Monday, November 25, 2019

Hypocrisy Has Many Faces

Although at times seeming to be not that long ago—when I entered this world, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (01/30/1882 – 04/12/1945) was in his third term as U.S. President.  Of course, as viewed by some, “being around for a while” may amount to not much more than “being around for a while.” Nevertheless, having the thus-far opportunity to do so has afforded me a bountiful array of observations and enlightenments.  Some uplifting; some much otherwise. Including, but not limited to, the reality that hypocrisy has many facesFor example:

(1.) In addition to that from our foreign enemies—an unsettling amount of U.S. media (via, print/audio/visual/social) is awash with anti-capitalism; anti-free speech (including defiance of the right to offend and be offended); anti-religious freedom; anti-right to own and bear arms; anti-U.S. common language English; anti-secured U.S. borders; anti-immigration control; anti-assimilation of U.S. common culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.  In other words, “anti” about everything that walks, flies, and breathes regarding the precious U.S. Constitution and Constitutional Republic gifted to us through great wisdom and sacrifice of countless before us—arguably, the best on Earth hope for humankind and strongly sought-after envy of much of the less fortunate world around us.  

(2.) However, a conspicuous number within our U.S. borders who align themselves with anti-America views such as summarized above, seem NOT AT ALL AVERSE to using, for example, Facebook, Twitter, laptops, smartphones, flat-screen TV’s, food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and hopefully even toilet paper, as well as countless other products of evil capitalism. Likewise, few if any of same folks appear to be hell-bent to pack up their belongings and seek permanent residence elsewhere.  For example, to the seemingly sought after anti-America bliss of already available socialist/communist/dictatorship lands, such as Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, etc.—using, of course, transportation systems (autos, busses, ships, aircraft, processed fuels, etc.) also resulting from, yes, you guessed it . . . "evil" capitalism, enabled of course by an "uncaring"/"unfeeling"/"un-inclusive" America.

And, no better time and place for the many faces of hypocrisy to be revealed than within the privacy of our nation’s voting booths in November 2020.   As the hope, liberty, and otherwise best interests of our youth and future generations of Americans risk taking a shameful back stage . . . not only to the many faces of hypocrisy, but also to the faces of apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears of a nation-destructive number of the then still above ground so-called adults in the room. 
                                                          —William James Moore 

Footnote:  An edited version of the above was also published on page 4, in the Public Mind section, of the Weekend, Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 20-Dec. 1, 2019 Edition of our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun.

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