Thursday, August 1, 2024


On Tuesday, November 3, 2020 the fate of our individual liberty, freedom, and nation’s ultimate survival was placed in the hands of radical-left Marxist/Communist-infested puppet masters . . . through a so-called Biden/Harris administration!

Yes, control of the most powerful military on the face of this Earth, and the ultimate fate of our precious Constitutional Republic, was placed in the hands of indisputably one of the most corrupt self-serving, un-accomplished, career politicians in American history (Joe Biden). Along with, just a heartbeat away, his “extremely” radical-left and incessantly-cackling running mate (Kamala Harris)—who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on even “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable!

Yes, the very same incessantly-cackling “extremely” radical-left Kamala Harris that the Democrat Party’s radical-left Marxist/Communist-infested puppet masters, and other of our country’s “enemies within”, are now unrelentingly striving to place in the people’s White House as U.S. President . . . to carry-on with their self-serving, power-lusting, Anti-America agenda!

And if “We the People” fail to recognize and responsibly respond to the fact that our upcoming November 05, 2024 election truly represents “Liberty’s Last Stand” . . . then it will be “unrecoverable game-over” for our precious Constitutional Republic! Yes, gone will be individual liberty and U.S. Constitution supported God-Given Rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness . . . for present and future generations of Americans!

Therefore . . . on November 5, 2024 we must without fail elect President Trump and Vice-President Vance, along with a Republican-majority U.S. Congress . . . and demand and personally support an unrelenting Pro-America/America-First/U.S. Constitution-driven agenda!

Or, again, in the plainest of words . . . we can kiss our self-destructive, ignorant, complacent, apathetic, greedy, denying, and fearful asses a shameful goodbye! 
                                                                ---William James Moore

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“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President.

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President.

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