Tuesday, August 13, 2024


“Apathy” (i.e., lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern) can of course have many faces. None the least by way of the too often shameful lack of voter participation in various of our country’s elections.

For example: According to U.S. Census Data, the 2024 Population of Labette County, Kansas is estimated to be about 19,754. And, as reported by Labette County’s related website, a total of 2,493 chose to cast Ballots in the County’s August 06, 2024 Primary Election (i.e., 469 Democratic; 2017 Republican; and 7 Nonpartisan). 

Hence, via said election, only about 13 Percent of Labette County’s population (or about 18 Percent of the County's Registered Voters) chose to, by way of official votes, make an effort to maintain a government representative of and accountable to “We the People”.

And, considering the many very crucial challenges facing our country at the local, state, and federal level, it would seem that the “ultimate price of voter apathy” should be given much more serious consideration and responsible attention.

It has often been written that, at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s Founding Fathers, “What have we got, a republic or a monarch?” Reportedly, his response was, “A republic if you can keep it.”

And history will duly record whether each generation of Americans will continue to be recipient of the torch of responsibility for a yet protected, preserved, and thriving “Constitutional Republic USA” . . . or, one day cursed with lost liberty in likeness to that of our World’s many failed and suffering nations. ---James & Ann Moore.

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As shown via "below scanned copy" . . . our above article was published in the Public Mind section of our local newspaper, the Parsons Sun, 08/13/2024.

["Click" on below to expand.]

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