Sunday, August 18, 2024


Various historical writings and other views have put forth that . . . a democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. That is, a democracy will continue until the voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. 

From that point on, the majority will always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury. 

Eventually every democracy will collapse, due to loose fiscal policy, and be followed by a dictatorship. Hence, from the beginning, the greatest democracy-rooted civilizations of the world have reportedly only lasted about 200 years, and have always progressed through the following sequence: From—1. Bondage to spiritual faith; 2. Spiritual faith to great courage; 3. Courage to liberty; 4. Liberty to abundance; 5. Abundance to complacency; 6. Complacency to apathy; 7. Apathy to dependence; 8. Dependence back to bondage.”

And, considering the critical fork-in-the road (very likely “Liberty’s Last Stand”) entailed in our county’s upcoming November 05, 2024 Presidential Election, the following is a suggested read:

Yes, we are now becoming increasingly engulfed by the 2024 Presidential Election campaigns, with untold millions spent to influence our votes. Eventually, many will do their best to cast responsible votes; a larger number will likely do otherwise. Countless will assume our past/present liberties, freedoms, and opportunities to be “forever givens”—losing touch that such blessings originate from and rely upon a truly special form of government established long ago.

A ”special form of government” also most worthy of and dependent upon our understanding, demonstrated gratitude, and preservation! Yes, . . . being very aware of the failures of prior “democracies,” such as ancient Athens and Rome, our country’s founding fathers feared creating a government too similar to a “pure democracy”—which can result in mob-rule and tyranny-of-the-majority; where fifty-one percent could take away the rights of the other forty-nine. Through experience, insight, and great wisdom, they instead established a first and to date one-of-its-kind “constitutional republic”—where sovereignty deliberately rests with “we the people.” Where we can act lawfully on our own and through elected representatives to deal with issues; where our government’s power comes from and is limited by its citizens. Thus establishing our nation of unequaled liberty, freedom, and opportunity—governed by its citizens through three separate but equal branches of government: the legislative, executive, and judicial.

Nevertheless, years of ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and fear—on the part of too many eligible voters and elected representatives—have taken our country down a most dangerous path. One possibly best symbolized by the following (and purposefully repeated from beginning of this post) life-cycle scenario; an assertion of questionable origin, for years accessible in many forms through an array of internet sources and other media:

The Life Cycle of a Democracy: A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It will continue until the voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that point on, the majority will always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury. Eventually every democracy will collapse, due to loose fiscal policy, and be followed by a dictatorship. From the beginning, the greatest civilizations of the world have only lasted about 200 years, and have always progressed through the following sequence: From—1. Bondage to spiritual faith; 2. Spiritual faith to great courage; 3. Courage to liberty; 4. Liberty to abundance; 5. Abundance to complacency; 6. Complacency to apathy; 7. Apathy to dependence; 8. Dependence back to bondage.”

Regardless of origin of above scenario, little serious consideration is required to note some unsettling similarities of above to some actual aspects of our country’s status and direction. Such as: an out of control $35 trillion national debt; agendas turning us into a nation of “dependents” relying upon the government for every want and need; and elected representatives and government bureaucracies more focused on “keeping their jobs,” “staying in power,” and “promoting their personal interests and ideologies,” than addressing the best interests of our country as whole; etc.

From—or in spite of—the propaganda and media-blitz involved with our election processes, “We The People” must strive to be informed, active, and responsible voters. Ultimately at stake is nothing less than the preservation of our constitutional republic—and the priceless liberty, freedom, and opportunity it affords.

And if “We the People” fail to recognize and responsibly respond to the fact that our upcoming November 05, 2024 election truly represents “Liberty’s Last Stand” . . . then it will be “unrecoverable game-over” for our precious Constitutional Republic! Yes, gone will be individual liberty and U.S. Constitution supported God-Given Rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness . . . for present and future generations of Americans!

Therefore . . . on November 5, 2024 we must without fail elect President Trump and Vice-President Vance, along with a Republican-majority U.S. Congress (void of RINO’s) . . . and demand and personally support an unrelenting Pro-America/America-First/U.S. Constitution-driven agenda!

Or, again, in the plainest of words . . . we can kiss our self-destructive, ignorant, complacent, apathetic, greedy, denying, and fearful asses a shameful goodbye! ---William James Moore.

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“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President.

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President.

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