Thursday, June 13, 2019

"A Train Wreck In Process" --- Grasping Some Unsettling Political Realities

This acknowledged to be a painfully-lengthy post relates to one of life’s many certainties. The indisputable fact that once a train wreck is in process, little if anything can be done to hinder its progression or prevent the consequences of its destined conclusion.

Naturally, we all have our respective reasons for using Facebook and other social media technology. As a result, our degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction therefrom likewise varies.

Personally, and being more inclined to “reclusive” tendencies than “social-animal” leanings, to date my use of Facebook and other media has been primarily to express and otherwise support politically-conservative views. More specifically, views involving concerns and opinions about what I and likeminded others see as a liberty and freedom destroying path our nation has for years been on. One primarily charted by the radical-left and accommodated by likewise shameful factions within the political-right.

A truly nation-destructive path funded, designed, built, and otherwise enabled by a self-serving U.S. Congress; politically-biased activists posing as news media; an anti-America “deep state” of unelected career government bureaucrats; various anti-America/anti-U.S. Constitution billionaires and other financial resources; and an increasing number of legal and illegal U.S. voters consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear.

And, while in no way suggesting that my relatively limited experience has been in any manner unique, my acknowledged “primary use” of Facebook and other media has rendered an unsettling reminder of some long-ago recognized realities. Such as:

(1.) UNCHANGEABLE MINDS: Not unlike many endured from the political-left . . . politically-conservative views expressed by me and likeminded others have in turn demonstrated the capacity to at times irritate, offend, and/or emotionally piss-off some with views to the contrary.

And, with similar certainty, history seems to strongly attest that it is extremely unlikely that “neither” the proponents of strongly held liberal ideology, or strongly held conservative views, will ever have the means to constructively change the mindset of their ideological opposites. Including the attitudes and behaviors of those who—through ignorance or intent—are hell bent on destroying our precious Constitutional Republic. Through, for example, unrelenting attacks on, and otherwise disrespect of, our U.S. Constitution, borders, common-language English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

(2.) THE ADVANTAGE OF UNMATCHABLE FUNDING: The 32nd annual Forbes list of the world’s billionaires reportedly included some 2,208 individuals with an average net worth of $4.0 billion . . . representing a sum total wealth of $9.1 trillion. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos heading the 2019 list with a net worth of $153.2 billion. Fortunately, all of these individuals do not likely have or embrace anti-American, Anti-U.S. Constitution, and otherwise radical-political left leanings.

However, “those who do” clearly have unlimited resources to fund virtually indefinitely their destructive aims and ambitions—even beyond their inescapably limited lifespan. For example: anti-America/anti-U.S. Constitution billionaire George Soros; anti-Second Amendment Michael Bloomberg; Anti-politically unbiased news media Jeff Bezos; and likeminded others.

(3.) THE CAT HAS (SO TO SPEAK) LONG AGO BEEN RELEASED FROM THE BAG: Years of open-border policies, driven by the lust for cheap labor, votes, and politically-engineered demographics, have already un-repairably planted the seeds of “transformation” throughout America. By loading our country with countless millions of people who have no intentions of ever assimilating American culture. People who will ultimately contaminate the U.S. with the failed cultures from wince they fled or otherwise came. Along with growing number who openly or covertly chant and pursue “death to America.”

Furthermore, years of failure to successfully confront radical-left agendas have also resulted in our schools, colleges, and universities being loaded with educators and administrators entrenched in radical-left ideology. Education institutions, many of which have morphed into political-activist institutions, that have in turn graduated several generations of youth indoctrinated with a radically-liberal nation-destructive mindset. Generations grossly ignorant of America’s history and the origin of the liberty and freedom now being abused and taken for granted by an ever-growing many.

All while a dysfunctional U.S. Congress has been over the years deeply entrenched with more and more self-serving career politicians from all political parties . . . focused not on the long-term survival of our Constitutional Republic, but on short-term personal greed and political survival.

And to our growing demise that we ever overlook . . . a politically-liberal biased Internet/Social Media Industry (e.g., Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) equipped with sophisticated algorithms progressively unleased to censor politically-conservative speech and otherwise advance the respective industry’s politically-biased agendas.

(4.) LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Given the indisputable nature of “(1.), (2.), and (3.)” above, it ranks among the epitomes of absurdity and vanity to entertain any serious thought, that any aspect of my particular social media growling has the capacity to influence the nation-destructive radically-liberal engineered political train-wreck “already in motion.”

= = =

In closing, and beyond this painfully-lengthy and less than uplifting posting included on Facebook this date of 06/13/2019, it seems I should hereafter strive to do something more meaningful. Something in lieu of cluttering social media with relatively ineffective politically-based growling on my part. And something beyond feeding the illusive agenda-driven jaws of Facebook’s politically-biased censoring algorithms.

Something that just possibly might at least contribute to, or otherwise encourage preparation for, dealing with the ultimate consequences of the nation-destructive liberty and freedom threatening political train-wreck indisputably already in process.

Something such as, hereafter limiting my political focus to a personal best shot effort to always vote for those who are, to the best of one’s awareness, strongly committed to our U.S. Constitution, secured borders, merit-based immigration laws/policies, common-language English, anti-political correctness, anti-gender neutrality, common-sense understanding of the Earth’s billions of years ever-changing climate, and a common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, etc.

= = =

And, should hereafter beyond this posting I by chance be overcome with the inescapable urge to render another painfully-lengthy political view—one that humankind should obviously not be spared of (smile)—such unsolicited views will likely be limited to posting within the below identified website.

A Google-based site vainly maintained by the undersigned. At a location that of course very likely also includes sufficient conservative-censoring algorithms and other safe-guards against any/all Google-defined offensive speech. One ensuring adequate protection for the sensitive eyes and ears of the radical-left and likeminded others, committed to the destruction of our too often abused and taken for granted inalienable (God-given) rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.    —William James Moore   

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