise. Including, but not limited to, the reality that hypocrisy has many facesFor example:

(1.) In addition to that from our foreign enemies—an unsettling amount of U.S. media (via, print/audio/visual/social) is awash with anti-capitalism; anti-free speech (including defiance of the right to offend and be offended); anti-religious freedom; anti-right to own and bear arms; anti-U.S. common language English; anti-secured U.S. borders; anti-immigration control; anti-assimilation of U.S. common culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.  In other words, “anti” about everything that walks, flies, and breathes regarding the precious U.S. Constitution and Constitutional Republic gifted to us through great wisdom and sacrifice of countless before us—arguably, the best on Earth hope for humankind and strongly sought-after envy of much of the less fortunate world around us.  

(2.) However, a conspicuous number within our U.S. borders who align themselves with anti-America views such as summarized above, seem NOT AT ALL AVERSE to using, for example, Facebook, Twitter, laptops, smartphones, flat-screen TV’s, food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and hopefully even toilet paper, as well as countless other products of evil capitalism. Likewise, few if any of same folks appear to be hell-bent to pack up their belongings and seek permanent residence elsewhere.  For example, to the seemingly sought after anti-America bliss of already available socialist/communist/dictatorship lands, such as Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, etc.—using, of course, transportation systems (autos, busses, ships, aircraft, processed fuels, etc.) also resulting from, yes, you guessed it . . . "evil" capitalism, enabled of course by an "uncaring"/"unfeeling"/"un-inclusive" America.

And, no better time and place for the many faces of hypocrisy to be revealed than within the privacy of our nation’s voting booths in November 2020.   As the hope, liberty, and otherwise best interests of our youth and future generations of Americans risk taking a shameful back stage . . . not only to the many faces of hypocrisy, but also to the faces of apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears of a nation-destructive number of the then still above ground so-called adults in the room. 
                                                          —William James Moore 

Footnote:  An edited version of the above was also published on page 4, in the Public Mind section, of the Weekend, Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 20-Dec. 1, 2019 Edition of our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Serving the Public Trust?

The following is a copy of not-yet-published Public Mind article submitted to our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun, 11/14/2019:

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Serving the public trust?

To the Sun:

The November 14 edition of the Sun included a front-page Washington (AP) article titled, “As impeachment effort goes public, new evidence given.” A writing evidencing that its eye-catching title is duly matched by an overwhelming majority of politically-partisan content. One clearly tailored to support the article’s early-on stated claim that, testifying career diplomats delivered a striking though complicated account that Democrats say reveals a president abusing his office, and the power of American foreign policy, for personal political gain.

And clearly not the result of oversight, this obviously politically-biased Washington (AP) article intentionally fails to responsibly draw fair and balanced attention to the “other side” of the pathetic story being played out in Washington. “Another side” recognized by any open-minded individuals who chose to suffer through the so-called November 13 public impeachment hearings, which reportedly will continue for another week or so.

Yes, conspicuously absent from referenced Washington (AP) article, and from the Sun’s November 14 edition, was an equally-detailed “other side of the story.” For example, one reflected in other opinion articles, such as the New York Post’s, November 13 article, titled, “Goodwin: Adam Schiff’s dull impeachment hearings are a flop.” Articles holding the view, for example, that in their first day of public impeachment hearings, it was demonstrated just how weak the Democrat’s case for impeachment is. And, how, in mostly dull, uneventful testimony, the Democrats’ “star” witnesses openly complained about policy decisions they disliked, while disregarding the fact that our “elected” U.S. Presidents set foreign policy, not our “unelected” career diplomats. And, most revealing of all, rather than offering “actual” evidence, referenced November 13 “star” witnesses merely cited third- and fourth-hand rumors, as neither testifying “career diplomat” ever had direct contact with the accused President Trump.

Now, this Public Opinion feedback does not mean to in any way declare, infer, or imply that any privately-owned media, such as the Parsons Sun, does not have the business-right to publish, and to not publish, that which they choose. Nevertheless, this writing does unapologetically hold that the public trust would be much more responsibly served if fair and balanced publications (both sides of the story) were routinely employed. Especially when dealing with subjects as truly nation-critical as efforts to unseat a U.S. President . . . regardless of political party.

—William James Moore Parsons, KS 11/14/2019

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“Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.” —often attributed to American journalist, A.J. Liebling (1904-1963).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Special Request to “PAST” President Barack Hussein Obama. . .AND. . .“PAST” First Lady Michelle Obama

Life entails many indisputable realities, such as: (1.) it is difficult to impossible to eat a bowling ball; (2.) from an on-Earth perspective, the sun comes up in the East; and (3.) the pair of you Obama’s have turned out to be among America’s worst nightmares—one that just keeps on hanging around, as you publicly and behind the scenes continue to spread your nation-dividing, liberty-threatening venom!

About the time you Obama’s were poised to enter the White House to “serve” we-the-people, your combined net-worth was reportedly about $1.3 million. A nest egg that has since reportedly grown to an estimated $40 million to $75 million, depending on the information source.

A net-worth that of course does not yet include a $65 million or so joint book deal you have reportedly signed, nor the actual value of a multi-million dollar Obama-Netflix production deal, which was no doubt aided along by one of Netflix’s new board members, Susan Rice, who “served” as Obama Administration National Security Advisor. You know, the same Susan Rice who took the fall for you, “Past” President Obama, and at-the-time Secretary of State Clinton, by appearing on an array of Sunday talk shows in 2012, as she blatantly lied to we-the-people about the “terrorist massacre” carried out on our U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya (i.e., blaming the deadly attack instead on reaction to an internet video).

And, of course, the not all inclusive rough wealth-estimates mentioned herein do not include the over $200,000 per year ex-president lifetime pension; security services; and other U.S. taxpayer-funded perks you and your family are also recipient of. Overall, according to data collected by Analytics@American, an online business analytics program from American University, you Obama’s could very well amass an estimated $242.5 million or more during your “post-presidency.”

But, now in your “past” White House retirement days, what are you racially-biased nation-dividers doing with your leisure time? Well, we can be assured you are not striving to protect and preserve our Constitutional Republic for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans!

And, you most certainly are not using your communications skills, wealth, or other resources to help the current administration clean-up the anti-America, racially-divided, offended-obsessed, free-stuff demanding, and so-called political-correct, mess left by you and others. For, much to the contrary, you self-serving narcissistic Obama’s are hell-bent to publicly and behind-the-scenes continue spreading the same old nation-destructive agenda through the same old pack of lies and same old divide-and-conquer tools of deception.

You had your eight-year shot at “transforming” our country into the devastating social and economic abyss we are now struggling to recover from. So, please have the decency of heart and mind, and concern for the well-being of present and future generations of Americans, to just zip your lips; go back to your home in the crime-ridden, gun-controlled, city of Chicago. Or to your some $15 million Martha’s Vineyard mansion/estate in California—located next to an ocean you and other so-called “Climate Change” advocates swear will very soon devastatingly flood our country’s east and west coasts. That is, unless enough tax dollars can be collected to take charge of the planet Earth. But, until then, please struggle as you may to bask in the good fortune you accumulated while, and as the result of, your selfless “serving” of we-the-people.

                                                             ---William James Moore

Monday, October 7, 2019

Senator Bernie Sanders' "Personal" Healthcare Choices — "A Basis For Justified Puzzlement"?

While openly having utter contempt for Bernie Sanders’ so-called democratic-socialist (more aptly socialist/communist) convictions he publicly supports and strives to contaminate our country with, I nonetheless wish him well in his recovery from his recent heart attack and related implant of two stents.

However, considering Senator Sanders’ incessant and unrelenting criticism of everything that walks, flies, and breathes about our constitutional-republic, and his lofty praise for the healthcare systems of “other developed nations,” etc., . . . I am likely not alone in what seems to be justified puzzlement as to “why” Senator Sanders did not choose (and has still not chosen) to be transported to Canada, or better still to socialist/communist ravaged Cuba or Venezuela, for care and treatment regarding his heart issues?

And, while I and others wrestle with such trivia in the midst of the radical-left’s ongoing search for (or creation of) a way to impeach President Trump, . . . Senator Sanders is likely pondering what his health status might now likely be had he—at the time of his recent heart attack—actually been under and limited to the care of the socialist/communist healthcare systems he so self-servingly strives to impose on we lessor-beings.    —William James Moore

Sunday, October 6, 2019

“Foreign Government Collusion”—Democrats Long Ago Wrote The Play Book!

As with most if not all political organizations worldwide, our U.S. Republican and Democrat Parties share a shameful history of self-serving “dirty tricks.” And, when it comes to “foreign government collusion”—history supports that the Democrats long ago wrote the play book! One that to this date continues to guide an unrelenting, incessant, and nation-destructive Democrat-led effort to now impeach and subsequently prevent President Trump’s re-election in 2020. 

To understand the Democrats' hypocrisy, one must travel back in time to the presidential election of 1984. The economy was booming thanks to Reaganomics, NASA was flying high, and President Ronald Reagan was running for re-election.

Certainly no big fan of Reagan, Senator Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., reportedly recruited the Russians to work against the sitting president. According to widely published reports, Kennedy enlisted the help of the Kremlin in attempting to take down the president. In a May 14, 1983 letter written by Russia’ KGB Director Viktor Chebrikov to then-Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, Chebrikov stated that Kennedy had sent his friend and former Sen. John Tunney, D-Calif., to meet with the Kremlin. During the meeting, Tunney apparently delivered "themes" that Kennedy suggested ought to be used against Reagan in the 1984 election.

The KGB director's letter, which was published in Paul Kengor's 2006 book The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism, stated that Kennedy had sympathy for the Soviet Union's positions, particularly on missile defense. In fact, Kennedy suggested that it was Reagan, not the Soviet Union, who was acting as the bully.

Kennedy, according to the letter, offered to help the Soviets deal with Reagan, whom Kennedy perceived as a warmonger. Kennedy would "arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA." In exchange, Kennedy wanted Soviet aid in challenging Reagan's re-election. Kennedy offered to use his influential friends in liberal American media to arrange television interviews for Andropov. This would soften the Soviets' image, Kennedy suggested, and help brand Reagan as reckless and dangerous.

According to the Russian KGB letter, Kennedy went so far as to suggest Soviet leaders ought to do a tour of American television interviews in order to improve Russia's image and gain sympathy for their position against the U.S.

Imagine for a moment if President Trump’s behavior approached that of Ted Kennedy’s.  Heads would spin and explode, and a liberal-biased news media—already engaged in an overwhelming 24/7 anti-Trump blitz—would likely go into hyperventilating self-destructive overdrive!

Ultimately, Democrats failed spectacularly in their attempt to topple Reagan in 1984. Kennedy managed to avoid any real admission of his involvement with the Russians, and he ultimately admitted before his death that Reagan deserved full credit for winning the Cold War.

Nevertheless, and despite being on the wrong side of history in 1984, Democrats continue to use every foreign government collusion tool at their disposal to win elections and to discredit election results they disagree with. For example, as recently as 2016, the now under investigation Democrat party collusion with the top-level Ukrainian government officials to gain opposition research on then-candidate Donald Trump.

Even in the 1940s, a high-level Democrat — Henry Wallace, Secretary Commerce and former vice president under President Franklin Roosevelt during World War II — was aggressively working with Russians against U.S. foreign policy.

Thereafter, in 1945, cabinet member Wallace clandestinely met with Anatoly Gorsky, a station chief of the Russian KGB. Now-public intelligence files show that he told the Russian agent he would share secrets about the atomic bomb in order to damage President Harry Truman's foreign policy agenda and to enlist Russia's help for a small group of friends committed to fighting anti-Soviet policies.

Furthermore, Cold War historian John Lewis Gaddis, a Yale professor who is known as "the dean of Cold War historians," has reported that Soviet intelligence documents show that Wallace was "regularly reporting to the Kremlin in 1945 and 1946 while he was in the Truman administration."

Saying nothing of course about the more recent “Chinagate”—that is, during President Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign for re-election, several individuals allegedly working at the time on behalf of the Chinese government to influence the presidential election in favor of Clinton.

Of course in keeping with liberal-bias, there was no special prosecutor for Chinagate.  And few in the media followed up on the Kennedy/KGB story when it broke.

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee, Judicial Watch, and concerned others, are investigating another Democrat entanglement of foreign government collusion—regarding the opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, concerning the now-debunked "Trump Dossier" prepared by a former British intelligence official, a firm having done business with former Clinton White House staff, etc., etc., etc.

And, after untold lost hours/days/weeks/months and millions of wasted taxpayers' dollars later . . . the beat goes on! As, the hypocritical finger-pointing and nation-destructive witch hunt continues! By way of Democrat-led, deep state designed, and liberal-media enabled, efforts to send Trump-supporting deplorables a loud, clear, and long-lasting message—“How dare you to ever again entertain the delusional thought of ever sending a duly-elected, patriotic, qualified, capable, and dedicated Washington outsider, such as Donald J. Trump, into the realm of the long-ago established “Washington old boys and girls club,” with the aim of draining the swamp or otherwise interfering with the status-quo”!

Much more fittingly, however, is “how dare they”!

Yes, “how dare they discount for a minute our dedication to taking back our government (our liberty-enabling Constitutional Republic)—and in so doing, preserving our U.S. Constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values"! 
                                                            —William James Moore

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References: The above includes excerpts from: (1.) Washington Examiner reporting titled “Russian dirty tricks? Democrats wrote the playbook on foreign government collusion”—by Jennifer Kerns, July 13, 2017; and (2.) RealClear Politics reporting titled “Collusion? What about Chinagate and Ted Kennedy’s Outreach to the USSR?”—by Larry Elder, July 20, 2017.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Measuring up to the First Amendmemt

The September 14-15, 2019 edition of our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun, included an informative page 4 column titled, “First Amendment not just ‘office hours’ or when convenient.” A reporting in large part drawing attention to public officials in high and low office who, with various intentions, at times strive to shut down vocal opposition. Citing, for example, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 2017 reporting that lawmakers in nearly 20 state legislatures “proposed bills in 2017 that would restrict people’s right to protest.”

The referenced page 4 column also aptly posed that the practice of simply providing ordinary citizens at public meetings with email addresses, or promises to “get back” to them, does not “measure up”—i.e., to our First Amendment protected basic right to speak directly to public officials in public about matters of public interest. A First Amendment freedom that is, as also noted within the column, “inextricably intertwined with a deliberately messy, sometimes inconvenient or tedious, often inefficient, occasionally confrontational and impolitic system of self-government called democracy.”

Unfortunately, in addition to actions of afflicted aspects of government, there will likely long exist many other direct or roundabout ways to silence critics. Such as, educational institutions that choose to be absorbed in "political activism" and the “selective application” of First Amendment rights. As well as, print/visual/sound media that choose to not include, in their publications/broadcasting product, a practical, user-friendly, and otherwise meaningful tool for general public (Public Mind/Opinion) expression of public interest views and concerns. That is, expression of views and concerns not encumbered by so-called political-correctness and other freedom of speech impediments, media-imposed or otherwise.

Hence, for example, in exercising their ownership rights, the local newspapers covering our various communities, as well as other media, must ultimately choose—whether to “measure up” to our First Amendment protected freedoms, or to the functional behavior implied by the following quotation often attributed to A.J. Liebling: “Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one.”

However, the importance of and responsibility for “measuring up” ends not with the above mentioned examples. For, as each of us within the general public and otherwise go about exercising, defending, and demanding our rightful liberties and freedoms, it remains always indisputably crucial that we each do so within considerate and commonsense limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.                                 —William James Moore 09/21/2019.

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Remarks: Above article was submitted to, and subsequently published on Page 4, in Public Mind section, of Weekend, Saturday-Sunday, September 21-22, 2019 Edition of our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun.

Friday, August 23, 2019

"U.S. Purchase of Greenland?" - An Idea Sparking Both Ridicule and Praise

Any clear-thinking open-minded critique of President Trump’s recently shared thoughts about considering a future U.S. attempted purchase of Greenland, might benefit from a review of the following snapshots from world history:

Purchase of Alaska: On October 18, 1867, the Russian flag was lowered for the last time over Alaska. A few months earlier, the U.S. Senate had ratified Secretary of State Seward’s purchase of the Alaska territory from Russia. America paid $7.2 million for the territory, a price of two cents an acre. 

Reference 1:
Reference 2: 

The Louisiana Purchase: The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was a land deal between the United States and France, in which the U.S. acquired approximately 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million, or approximately eighteen dollars per square mile. 

Acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines: The Treaty of Paris of 1898 was a treaty signed by Spain and the United States on December 10, 1898, that ended the Spanish–American War. In the treaty, Spain relinquished all claim of sovereignty over and title to Cuba (granting Cuba its independence), and ceded Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States for the sum of $20 million. 

Greenland: Greenland, the world’s largest island, is an autonomous region of the Kingdom of Denmark, located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Though physiographically a part of the continent of North America, Greenland has been politically and culturally associated with Europe (specifically Norway and Denmark, the colonial powers, as well as the nearby island of Iceland) for more than a millennium.

                                                               ---William James Moore

Thursday, August 8, 2019

"No Shortage of Tragedies & Nation-destructive Blame Games"

The recent mass shootings in Gilroy, CA on July 28, 2019; Dayton, OH on August 4, and El Paso, TX on August 6, join a seemingly ever growing list of mass killings plaguing our nation. These latest unspeakable acts so far reportedly resulting in some 36 deaths and 64 related injuries. Horrific tragedies, each causing indescribable pain and suffering for so many. Abhorrent atrocities that, most shamefully and unconscionably, some choose to use as a means of furthering political agendas and other self-serving aims.

As many of same self-proclaimed uniquely concerned and caring parties often continue to turn a selective blind eye to the indisputable pain and suffering also involved with, for example: the more than 20 U.S. Military Veterans who are reportedly dying by suicide “every day”; the at least 9 Americans who die and 100 injured "every day" in distracted driving crashes, according to National Security Council estimates; and the more than 130 people in the U.S. who, as reported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, are dying “every day” after overdosing on opioids; etc.

It is of course most unlikely our ever-changing world will one day experience a shortage of tragedy and wrongfully assigned blame. Nevertheless, there will hopefully always exist an essential nation-saving grasp of life’s many inescapable realities. None the least being that solutions for preventing or otherwise lessening our pain and suffering, regardless of source, will never be found in the divide and control/conquer agendas of our ever-present foreign and domestic enemies.

Nor in emotionally-charged name-calling and baseless accusations driven and enabled by ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counterproductive fear. Nor in failure to appropriately accept and assign personal responsibility for one’s choices and behavior. Nor in refusal to accept that evil exists and when hell-bent to do harm will find a way, in total disregard of laws, restrictive signage, or otherwise prescribed social norms. Nor in continued failure to grasp that irresponsibly dealt with mental health issues include consequences—some proven time and again to be unthinkably horrifying.

IN FURTHER REFERENCE TO AMERICA’S SO-CALLED “MASS SHOOTINGS” . . . it is likely no incidence of trivia that such atrocities have to date been in conspicuous majority carried out by “relatively young males.” Yes, relatively young nature-determined males often unexposed to responsible father figures, and processed through an educational system and other social environments that preach or otherwise tolerate: a gender-neutral society, open-to-anyone restrooms, reliance upon anxiety counselor equipped safe spaces, climate-change doom and gloom propaganda, hopeless victim vs cruel oppressor mindset, political-correctness and other absence from truth ideologies, everyone is owed a certificate attitudes, belief that life is or should be “fair” and that there is actually such a thing as “free stuff,” expected special sensitivity towards those identifying as female—as same so-called craving of sensitivity females often clamor to date or otherwise associate with conspicuously self-absorbed alpha males, . . . and other teachings that are in irresponsible denial and disregard of common sense and the existence and role of testosterone, estrogen, and other nature-established human hormones.

Yes, we can continue down the road of such absurdities, and cap such off with a heavy dose of blatant disregard of the sanctity of life and inattention to mental illness, etc. Yes, we can do so . . . but not without consequences. Some of which most sadly have been, and will likely continue to be, proven time and again to be unthinkably horrifying and excruciatingly life-changing tragedies for countless among us.

                                                        —William James Moore

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Calming Rooms & Safe Spaces

The below Public Mind article was submitted to and published by Parsons, Kansas newspaper, the Parsons Sun (re: page 4, July 13-14, 2019, Weekend Edition).

                                            =   =   =

The July 10, 2019 edition of the Sun included an informative front-page article titled, “Teacher raises funds for calming room.” A reporting in large part about various teachers in this area seeking donations—“to help them provide students tools for learning everything from technology to self-regulating behaviors when school starts in the fall.” Including, for example, a place within Meadow View School “that the students can access at their request to calm down.” Reportedly, “kind of a chill-out room basically.”

No doubt it is too often overlooked that countless of our nation’s students continue to be blessed in various life-meaningful ways, by teachers who dream of being able to do something special for their students. Dreams that to be truly realized, most often entail special effort, sacrifice, and financial cost.

Also too often disregarded are many of the unsettling reminders of various dangerous paths our society has for too long been treading. None the least, the through ignorance or intent passing-the-buck of responsibility for “raising our children” to our educational institutions and various aspects of government. Including delegated or assumed responsibility for their social and emotional needs, and ability to manage stress, etc.

Present trends suggest that it is likely we will, for some time yet, continue to support or otherwise tolerate pursuit and funding of “Calming Rooms & Safe Spaces” equipped with counselors, soothing tropical beach themes, and pet kittens/puppies, etc., reportedly to help students “de-escalate their emotions and be ready to go back to class ready to learn.”

Hopefully, however, somewhere between kindergarten-age and the early years of so-called adulthood, a nation-saving number of our youth will somewhere and somehow get a survival-essential grasp of reality. Such as, the indisputable and ultimately inescapable fact that: life is not fair; nothing is truly “free”; the right to offend and to be offended are essential elements of our precious U.S. Constitution recognized “freedom of speech”; and, those who are hell-bent to do us harm couldn’t care less about rules, regulations, laws, thou-shall-not signage, or our feelings.

For, it is to our demise that the reins of responsibility for this great nation ever be turned over to a generation ignorant, unconcerned, and inattentive of the origin of our too-often taken for granted and abused liberty and freedom. A precious liberty and freedom not spawned from avoidance of responsibility and a false sense of reality, security, and entitlement. But from a deep grasp of truth, freely-assumed responsibility, great sacrifice, and unrelenting courage.

And, may we responsibly do much more than hope that our nation’s colleges and universities will soon voluntarily, or otherwise, focus more on “educating” and less on “political activism.” And that our valued K-12 administrators and teachers will likewise one day soon be freed up to spend more of their limited time and resources on “teaching”—and less on struggling to compensate for
neglected “parental responsibilities.”
                                                   —William James Moore

Sunday, July 7, 2019

"How To Show You Truly Care!"

To U.S. citizens who:

(1.) Choose not to accept and embrace two realities: (A.) Nothing is truly “free”—someone, somewhere, somehow, at some point, “pays”; and (B.) The U.S. cannot protect, feed, clothe, and provide shelter and medical care, etc., for every real, and falsely claimed to be, disadvantaged human being on the planet Earth; and

(2.) Truly desire and support unsecured U.S. borders, unrestricted immigration, and “catch and release” policies being applied to illegal aliens caught on U.S. soil . . . the following is offered for consideration . . . as another way you can demonstrate how much you truly care:

“ILLEGAL ALIEN CUSTODIAN/GUARDIANSHIP PROGRAM”: If you truly put the welfare of illegal aliens above that of your fellow U.S. citizens, then please unrelentingly pressure your representatives in the House and Senate to timely establish a volunteer “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” that will help you put “your” time, money, and other personal resources where your heart and mouth are.

For example, a federal government administrated program whereby, through a user-friendly government website, you can register and apply for an official “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship” role. Whereby, after appropriate vetting and acceptance, you can be assigned, for example, five appropriately vetted illegal aliens from our existing “catch and release” immigration policy. Five individuals who, as their designated custodian/guardian, you will be totally responsible—at your personal expense—for their housing, clothing, food, education, medical care, entertainment, and other humanitarian needs, as well as accountability for their physical location, general conduct, and availability for government monitoring, etc.

A responsibility that will continue lawfully and uninterrupted until the illegal aliens assigned to you have within applicable U.S. Government designated time frames, either become: (1.) English speaking, English using, U.S. culture-assimilating, self-supporting, law-abiding, legal U.S. citizens; or, (2.) lawfully deported from U.S. soil.

However, should you choose not to have, support, and personally participate in an “Illegal Alien Custodian/Guardianship Program” such as described above, then it should reasonably be assumed that you are among those who recognize their patriotic duty to constructively support responsible U.S. immigration policies. Policies designed to secure our U.S. borders, mandate merit-based immigration, and eliminate “catch and release” and other nation-threatening or otherwise irresponsible handling of illegal aliens.

Policies that address long-available fixes such as roughly summarized in the following “Eleven Point Plan”:

(1.) Accept and embrace two realities: (A.) Nothing is truly “free”—someone, somewhere, somehow, at some point, “pays”; and (B.) The U.S. cannot protect, feed, clothe, and provide shelter and medical care, etc., for every real, and falsely claimed to be, disadvantaged human being on the planet Earth.

(2.) U.S. Congress fund, and President Trump’s Administration oversee the priority building of a permanent and truly functional security wall (barrier) across our country’s southern border.

(3.) Guard our country’s borders, and enforce U.S. immigration control laws, with as-needed Border Security and Military support, equipped with state of the art security technology.

(4.) U.S. Congress pass, and Federal and State executive branches of government enforce, a truly merit-based immigration policy, that as a minimum mandates that accepted immigrants be self-supporting (not reliant upon the public treasury); English-speaking and English-users; U.S. culture-assimilating, persons.

(5.) Cease U.S. foreign aid to any country that abuses its citizens’ inalienable rights and drives or otherwise encourages them to seek refuge in the U.S.

(6.) Prosecute to fullest extent of U.S. and International Law, George Soros and others who organize, support, or otherwise enable invasions upon U.S. borders, or otherwise illegal entry into our country.

(7.) Outlaw and de-fund so-called “sanctuary cities” throughout the U.S.

(8.) Physically deport all illegal aliens, including any/all non-U.S. citizens who enter the U.S. through other than U.S. established official Ports of Entry.

(9.) Prosecute to fullest extent of U.S. Law, any and all U.S. businesses that hire illegal aliens.

(10.) Pass and enforce federal and state laws mandating that only U.S. citizens can participate in U.S. elections, and that access to voting privilege include photo I.D. and other state of the art background verification technology.

(11.) U.S. citizens restrict from office, and/or vote out of office, any politician failing to truly embrace “(1.) Through (10.)” above.

                                               --- William James Moore

Thursday, June 13, 2019

"A Train Wreck In Process" --- Grasping Some Unsettling Political Realities

This acknowledged to be a painfully-lengthy post relates to one of life’s many certainties. The indisputable fact that once a train wreck is in process, little if anything can be done to hinder its progression or prevent the consequences of its destined conclusion.

Naturally, we all have our respective reasons for using Facebook and other social media technology. As a result, our degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction therefrom likewise varies.

Personally, and being more inclined to “reclusive” tendencies than “social-animal” leanings, to date my use of Facebook and other media has been primarily to express and otherwise support politically-conservative views. More specifically, views involving concerns and opinions about what I and likeminded others see as a liberty and freedom destroying path our nation has for years been on. One primarily charted by the radical-left and accommodated by likewise shameful factions within the political-right.

A truly nation-destructive path funded, designed, built, and otherwise enabled by a self-serving U.S. Congress; politically-biased activists posing as news media; an anti-America “deep state” of unelected career government bureaucrats; various anti-America/anti-U.S. Constitution billionaires and other financial resources; and an increasing number of legal and illegal U.S. voters consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear.

And, while in no way suggesting that my relatively limited experience has been in any manner unique, my acknowledged “primary use” of Facebook and other media has rendered an unsettling reminder of some long-ago recognized realities. Such as:

(1.) UNCHANGEABLE MINDS: Not unlike many endured from the political-left . . . politically-conservative views expressed by me and likeminded others have in turn demonstrated the capacity to at times irritate, offend, and/or emotionally piss-off some with views to the contrary.

And, with similar certainty, history seems to strongly attest that it is extremely unlikely that “neither” the proponents of strongly held liberal ideology, or strongly held conservative views, will ever have the means to constructively change the mindset of their ideological opposites. Including the attitudes and behaviors of those who—through ignorance or intent—are hell bent on destroying our precious Constitutional Republic. Through, for example, unrelenting attacks on, and otherwise disrespect of, our U.S. Constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

(2.) THE ADVANTAGE OF UNMATCHABLE FUNDING: The 32nd annual Forbes list of the world’s billionaires reportedly included some 2,208 individuals with an average net worth of $4.0 billion . . . representing a sum total wealth of $9.1 trillion. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos heading the 2019 list with a net worth of $153.2 billion. Fortunately, all of these individuals do not likely have or embrace anti-American, Anti-U.S. Constitution, and otherwise radical-political left leanings.

However, “those who do” clearly have unlimited resources to fund virtually indefinitely their destructive aims and ambitions—even beyond their inescapably limited lifespan. For example: anti-America/anti-U.S. Constitution billionaire George Soros; anti-Second Amendment Michael Bloomberg; Anti-politically unbiased news media Jeff Bezos; and likeminded others.

(3.) THE CAT HAS (SO TO SPEAK) LONG AGO BEEN RELEASED FROM THE BAG: Years of open-border policies, driven by the lust for cheap labor, votes, and politically-engineered demographics, have already un-repairably planted the seeds of “transformation” throughout America. By loading our country with countless millions of people who have no intentions of ever assimilating American culture. People who will ultimately contaminate the U.S. with the failed cultures from wince they fled or otherwise came. Along with growing number who openly or covertly chant and pursue “death to America.”

Furthermore, years of failure to successfully confront radical-left agendas have also resulted in our schools, colleges, and universities being loaded with educators and administrators entrenched in radical-left ideology. Education institutions, many of which have morphed into political-activist institutions, that have in turn graduated several generations of youth indoctrinated with a radically-liberal nation-destructive mindset. Generations grossly ignorant of America’s history and the origin of the liberty and freedom now being abused and taken for granted by an ever-growing many.

All while a dysfunctional U.S. Congress has been over the years deeply entrenched with more and more self-serving career politicians from all political parties . . . focused not on the long-term survival of our Constitutional Republic, but on short-term personal greed and political survival.

And to our growing demise that we ever overlook . . . a politically-liberal biased Internet/Social Media Industry (e.g., Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) equipped with sophisticated algorithms progressively unleased to censor politically-conservative speech and otherwise advance the respective industry’s politically-biased agendas.

(4.) LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Given the indisputable nature of “(1.), (2.), and (3.)” above, it ranks among the epitomes of absurdity and vanity to entertain any serious thought, that any aspect of my particular social media growling has the capacity to influence the nation-destructive radically-liberal engineered political train-wreck “already in motion.”

= = =

In closing, and beyond this painfully-lengthy and less than uplifting posting included on Facebook this date of 06/13/2019, it seems I should hereafter strive to do something more meaningful. Something in lieu of cluttering social media with relatively ineffective politically-based growling on my part. And something beyond feeding the illusive agenda-driven jaws of Facebook’s politically-biased censoring algorithms.

Something that just possibly might at least contribute to, or otherwise encourage preparation for, dealing with the ultimate consequences of the nation-destructive liberty and freedom threatening political train-wreck indisputably already in process.

Something such as, hereafter limiting my political focus to a personal best shot effort to always vote for those who are, to the best of one’s awareness, strongly committed to our U.S. Constitution, secured borders, merit-based immigration laws/policies, common-language English, anti-political correctness, anti-gender neutrality, common-sense understanding of the Earth’s billions of years ever-changing climate, and a common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, etc.

= = =

And, should hereafter beyond this posting I by chance be overcome with the inescapable urge to render another painfully-lengthy political view—one that humankind should obviously not be spared of (smile)—such unsolicited views will likely be limited to posting within the below identified website.

A Google-based site vainly maintained by the undersigned. At a location that of course very likely also includes sufficient conservative-censoring algorithms and other safe-guards against any/all Google-defined offensive speech. One ensuring adequate protection for the sensitive eyes and ears of the radical-left and likeminded others, committed to the destruction of our too often abused and taken for granted inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.    —William James Moore   

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

"A Nation-Destructive Illegal-Alien Invasion"---Enabled by a Dysfunctional U.S. Congress

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the “combined total population” of—for example—Chetopa, KS, Oswego, KS; Parsons, KS; Pittsburg, KS; Independence, KS; and Joplin, MO, was “93,320.”  That’s 93,320 people in need of food, clothing, housing, electrical power, water/sewer/sanitation services, hospitals, medicines, transportation, roads, bridges, schools, police/fire protection, communications devices/services, etc.—none of which are provided or paid-for by the “tooth fairy.”

According to recent Judicial Watch reporting, during the month of March 2019 at least 92,607 aliens were apprehended attempting to enter the U.S. illegally along our southern border—the biggest monthly total in twelve years. During the prior month of February, the apprehensions reportedly totaled some 76,000.

Nation-destructive monthly invasions that roughly equate to the “combined total population” of—for example—the six U.S. communities identified above.

Invasions that represent additional demand for limited resources and other ever-growing costs. And, of course, these truly alarming numbers do not address the ongoing invasion of the countless who routinely escape apprehension, or the “estimated” 11 million illegal aliens already spread throughout the U.S.  Illegal aliens many of whom are collecting an array of taxpayer-funded benefits exceeding that available to many U.S. citizens (i.e., many of the "legal" occupants of this already dangerously indebt great nation).

From a nationwide perspective, the yearly cost associated with illegal aliens is reportedly at least $100 billion and growing, including some $20 billion involving medical services. Again, none of which is provided or paid-for by the “tooth fairy.”

Just “another something” to keep in mind when stepping into the voting booth in our nation’s local, state, and federal elections.

As a grossly-dysfunctional and despicably-irresponsible U.S. Congress keeps road-blocking critically-needed support of President Trump’s February 15, 2019 declared National Emergency, concerning the long-standing and ever-growing illegal-alien invasion crisis at our Southern Border. A U.S. Congress enabled crisis that keeps chip-chip-chipping-away at our U.S. Constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.                                                                                        —William James Moore

Monday, June 3, 2019

"Here We Go Again"---Disarm The Law-Abiding!

In spite of “murder being against U.S. law”—and since murderers don’t give a damn about “Gun Free Zone” signs and other “thou shall not do’s” . . . starting around 4 p.m., Friday, May 31, 2019, a long-time engineer with the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia, armed with a handgun, killed some 12 people and seriously injured at least four others at the city’s scenic Municipal Center. A massacre that continued on and on throughout the multi-story facility of hundreds of employees and other personnel. Until the murderer was himself killed by arriving police personnel using—yes, you guessed it—another “gun.

And, as a result, “here we go again”! Many fanatically focusing on “the motive—when, if it ever becomes known, such will not change the horrific reality of the dead, injured, and other lives forever impacted. As the radical-left and other anti-gun proponents also strive to use this latest such tragedy on U.S. soil in their unrelenting efforts to “disarm law-abiding U.S. citizens”—as many of the strongest anti-gun advocates among them enjoy the luxury of gated communities, barrier walls around their homes, and/or armed security guards.

Yes, “here we go again! Leaving our schools, workplaces, public facilities, etc., protected by false hopes of “Gun Free Zone” signs and other meaningless “feel good” solutions. Measures that defy basic reason and common sense, and leave law-abiding children and adults throughout our nation defenseless against those hell-bent to inflict death, pain, and other suffering. When, for example, only a few armed “Concealed Carry” individuals within the Virginia Beach Municipal Center might well have ended this tragedy much, much sooner—or at least given someone there the chance to try, the chance to defend themselves and others.

But, now back to our "feel good" soluti
ons, backed-up by laws, ordinances, warning signs, etc.—which of course mean nothing but “an opportunity” to those among us with evil intent.

And likewise, “here I go again”! Trying hard to convince myself that how I feel about such things really matters and that this posting will in some way make a difference. When in reality, such more likely amounting to little more than just another futile attempt to satisfy the cravings of an overabundance of ego and vanity—an at times fool hearted but none the less survival-based behavior likely shared by a few others.                                             —William James Moore 

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Right To "Offend" and "Be Offended"

As a part of a notable presentation I once had the opportunity to attend, one of the principal speakers openly-acknowledged still having—as he with tongue-in-cheek put it—a “few” unresolved personal imperfections. Such as:

(1.) “Having a down deep preference of not ever being made aware of disagreements with his views, opinions, and perspectives—regardless of any image of open-minded tolerance he may portray”; 

(2.) “Having a strong craving to have ‘his’ way in most matters—in spite of any uniquely-obliging image he may convey.”

In this self-deprecating manner, the speaker was of course drawing attention to some aspects of human nature not at all unique to him. Attention to some shared attitudes and behaviors that most if not all of us, at one time or another, fail to duly consider—as a result of our ignorance, oversight, or intent. Especially, for example, when using Internet-facilitated social media to share our hopes and concerns and/or to comment about that shared by others.

Yes, in spite of social media’s illusive safe-space buffer and ever-growing political-correctness algorithms, etc., even this “modern day communications experience” is not immune to providing us with, in not always necessarily gentle and subtle ways, some human nature reality checks. None the least, regarding the limitations and consequences of even our most admirably intended communications. For example

(1.) Presenting an argument or opinion to people who already agree with it is actually, as they say, “Preaching to the Choir”; 

(2.) For some among us to accept facts, logic, common-sense, and historically-founded experience and wisdom, etc., seems to be a futile or otherwise impossible activity best described by the adage, “Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig”; 

(3.) Before undertaking the impossible task of having truly meaningful communications with those combatively opposed to entertaining any view other than that of their own, all would be well-advised to heed the caution flagged by another old saying, “Never wrestle with a pig; you both get dirty and the pig likes it”; 

(4.) Sharing firmly-held hopes, beliefs, and concerns with others, via social media or otherwise, inescapably entails certain risks and a mix of potential double-edged sword outcomes. None the least being—"relationships that as a result are either sustained, improved, strained, or irreparably-damaged, etc."

Therefore, at times some might reasonably consider it best for all concerned to just keep one’s self our hopes and concerns and views about that of others. Especially regarding deeply engrained and often emotionally-charged attitudes regarding politics, religion, etc.

Yes, that might seem so—until, that is, one considers the heavy (often ultimate) past and present price paid by so many to protect and preserve the “liberty to speak freely” (while not infringing upon the equal rights of others). Our right to offend and be offended; our right to agree and be disagreed with; our right to at times have our way and at times accommodate that of others. 

A take-away from all this chatter seems to be—and as evidenced by Amendment #1 of our U.S. Bill of Rights (first ten Amendments to U.S. Constitution)—America’s founders clearly understood, through wisdom and personal experience with tyranny, that it is to our peril should we ever fail to grasp that “freedom of speech” is high among the indisputably-essential foundation blocks of our inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. 

The “right to offend” cannot exist where the “right to be offended” does not. 

                                                           —William James Moore 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

"How to Gain & Keep a Seat in U.S. Congress"---A "Free" and "Historically-Proven" Five-Step Plan

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”
                                                                    —Groucho Marx

“If there is ever a fascist takeover in America, it will come not in the form of storm troopers kicking down doors but with lawyers and social workers saying, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”                                                                              —Jonah Goldberg

“Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.” 
                                                                       —Ronald Reagan

                                               = = =

Having never personally sought or held a job in “politics,” this historically-proven-successful plan was derived from wisdom gained from the “University of Life” . . . while personally observing, helping to pay for, and living with the results of, politicians in conflict with the intent of our country’s Founders. More specifically, politicians who turn “serving the people” into a “life-time career” of seeking and partaking of an array of self-serving special privileges and other personal benefits.

And now being in my senior years and otherwise ill-equipped to productively pursue its use, this most valued and sought-after plan is herein offered to the general public, “free-of-charge” [subject only to basic commonsense conditions specified later herein].

                                            =   =   =

STEP #1 — “Perfect Location”: Legally or otherwise, be born in, move to, or otherwise establish citizenship in, a most unique constitutional republic. One providing unequaled liberty and freedom. The worldwide-envy of countless less fortunate others. In the first and yet only nation governed by a unique constitution that establishes a separation of powers through three separate but equal branches of government: An Executive Branch (headed by the president), a Legislative Branch (headed by Congress, which includes a House of Representatives and a Senate), and a Judicial Branch (headed by a Supreme Court). A government of checks and balances—with each branch having its own responsibilities to uphold the constitution, work with the other branches of government, and to protect the liberty/freedom of each citizen. In a nation where sovereignty (supreme power and authority) rests with its citizens. In—the best hope for humankind—a nation established by wise, insightful, and courageous, framers who worked hard to avoid the risk of dictatorship or tyranny. A most precious republic resulting from human needs and sacrifices—all too often disregarded due to innocent ignorance or intentional agenda. In other words—in the “United States of America,” the only place on Earth that satisfies these long-standing and much sought after human needs and expectations.

STEP #2 — “Unrelenting Persistence”: Never hesitate to do “whatever it takes” to get elected to the political office you seek. You will get a lot of help. Largely from voters absorbed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear—especially concerning their country’s national and international best-interests. And from those who, “in consideration for” their votes and otherwise support, expect in kind special favors from your position of power and influence. Always remember that constant diversion and distraction from the real issues can also be a valuable aid to your success.

STEP #3 — “Properly Prioritized Objectives”: Once elected, your first and foremost aim must always be keeping your job and maintaining and expanding any power it provides you. Important even above the oath you have taken to uphold your constitutional role. And, while “serving the people,” always make sure that your salary, healthcare, retirement, and overall benefit package far exceed that of your average constituent and private sector counterparts.   Special Focus: If you have any anti-America leanings, and/or originate from, or otherwise hold the ideology of, a socialist, communist, or otherwise failed and/or liberty-depriving nation, make sure you unrelentingly use your political campaign and ultimate seat in the U.S. congress to impose the destructive aspects of such background on America.

STEP #4 — “Skillful Delegating”: Should you ever be forced to actually deal with any of your respective constitutional duties, make sure that you readily delegate those tasks to one or more of the existing hundreds of government-funded agencies, departments, bureaus, or commissions. More preferably—create a “new” one that duplicates one or more of the untold hundreds of tax-payer burdens already in place. In doing so, the VA, IRS, EPA, CFPB, USDHS, NSA, DNI, NRLB, BLA, NRC, and OSHA, are but a few of the countless existing models to consider. But, in any case, make sure that the functions you delegate your responsibilities to have union representation, and without fail also provide their government employees with salaries, bonuses, healthcare, retirement, and other benefits that exceed that of their private sector counterparts.

It is also important that you entrust your passed-on responsibilities to folks who—similar to your circumstances—also have job security, bonuses, and an overall benefit package, duly protected from any efforts by “the voters” to control the cost of government. As well as protection from any attempt to hold anyone accountable for waste, fraud, abuse of power or for basic unsatisfactory job performance. Recent scandals involving the FBI, CIA, VA, IRS, NSA, and BLA, etc., can serve as good role models. If supporting funds run short for these or other agencies, bureaus, departments, and commissions—make certain to readily increase taxes as required to at least maintain the status-quo. As well as cover any cost-of-living increases, etc.

Once you get your political agenda implanted in one or more of these functions you are pretty much home free. Because these bureaucracies are headed up by and staffed with people not elected by or realistically accountable to “the people.” But, ever so important also, is to never forget to remind the government bureaucracies which you create and/or perpetuate, just how important it is that they remember to whom they owe their existence and longevity. That, being to you, of course.

STEP #5 — "Accepting Responsibility": Last but not least and regardless of political affiliation—NEVER accept responsibility for anything. Make sure you blame any and all shortfalls on the other party, the previous administration, or someone else. Or, if need be, to an act of God, or a “computer glitch.” Keep in mind that in selected cases a politically biased and agenda driven news media can also be very, very supportive of such efforts. As can an electorate consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, greed, fear, class warfare, social-media frenzy, or other distractions and diversions. And relax—after your time of “serving the people” has passed, you will very likely be able to get by and make ends meet through the various opportunities that await you—as a lobbyist, political advisor, author, guest speaker, corporate board member, talk show guest/host, government appointee, or maybe your own Reality TV Show—to list but a few struggling opportunities.

BASIC COMMONSENSE CONDITIONS: Any/all users of above Five-Step Plan must without reservation accept, agree, and ensure that the plan offeror/originator, William James Moore, will be recipient of untraceable life-time political favors commensurate with each respective user’s level of success achieved as a result thereof. And that, in accordance with political custom, such favors and their source will be categorically denied to exist—that is, until being of benefit to the plan offeror/originator to do otherwise. Furthermore, those who fail to grasp the intended jest, cynicism, and satire of this offer and these said conditions, may well find that the herein plan and other aspects of this posting are not compatible with their respective career aspirations, sense of political humor, and/or other concept of reality.

CAUTIONARY NOTES AND ENCOURAGING ACKNOWLEGMENTS: The above “Five Step Plan” will not appeal to everyone. Fortunately, there still exists truly good, honest, hardworking, competent, informed, responsible, and self-sacrificing citizens. Within the young and old; rich and poor; and in between. Patriotic politicians, media personnel, and folks from all other walks of life. Those who are positive contributors to society and truly have our country’s best interests in mind. Such persons will be much too busy trying to do the right thing, to have anything other than justified contempt for the above Five Step Plan and those who pursue it or similar behavior. And, it is to our U.S. citizens’ shame and misfortune that such scarce, deserving, and often publicly scorned folks, are not more often recipient of our unrelenting support and appreciation.
                                                                  ---William James Moore

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“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” —Plato

“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.”—Napoleon Bonaparte

“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.”  —Milton Friedman

“A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.”                                                        
                  —Theodore Roosevelt

“What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.”
                                                                  —Margaret Thatcher