Monday, October 7, 2019

Senator Bernie Sanders' "Personal" Healthcare Choices — "A Basis For Justified Puzzlement"?

While openly having utter contempt for Bernie Sanders’ so-called democratic-socialist (more aptly socialist/communist) convictions he publicly supports and strives to contaminate our country with, I nonetheless wish him well in his recovery from his recent heart attack and related implant of two stents.

However, considering Senator Sanders’ incessant and unrelenting criticism of everything that walks, flies, and breathes about our constitutional-republic, and his lofty praise for the healthcare systems of “other developed nations,” etc., . . . I am likely not alone in what seems to be justified puzzlement as to “why” Senator Sanders did not choose (and has still not chosen) to be transported to Canada, or better still to socialist/communist ravaged Cuba or Venezuela, for care and treatment regarding his heart issues?

And, while I and others wrestle with such trivia in the midst of the radical-left’s ongoing search for (or creation of) a way to impeach President Trump, . . . Senator Sanders is likely pondering what his health status might now likely be had he—at the time of his recent heart attack—actually been under and limited to the care of the socialist/communist healthcare systems he so self-servingly strives to impose on we lessor-beings.    —William James Moore

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