Monday, December 30, 2019

Immigrants--Not Existing U.S. Citizens--Must Adapt!

“An upfront heads-up”—some may be offended or otherwise pissed-off by this posting.  If you are among the so distraught, one can still choose to try on some adult pants and consider this posting with an open and rational mind, or, simply just spend your reading time elsewhere.

In any case, before anyone gets their panties in a wad, it is worth noting that . . . as with most if not all U.S. citizens . . . our family’s ancestors also came here from other countries.  Ancestors who learned the U.S. common-language (English), were grateful for the opportunity, worked hard, and didn’t trash America.  Ancestors who became U.S. citizens, were “proud” to be one, some served in the military, some contributed otherwise!  All benefiting from liberty and freedom unique only to this best hope for humankind . . . The United States of America!

And worth repeatingour U.S. common-language is “English” . . . not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, etc.  So, if you wish to become a U.S. citizen . . . not only “learn,” but also “use” English.

Clearly, I and likeminded others have no problem with anyone coming to the U.S. “legally,” with the aim of making a good life for themselves and their family.  BUT, if you are coming here with the expectations that we accept and become what you just came from, then that’s simply not happening!  So, if assimilating (adapting) our U.S. common culture is not your aim, please timely return to your country of origin and focus your efforts on making it a better place to live and take pride in.

And to Muslims and others who wish to live under Islamic Sharia law—you need to timely exit the United States, because Sharia law and our U.S. Constitution cannot co-exist!  While taking due heed that our U.S. common-culture was and remains founded on Judeo-Christian values . . . which, again, cannot co-exist with liberty/freedom-destroying Sharia law.  This not being some Christian, right wing, political pitch, but indisputable and unnegotiable fact!  And one certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools and other public institutions.

So, if you are offended by "unalienable (God-given) rights," the "U.S. Pledge of Allegiance," and the “foundation blocks” of this great nation (i.e., our U.S. Constitution, secured borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values) . . . then you need to ASAP set your sights on some other part of the world.  Because it is you, and not we the legal, patriotic, U.S. citizens, who must do the “adapting.

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