Monday, December 11, 2023


(1.) The YR 2020 Census reported the following approximate populations, respectively, for the Southeast Kansas cities of Chetopa, Oswego, and Parsons: 931; 1,666; and 9,590.

(2.) The so-called Biden Administration is acknowledging that roughly “5,000” illegal immigrants (more aptly “aliens”) are being released into the United States “each day"!!!

(3.) That’s enough to “daily” equate to about “5” Chetopa’s or “3” Oswego’s. Or, in about “2” days . . . another Parsons.

Yes, elections and open borders do have consequences!

So dip into those paychecks, social security checks, savings accounts, etc., etc., etc., America!!! - - - and get to swiftly building/upgrading roads, streets, housing, school systems, water/natural gas/electrical/sewer/sanitation/communications services systems, police/fire/medical support, etc., etc., etc., to accommodate this ongoing invasion!

And to further show that you really, really, really “care” . . . also keep those tax dollars flowing to protect the borders of Ukraine!!!

                                                      --- William James Moore

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Just in case the “above” info fails to duly brighten one’s day . . . inserted “below” are a few further uplifting bits of trivia:

(1.) More than “12,000” migrants (more aptly Illegal Aliens) recently entered through our southern border in “one day” . . . i.e., on Tuesday, 12/05/2023!!!

 (2.) The 2023 population of Virginia (the 12th most populous state) is estimated to be about 8,709,873 . . . or about the same as the total Illegal Immigrants estimated to have so far invaded our country during the so-called Biden Administration!!!

 (3.)  The number of Illegal Aliens entering the U.S. under the so-called Biden Administration now is estimated to be greater than the population of at least 22 states as well as the District of Columbia!!!

(4.)  And as reported by Congressman Jim Jordan, 12/14/2023: There are now some "13 million" illegal immigrants (rather, illegal aliens) now in the USA.  That’s more than the populations of New York City and Los Angeles combined.  With no end in sight!

Friday, December 1, 2023

"Cost of Illegal Aliens in Kansas" . . .

                                               =     =     =

Source: The "above" was taken from a November 2023 Facebook Post by U.S. Congressman Jake Laturner, Representing the 2nd District of Kansas.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

"January 6, 2020" Videos - - -"Available to the Public!"


[Note: This post includes is a "Link" to “Jan. 6, 2020” Videos.]

As reported by Newsmax, 11/17/2023 . . . "House Republicans, under the guidance of Speaker Mike Johnson, began posting the Jan. 6 videos online, the first wave of a promised 40,000-plus hours that will be available to the public."

"The first tranche of roughly 90 hours of footage was released Friday, 11/17/2023, via the Committee on House Administration (CHA), and the rollout will continue over the next several months."

"When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021," Johnson said in a statement."

"Truth and transparency are critical. Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours. In the meantime, a public viewing room will ensure that every citizen can view every minute of the videos uncensored."

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Friday, November 17, 2023

“Ranking" the Threats to Our Livelihood & Existence

[An ever-so-caring heads-up”: The below expression of opinion is offered with no due or implied apology for use of a bit of satire in a sincere effort to meaningfully reflect upon serious concerns.]

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Even the most casual review of the various postings at this site would likely suggest that I and like-minded others consider the more pressing threats to our livelihood and existence to be such things as: the threat of nuclear war; open/uncontrolled borders; illegal alien invasions; wide-spreading crime; a weaponized justice system; voter fraud; crippling inflation; an out of control and unsustainable national debt; brainwashing and allegiance to Socialist/Marxist/Communist ideologies and agendas; ancient-rooted radical-Islam; and growing numbers of “we the people” consumed with ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear.

And then (as expressed in the “below-linked” Newspaper Article) . . . there are of course other points of view. Such as, the perceived-by-some threats to the planet posed by . . . yes, as some may have no doubt already guessed it . . . nothing less than the ever-so-threatening . . . “Cattle Belching”!!!  However, and even though no doubt perceived by many to be a most formidable threat . . . one that to some seems to come with a very “simple solution” . . . just “eat less beef”!

As I and like-thinking others will continue to ponder other concerns, such as those mentioned at the beginning of this post, and in turn strive for ways to meaningfully contribute to protection therefrom.   —William James Moore 11/17/2023.

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Sunday, November 12, 2023


 On the weekend of October 07, 2023, a truly embodiment of evil—the barbaric “Terrorist Group” Hamas—rained thousands of missiles down on a caught-off-guard Israel . . . and by way of a sinister air, sea, and land invasion, killed hundreds upon hundreds of terrified and defenseless human beings of all ages.

Many of which being raped, burnt alive, beheaded (including babies), and/or otherwise tortured and brutally slaughtered, as others—screaming for help—were taken as terrified hostages back into Hamas-controlled Gaza. And, yes, some of the dead and taken-hostage were also American citizens!

A truly horrific and unspeakably barbaric massacre . . . approved by, and in large measure funded by, Iran . . . the World’s worst and long-standing sponsor of terrorism. Yes, the same Iran from which the vows and chants of 
“Death to Israel” and “Death to America” are often spewed! And, yes, the same Iran whose wealth to fund terrorism has been and continues to be shamefully enhanced and enabled by policies and agendas of the Marxist/Communist infestation now occupying the people’s White House in Washington D.C.!

AND THEN . . . came, and yet continues, the epitome of “projection, deception, cruelty, and lunacy”! Where the “true victim” (Israel) is labeled and scorned as the “oppressor” . . . and the “true oppressor” (Hamas) in turn pitied and glorified as the “victim”!

Yes, “no sooner” had this barbaric slaughter upon Israel taken place, than the “anti-Israel” and “pro-Palestine/Hamas” protests and demonstrations began to take root in various places around the globe . . . and yes, even in the U.S., including but not limited to a shameful many of our so-called Institutions of Higher Learning (more aptly, radical-left Indoctrination Centers).

Media-embraced protests and demonstrations that even the most basic of rational thought and moral consideration should find to be not only “grossly deplorable” beyond words . . . but also to be extremely dangerous and self-destructive displays of “support, embracement, and celebration” of the heinous barbaric acts and aims of Hamas and similar Terrorist groups. Yes, “Terrorist groups” that regardless of name, label, and stated aims, are nothing less than heinous present-day arms of a very real ancient-rooted evil . . . one continuing to wage World War III against 21st Century Civilization. With world domination the primary aim, and the initial top priority targets for “extinction” being the Jewish and Christian faiths . . . and ultimately “all” other than those declaring and demonstrating as-demanded allegiance to the individual-liberty-void dictates of Radical Islam.

All this being still another of countless barbaric-terrorist assaults . . . another painful reminder that “IGNORANCE” IS NOT ALWAYS “BLISS”. . . IT CAN ALSO BE “DAMNED SUICIDAL”!!!

Hence . . . some (below-listed) “Suggested Readings” . . . especially for Hamas Supporters & Other Brainwashed Beings!   —William James Moore.

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(1.) “Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America,” by Brigitte Gabriel:

(2.) “They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Stop Radical Islam and How We Can Do It,” by Brigitte Gabriel:

(3.) “Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom,” by Brigitte Gabriel:

(4.) “Killing Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness: Ancient-Rooted Evils - - - Waging World War III Against 21st Century Civilization!” by William James Moore:



Thursday, November 2, 2023


As countless millions world-wide hopelessly struggled for an escape from tyranny and otherwise brutal and savage oppression (as today countless millions still do) . . . my generation of American’s was born about mid-way through President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s third term. An America that at the time stood, and yet still stands, as individual liberty’s best hope.

Yes, blessed to be born in our “United States of America” . . . a “new nation” rising out of the truly profound outcome of an extremely bold “Declaration of Independence” from—and unrelenting “liberty-seeking revolution” of untold dedication and sacrifice against—the tyranny of Great Britain!

However, not just “any/another” new nation . . . but a truly one-of-its-kind “Constitutional Republic”!

A most special Republic not only uniquely acknowledging the self-evident truth that we humans are created equal, that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, and that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But also, and by way of our U.S. Constitution, and Amendments thereto, reinforcing these rights for any U.S. Citizen . . . and prohibiting our Government from infringing upon same.

Furthermore, a “Declaration of Independence” also prudently acknowledging that . . . whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to reinstitute new government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.

Yes, a most precious Constitutional Republic—a crucial sanctuary for and enabler of “individual liberty”—that my generation of course did not design, create, or otherwise bring into being . . . but, rather, one “gifted to us and others” through the truly profound wisdom and untold effort and deeply profound sacrifice of countless before us. An indescribably priceless gift . . . one accompanied by the crucial responsibility for each receiving generation to protect, preserve, and pass on to the next.

But then over the years came the sinister progression of self-destructive ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and fear of “We the People.” Ages-old human shortfalls that in large measure helped breed and otherwise enable a mixed bag of assaults at the hand of an array of “enemies within” of many faces. With most if not all being deeply rooted in the individual liberty destruction infestations of Socialism/Marxism/Communism.

Each self-servingly driven by exorbitant greed and/or unconscionable craving for unlimited power, influence, and control. Each armed with an arsenal of weapons, including but not limited to . . . “divide and conquer,” “silencing and intimidation,” “distraction and indoctrination,” “political correctness,” “identity politics,” and of course “projection”—(accusing others of what the accuser is actually doing or otherwise guilty of).

Truly sinister and very formidable “enemies within” that have over the years infested and taken extensive root throughout much if not most of American society—including but not limited to—ever increasing aspects of all levels of government, as well as our educational institutions (more aptly now, “Radical-Left Indoctrination Centers”).

AND AS A CONSEQUENCE . . . a failing economy; open/un-secured borders; a Biden Administration enabled ongoing illegal aliens invasion of untold millions from who knows where with who knows what intent; rampant and ever-spreading crime and drug abuse; an unsustainable and nation-destructive National Debt; elections infested with fraud and otherwise lack of trust; so-called institutions of higher learning “indoctrinating” our youth with anti-America pro-terrorist brainwashing; a corrupt and incompetent Biden Administration, FBI Leadership, and other Justice Department elements, etc., weaponized against their political choices/opponents; a Democrat Party Leadership infested with Marxist/Communist ideology and agendas; a politically-biased, self-serving “Deep State” of un-elected bureaucrats; a Radical-Left biased and weaponized so-called mainstream media and so-called Big-Tech; increasing social unrest and division; countless millions who have been permitted to take up residence in our country with no intent to ever “assimilate” or otherwise respect our country’s foundation blocks of . . . secured borders, U.S. Constitution, common-language English, and common-culture based on Judeo-Christian principles; multiple wars and conflicts throughout the World, with an ever-increasing threat of WWIII; etc., etc., etc.

Yes, a now very much “struggling to survive” America—a dauntingly threatened Constitutional Republic—that also long ago lost crucial touch with some very basic and inescapable realities applying to any/all nations—past, present, and future! Such as, but not limited to:

(1.) There is no such thing as “free” . . . because “all” is paid for by someone, somewhere, at some point in time. An inescapable reality not changed by any level/nature of greed on the part of “We the People” or by that of power-seeking/vote-craving promises to provide endless “free stuff”!

(2.) Any and all nations are defined by their “secured borders, common-language, and common-culture”—and cannot continue to thrive and exist without “all” of same. As, America’s crucial “Foundation Blocks”—Secured borders, our U.S. Constitution, our common-language English, and common-culture based upon Judeo-Christian principles—are self-destructively disregarded via ignorance or intent.

(3.) Humankind’s ages-old struggle between “Good and Evil” still exists, likely always will, and therefore wages on—and it is beyond suicidal for anyone (including we Americans) to consider immunity therefrom.

Therefore, as one ponders how and why “Saving our precious America” must come into play . . . it would seem that in no small measure solutions to seriously and responsibly consider are rather meaningfully summed up in the quotations included at the end of this most sincere expression of facts and opinion.

As history will one day record how well each generation of “We the People” Americans handled (or mishandled) our respective “precious gift” of Liberty

That is, of course assuming that the freedom to record, read, and preserve history continues to exist . . . along with our other Creator-endowed unalienable Rights, among them being--Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!

                                          ---William James Moore 11/02/2023

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"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." ―Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President (1981-1989).

“A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” ―John Adams (1735–1826), an American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and Founding Father; second U.S. President (1797–1801): before his presidency, was a leader of the American Revolution that achieved independence from Great Britain.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing.” —Edmund Burke (1729-1797).

“Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.” —William Penn (1644-1718).

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” —Plato (424/423 BC – 348/347 BC).

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” —Helen Keller (1880-1968) American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Joe Biden’s “Fail-Safe Insurance Policies”

Thanks in large and truly commendable measure to the skilled and dedicated efforts led by great American Patriots, such as Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), and Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and James Comer (R-Kentucky), along with applicable others over the past year or so - - - enough evidence has already been gathered to justify pursuit of the long-past-due impeachment of "The Big Guy" Joe Biden, as well as for trials for imprisonment of Joe and his crime family.

However, Joe and the Biden Crime Family worry not!

Because, Joe has a mixed bag of “Fail-Safe Insurance Policies”! Policies designed to just keep on and keep on paying off! Just like the Pelosi-enabled Policy named “January 6 Insurrection,” has done (and continues to do) in the Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-Left’s unrelenting efforts to destroy “all things Trump.”

Yes, and among Joe’s Fail-Safe Insurance Policies are (but not limited to) the one named “Corrupt/Weaponized FBI/Justice Department Leadership.” You know . . . the same such Fail-Safe Insurance Policy that enabled Joe’s entry into the People’s White House by covering-up the corruption of Joe, his son Hunter, and other Biden Crime Family members . . . as same Insurance Policy unrelentingly targeted and pursued (and continues to do so) destruction of Trump, his Pro-America/America-First Agenda, and his supporters.

And then, there’s that very special “Anti-Impeachment” Insurance Policy named “Kamala Harris.” Yes, the Policy that upfront on its Cover Page boasts a most stern warning to all concerned! A sinister caution that should painfully jog the memory and concerns of even the most detached from reality among us! A bone-chilling warning that in no subtle words or manner declares that any Impeachment of Joe could result in infesting the people’s White House with an “even worse fate” . . . Cackling Kamala Harris!

Yes, although the people’s White House is currently infested with indisputably the most incompetent, corrupt, self-serving, un-accomplished, career politician in American History (Joe Biden) . . . just a heartbeat away is Kamala Harris . . . the same Kamal Harris who, during the 2020 Democrat primary debates, was early-on even “rejected” by the Democrat Party’s base for obviously being personally, professionally, politically, and otherwise grossly unacceptable!

So, sleep ever-so-peacefully, America . . . knowing that this same “Biden & Harris” Team is also now in so-called control of the most powerful military on Earth . . . personally, or (more likely) by way of their Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-left Puppet Masters.

While we can also rest assured that the as-necessary "Creation," “Renewals,” and/or other “Updating” of applicable existing and/or new Radical-Left “Fail-Safe Insurance Policies” are no doubt presently underway, or have prior hereto been completed, in preparation of future elections . . . especially that of YR2024!

                                    —William James Moore    10/27/2023  

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

“Following The Money” - - - to “The Big Guy” in Joe Biden’s Crime Family!

As Joe Biden once arrogantly and ever-so-smugly challenged a reporter inquiring about his "alleged" corruption connection as "The Big Guy" in the Biden Crime Family . . . "Where's the money???", spewed Joe.

Well, Joe . . . for starters, how about this little (re: inserted and linked “below”) "follow-the-money" connection to "you" as recently discovered and reported by the House Judiciary Committee GOP! 

Monday, October 23, 2023

A U.S. House of Representatives in Shameful Self-inflicted---and America-threatening---Chaos/Crisis!

[As of this 10/23/2023 Post---Our U.S. House of Representatives remains without a Speaker!  Yes, as of this date, and shamefully so, it has been some "20 days" since Congressman Matt Gaetz led a 10/03/2023 "Removal" of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy! ]

And here are the eight (8) self-serving/self-absorbed House Republicans who voted, along with their Democrat House of Representatives peers, to remove Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives, 10/03/2023: Andy Biggs of Arizona; Ken Buck of Colorado; Tim Burchett of Tennessee; Eli Crane of Arizona; Matt Gaetz of Florida; Bob Good of Virginia; Nancy Mace of South Carolina; and Matt Rosendale of Montana.

“Big Shame” upon the above-cited so-called Republican Congressmen/women, for they have caused increasingly destructive chaos and disruption in our House of Representatives that has America-saving issues demanding immediate and responsibly focused attention!

Issues such as, but not limited to: our open/uncontrolled borders & illegal aliens invasion crisis; our failing U.S. economy; wars in Ukraine and Israel---and the increasing threat of WWIII; a corrupt and incompetent puppet presently occupying the U.S. presidency, surrounded and controlled by an infestation of Marxist/Communist puppet masters; etc.; etc.; etc.

And “Big Shame” also upon the above-cited and other House Members who in turn failed to timely and responsibly accomplish one of the following, by required Majority Vote: (1.) “Return” Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to Speaker of House position, or (2.) “Approve” Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) as Speaker, or (3.) “Approve” Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) as Speaker.

Those “Failing” to immediately accomplish the “above” are irresponsibly screwing around on a destroy America path that will include “Loss” of the House of Representatives Majority to the Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-Left so-called Democrat Party in 2024!!!  At which time it would be “game over” for our critically embattled Country . . . truly “liberty’s last stand!” 

                                   --- William James Moore   10/23/2023

10/23/2023 --- President Trump Takes Stage in Derry New Hamshire --- "Watch Live" (via enclosed Link)


President Trump Speaks in Derry New Hampshire

"Watch Live"

(Via "below" Breitbart News Link)

Friday, October 20, 2023

A question seemingly worthy of asking

“Gracie” has been a special blessing “in our home” for over 7 years now; prior thereto, “Winston” for some 14 years; along with likewise many precious years with “C-Cat.” “Gracie” and “Winston” of course being beloved Canines (Dogs), and “C-Cat” a likewise adored Felis catus (Cat).

As countless millions (if not billions) of similar examples of “shared residences” with we of the so-called superior species, Humans (Homo Sapiens), have long taken place throughout our ever more occupied Earth.

At this point, it seems noteworthy that for the most part cats appear to basically “tolerate” us. While dogs clearly seem blessed (possibly burdened/cursed) with the capacity for “unconditional affection/love” for we humans—and in a shamefully much-too-many cases, even for the most undeserving among us. As, on the other hand, our likewise human capacity for “tolerance” and “unconditional affection” for one another—and for other life-forms we share this Earth with—well . . . that seems to be a work in process with indisputably “much, much room” for improvement.

For example, on December 3, 2021, “Ranger,” a 3-month old German Shepard puppy, who reportedly had been frolicking in the backyard on that not so long ago unseasonably warm winter day, was found brutally and savagely decapitated. And as reported by the Parsons Police Department . . . “It was very much a targeted attack. The officer’s car was sitting out in the driveway, so they knew who their intended target was and what they were going to do with it. They found her home and attacked, basically, a family member.”

And then, on August 21, 2023—as previously reported by the Parsons Sun and Parsons Police Department—“Karim” was found unresponsive and deceased “in his kennel,” after working a 12-hour night shift. “Karim” was a 4-year old Belgium Malinois, reportedly trained in tracking and narcotics, and an instrumental member—and the inaugural member—of our Parsons K9 Program. A most devastating loss long mourned by many. As page 2 of the Sun’s 10/17/2023 Edition includes a related article titled, “Sheriff suggests charging K-9 handler.”

A question seemingly worthy of asking . . . “In lieu of the inherent risks and other down sides of a “kennel,” why is “an instrumental K9 member" not provided appropriate accommodations for “shared residence within” and the crucial benefits of the "therein" 24/7 due care, respect, protection, and otherwise attention of, our Parsons Police Department facility?" Again, just asking. 

                            —Ann & James Moore Parsons, KS 10/18/2023.

[In addition to "above" posting, this personal essay was also submitted, 
10/18/2023, to the Parsons Sun as a Public Opinion article . . . and was subsequently published on Page 4 of the Sun's 10/24/2023 Edition (re: Display at "bottom" of this post).]
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K-9 Karim 
(Re: "Above" Photo Displayed on Page 4 of Parsons Police Department
Community Report in 10/20/2023 Edition of the Parsons Sun.)

=     =     =

[Re: The "above" Public Mind article copied from 
Page 4 of the Parson Sun's 10/24/2023 Edition.]

Thursday, October 19, 2023

"A Memory-Jog of Trivia" . . . from a Dinosaur of the Not-So-Long-Ago Past!

Inserted “below” is a Link to a 10/19/2023 Newsmax reporting about 30 year mortgage interest rates now hitting 8 percent . . . highest since 2000.

And, being a member of a dinosaur generation . . . in looking back I find that on 07/16/1974 my wife and I signed a Real Estate Purchase Contract for possession of our home on or before 08/15/1974 . . . with our first later received Loan Settlement Statement, dated 09/17/1974, reflecting the “absolutely truly bargain” Interest Rate of only 9 ¼ Percent!!!

Yep, for sure . . . of the dinosaur generation! 👍

So hang on, America . . . because old Joe’s “Biden-Economics”—and other agendas of his Marxist/Communist-infested Puppet-Masters, are taking us all--and future generations--for one hell-of-a-ride into some even more deeply troubling times!  

And don't fail to keep those good old tax payments flowing to the Federal Government . . . along with a self-destructive measure of unlimited tolerance for an unsustainable and out of control National Debt!

                                                        —William James Moore

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


During my gift-of-life journey I have long, long ago stumbled upon various likely locked-in-stone “realities”— such as, but not limited to:

(1.) There exists both good and evil—and pretty much everything in between ...... and likely always will;

(2.) Regardless of how (at least temporarily) personally-gratifying and ego-soothing I may at times consider my particular Facebook postings and/or other expressed views to be ...... NONE have ever adjusted, nor will such ever otherwise influence the tilt of the Earth’s axis, OR otherwise in any way change the ever much likewise “reality” expressed in number (1.) above.

Therefore, in keeping with the above very profound and extremely humbling “long ago awakening” ...... and prompted by an in kind “long-past-due” enhanced level of “rational personal-acknowledgment” of “all of the above” ...... on 10/16/2023 I purged my Facebook Timeline of all but the nine prior thereto Postings ...... with a serious commitment to “hereafter” maintain this well-intended de-cluttering of same, by way of a very trivial and infrequent few, if any at 
all, further expressed personal views via  Facebook postings and/or other social media based means. —William James Moore 10/16/2023.

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“And, in further regard to the world of personal opinion” . . . until achieving more responsible control over an overblown self-absorbed ego . . . for now I will likely continue maintaining this (Threats To Our Liberty and Survival) obscure and inconsequential personal website, displaying a mixed-bag of personal views laced with a bit of in-good-faith considered-to-be-facts and other rel
ated references; etc.  —William James Moore 10/17/2023.

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For Consideration: “A Few Recommended Sources of What at Times Appears to be Relatively “Fact-Based” News & Commentary” . . . from Today’s World Increasingly Overwhelmed with Information Overload:

(1.) NewsMax: Hosts—Greg Kelly, Eric Bolling, Greta Van Susteren, etc.

(2.) Fox News: Hosts—Jesse Watters, Maria Bartiroma, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc.

(3.) YouTubes/Podcasts/Books: Michael Savage (via Books and Podcasts); Lars Larson (via live Radio or Podcasts); Red Eye Radio-w/hosts Gary McNamara & Eric Harley (via live Radio or Podcasts); Peter Zeihan (via Books, YouTube, or Podcast Series); etc.

                                         —William James Moore 10/17/2023.

Monday, October 16, 2023


"Especially-Suggested Reading" for all Hamas Supporters & Other Brainwashed Beings . . .

[“A heads-up” . . . those looking for brief, upbeat, or otherwise feel-good reading will not find such herein.]

On the weekend of October 07, 2023, a truly embodiment of evil—the barbaric “Terrorist Group” Hamas—rained thousands of missiles down on a caught-off-guard Israel . . . and by way of a sinister air, sea, and land invasion, killed hundreds upon hundreds of terrified and defenseless human beings of all ages.

Many of which being raped, burnt alive, beheaded (including babies), and/or otherwise tortured and brutally slaughtered, as others—screaming for help—were taken as terrified hostages back into Hamas-controlled Gaza. And, yes, some of the dead and taken-hostage were also American citizens!

A horrific massacre approved by, and in large measure funded by, Iran . . . the World’s worst and long-standing sponsor of terrorism. Yes, the same Iran from which the vows and chants of “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” are often spewed! And, yes, the same Iran whose wealth to fund terrorism has been and continues to be shamefully enhanced and enabled by policies and agendas of the Marxist/Communist infestation now occupying the people’s White House in Washington D.C.!

AND THEN . . . came, and yet continues, the epitome of “projection, deception, cruelty, and lunacy”! Where the “true victim” is labeled and scorned as the “oppressor” . . . and the “true oppressor” in turn pitied and glorified as the “victim”!

Yes, “no sooner” had this barbaric slaughter upon Israel taken place, than the “anti-Israel” and “pro-Palestine/Hamas” protests and demonstrations began to take root in various places around the globe . . . and yes, even in the U.S., including but not limited to a shameful many of our so-called Institutions of Higher Learning (more aptly, radical-left Indoctrination Centers).

Media-embraced protests and demonstrations that even the most basic of rational thought and moral consideration should find to be not only “grossly deplorable” beyond words . . . but also to be extremely dangerous and self-destructive displays of “support, embracement, and celebration” of the heinous barbaric acts and aims of Hamas and similar Terrorist groups. Yes, “Terrorist groups” that regardless of name, label, and stated aims, are nothing less than heinous present-day arms of a very real ancient-rooted evil . . . one continuing to wage World War III against 21st Century Civilization. With world domination the primary aim, and the initial top priority targets for extinction being the Jewish and Christian faiths.

And, in my view and that of like-informed others, those who for whatever reason choose to put “Radical-Militant Islam”—and the existential threat it poses—in the sack of “uninformed ignorance is bliss,” are just plain and simply closing their eyes and ears to the fact that “IGNORANCE” IS NOT ALWAYS “BLISS”. . . IT CAN ALSO BE “DAMNED SUICIDAL”!!!

Therefore, in respectful support of those who might wish to meaningfully enhance, or in some way otherwise support, their present level of understanding of the threat of Radical-Militant Islam—and/or be of help to others who may be in need of pulling their uninformed or misinformed heads out of some self-destructive sand . . . at the end of this expression of views are a few “suggested readings.”  Such of course being but a trivial few of the absolute magnitude of information now available on this, as well as countless other, crucial subjects. Of the herein suggested readings, Brigitte Gabriel’s “Because They Hate” is my personal priority pick. And yes, also included is reference to a little YR2016 self-published writing, “Killing Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness” . . . that more than anything else likely represents an early-on part of my yet continuing personal strive to at least a bit mitigate my personal level of ignorance on the subject.

In closing . . . I am among the likely many who are deeply troubled by what seems to be a growing—and ultimately self-destructive—pandemic of ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, and counter-productive fear regarding the age-old and yet today threat of Radical-Militant Islam. Especially, as millions upon millions of illegal aliens from who knows where, with who know what intent, continue to flow through our country’s uncontrolled borders!

A level and nature of most sincere concern . . . often very unsettlingly magnified by not being able to personally recognize the present existence of—and see a way of meaningfully supporting—a truly serious U.S. defense against the ever-so-real threat of Radical-Militant Islam . . . an epitome of heinous evil, too often being enabled by “suicidal attitudes and behaviors” infested with the delusion that in all cases “ignorance can be bliss”! 

                                           —William James Moore 10/16/2023.

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Four “Suggested” Readings (and their Links):

(1.) “Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America,” by Brigitte Gabriel: Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America: Gabriel, Brigitte: 8601400093412: Books

(2.) “They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Stop Radical Islam and How We Can Do It,” by Brigitte Gabriel: They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It: Gabriel, Brigitte: 9780312383633: Books

(3.) “Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom,” by Brigitte Gabriel: Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom: Gabriel, Brigitte: 9781629995472: Books

(4.) “Killing Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness: Ancient-Rooted Evils - - - Waging World War III Against 21st Century Civilization!” by William James Moore: Killing "Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness": "Ancient-Rooted Evils" - Waging World War III Against 21st Century Civilization!: Moore, William James: 9781537570907: Books

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“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” —Helen Keller (1880-1968) American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Saturday, October 14, 2023


Along with likely countless others, from time to time I prowl through and wrestle with what to do with the shameful amount and nature of “stuff” accumulated in one’s gift-of-life journey.

And in doing so, have come to believe that should I “by chance” come across some newly discovered and/or otherwise extra Sympathy, Empathy, Caring, & Compassion . . . any amount of surplus thereof—above and beyond that which I would likely set aside for my self-absorbed personal use and gratification—should be responsibly “passed on” to our nation’s now youth and the not yet born.

Yes, responsibly made available to those destined to have to deal with—and hopefully survive from—what seems to be an ever-spreading pandemic of self-destructive lunacy throughout much of our World today—especially in our much challenged America.

An extremely contagious lunacy from which no face mask, social-distancing, or Big Pharma pill, shot, or booster-shot, etc., will protect them therefrom! A truly most sinister lunacy of many faces, carriers, and enablers.

Such as, but certainly not limited to:

(1.) “Projection”: Accusing others of that which the accuser(s) often actually are and/or do. [For example, “true racists” accusing others as being racist . . . and any in good faith attempt to disclaim and refute such accusation in turn being considered by the accuser as just being further proof of the guilt of the accused.]

(2.) “Political Correctness”: A radical-left embraced doctrine, fostered by a delusional minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous so-called mainstream media, which holds forth the illogical proposition that it is "actually possible" to pick up a turd by the clean end.

(3.) “Threat Derangement”: Radical-left weaponized propaganda focused on targeted spewings declaring that . . . “climate change,” “white supremacy,” “Trump and his MAGA supporters,” “parents airing protests at School Board Meetings,” and “improper use of pronouns,” “hurt feelings,” etc., actually constitute the greatest threats to humankind and democracy.

(4.) “Shameful Absurdities”: Students and Staff of U.S. Colleges/Universities that “ban the free speech” of pro-America/America-first conservatives . . . while protesting “in support of” Radical Islamist terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, who gleefully carryout horrific barbaric acts such as torturing and killing young children in front of their parents; raping, disfiguring, and slaughtering young women; burning people alive; and beheading babies, soldiers, and others; etc.

(5.) “Reality Denial”: Radical-left embraced denials of reality, embraced in sanity-void declarations and behaviors such as, but not limited to: a woman cannot be defined; countless genders; a male can be a female—and vice versa—by simply self-declaring such.

(6.) “Free-Stuff Syndrome”: The grossly absurd mindset and expectation that there actually exists something that is “Free” . . . that is, something that has not been paid for, or at some point in time will be paid for, by someone. Whether such be food, clothing, medical care, transportation, entertainment, legal services, etc., etc., etc. . . . or, one’s liberty and freedom.

(7.) “Double-Standard Disarray”: Such as, but not limited to: Radical-left embracing rioting mobs that burn and pillage our U.S. cities and destroy homes, businesses, national artifacts, etc., as they hold them unaccountable and refer to such as “mostly peaceful protestors” . . . while on the other hand labeling those attending the 01/06/2021 protests at our nation’s capitol, and parents protesting at school board meetings, etc., as “insurrectionists,” “domestic terrorists,” etc.

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And, in additional thought, it might be worthwhile to also reserve some extra very-special prayers for same youth and not yet born . . . just in case our well-meant sharing of any surplus Sympathy, Empathy, Caring, & Compassion should for some reason fall a bit short of fulfilling their needs, in the world we so-called adults in the room ultimately gift to them.      —William James Moore.

Friday, October 13, 2023

A BREAKING NEWS FLASH!!! . . . “Evil DOES Exist!”

On a most serious note . . . humankind’s past and present behavior seems to bear indisputable witness to the long existence of both “good” and “evil” . . . and that the sources, supporters, and otherwise enablers of “each” have many faces, as well as a mixed bag of methods to their respective endeavors.

And while the Marxist/Communist infestation presently in the people’s White House—and the followers, supporters, and protectors thereof—continue to spew that “climate change,” “white supremacy,” “Trump and his MAGA supporters,” “parents airing protests at School Board Meetings,” and “improper use of pronouns,” etc., constitute the greatest threats to humankind and democracy . . . in another part of our World, a couple of faces of truly despicable evil (Radical Islamist terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah) chose to—on the weekend of October 7, 2023—wage an unprecedented attack on Israel by land, air, and sea.

Reportedly, the most gruesome attack in Israel’s history.  As thousands of missiles rained down on indiscriminate targets in a “caught-off-guard” Israel, sparking terror and leaving hundreds of bodies in the streets and buildings decimated.  With barbaric terrorists gleefully bursting into homes, shooting residents begging for their lives . . . as others, including men, women, children—and even the most elderly—were taken hostage and hauled back into Gaza as they screamed for help.

A most violent, terrifying and sickening massacre of incomprehensible magnitude . . . entailing, but not limited to, gravely abhorrent atrocities such as . . . children being bound and shot in the head in front of their parents; men and women burned alive; young women raped, disfigured, and slaughtered; and soldiers, babies, and others beheaded and/or otherwise tortured.

Of course anyone even minimally in touch with the ancient-rooted evils of radical/militant Islam should not be surprised that such disgusting, loathing, repugnant, and otherwise abhorrent “epitomes of evil” not only exist today, but are waging World War III against 21st Century Civilization!  With the ultimate goal of World domination and the imposition of Sharia law.  A domination that aims to exterminate the followers of Judaism, and selectively offer Christians and other faiths the option of converting to radical/militant Islam or be killed.  With women and young girls subjected to fates worse than death.

And regardless of the face they choose to wear at any given time (e.g., Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, etc.) . . . a very real, present, and existential threat to civilized humankind! One that will not be defeated by the continued self-inflicted suicidal ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears of “we the people” and that of our political and religious leaders.

Just something seemingly worthy of special note
. . . as our country continues to be invaded by untold millions of illegal aliens from who knows where with who knows what intent!  And as “here in America” we bear witness to individuals and groups—through ignorance or intent—actually protesting “in support of” the barbaric monsters carrying out the herein referenced atrocities in Israel and elsewhere.  Individuals and groups including, but not limited to, various elected representatives in our government, as well as untold numbers of students and staff of a shameful number of our county’s educational institutions of so-called higher learning (more aptly radical-left/Marxist/Communist “indoctrination” institutions). Yes, demonstrations of “support for” unspeakable atrocities that—in addition to the death and other suffering of untold hundreds upon hundreds of Israeli citizens, also entail the death, hostage taking, and other suffering of many visiting American citizens!

                                                —William James Moore 10/13/2023.

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“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing.” —Edmund Burke (1729-1797).

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” —Plato (424/423 BC – 348/347 BC).

“Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.” —William Penn (1644-1718).

“It’s not militants. It’s not Islam. It’s militant Islam . . . For the militant Islamists, ‘All Politics is global.’ Because their ultimate goal is to dominate the world.” —Benjamin Netanyahu (1949-  ), Prime Minister of Israel. (Taken from his speeches to United Nations, 2014, and U.S. Congress, 2015.)

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


(1.) Tear down all walls and other barriers at all U.S. borders, along with all immigration control facilities; sell resulting property and materials to highest bidder, and deposit proceeds in U.S. Public Treasury.

(2.) Permanently eliminate all security and administrative personnel, etc., at all U.S. borders; and deposit annual savings in U.S. Public Treasury.

(3.) Eliminate all Federal Agencies, Congressional Committees, etc., having anything to do with Immigration Control; and deposit annual savings in U.S. Public Treasury.

(4.) Set up a user-friendly, Internet-accessible, free web site where people World-wide can—directly from their “respective places of origin”—request free transport to their U.S. city of choice.

(5.) Using funds saved via Steps (1.) – (3.) “above” . . . have U.S. Military priority air-transport all legal, illegal, and otherwise applicants submitting a request via Step (4.) directly from their respective places of origin to their respective U.S. Cities of choice, in the order of date and time of their respective requests submitted via Step (4.). Hence, saving applicants the hassle of other forms of inconvenient and often long and dangerous travel; unfair fees charged by, and abuse at the hand of, corrupt cartels; etc.; . . . while at same time demonstrating how much we “truly care”!

(6.) Keep "readily at hand" some very convincing prayers on behalf of our nation’s youth and the not yet born . . . just in case Steps (1.) — (5.) don’t work out all that well for some unforeseen reason.

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PS: No apologies due or offered for herein use of just a bit of satire to draw attention to a most serious concern . . . i.e., "illegal aliens."

                                                       ---William James Moore

Friday, September 1, 2023


As we daily navigate through an ever-growing minefield of . . . . . . 
Illegal aliens not only flowing freely through unsecured U.S. borders, but U.S. tax dollars also paying for their housing, food, education, medical care, legal services, transportation, etc.; . . . An endless list of genders; . . . Minor children being subjected to irreversible life-altering gender-transition surgeries; . . . Biological males competing in female sports and having access to female restrooms; . . . Devastating COVID-19 Virus developed in Wuhan, China, funded in part by U.S. tax dollars; . . . Refusing to prosecute criminals; . . . Defunding police; . . . Disarming law-abiding citizens; . . .  An unrelenting propaganda playbook of Climate Change, White Supremacy, Racism, Identity Politics, Critical Race Theory, Wokeism, etc.; . . . Burning and pillaging of U.S. cities and businesses considered to be “peaceful protests”; . . . Patriotic “Make America Great Again” policies replaced with Marxist-rooted “America is Evil/America-Last” agendas; . . . Radical-left biased “political activists” posing as so-called “mainstream media”; . . . Teaching Institutions that “indoctrinate” rather than “educate” our nation’s youth; . . . and, Current occupant of the people’s White House not only a puppet of the Marxist-rooted Radical-Left, but also just happens to also be the “Big Guy” in a long-standing Biden crime family; etc.; . . . . . . yes, “keeping in touch with reality” turns out to be no small challenge!

A most daunting effort further complicated by the varying views (perceptions) we each have regarding the World and all that is in, of, and around it. That is, as compared to whatever the “unbiased truth” is . . . or, in other words, as relates to “the state of things as they actually exist,” as opposed to 
“wishful thinking, idealistic or notional ideas, individually-unique perceptions/opinions, and/or intentional deceptions, etc.”

For sure a “mixed bag of views” that would seem to logically and strongly evidence the need and importance of some good old “reality checks” from time to time.

“Reality checks” . . . like the many often readily available to us, but often disregarded through ignorance or intent.

Yes, good old wide-eyed, open-ears, commonsense assessments that offer revelations, insights, and other meaningful truths, such as, but by no means limited to, the following randomly listed examples:

(1.) Try, plan, and wish as we may, but none among us will escape the “individually unique” and without exception “very limited” amount of sand in our respective one-and-only personal hourglass-of-life.

(2.) As doctors “practice medicine” and lawyers “practice law” . . . we all “practice living” — on personal journeys that do not come with a “reverse gear,” a “re-wind,” or an otherwise “do-over.”

(3.) There seems to exist relative certainty . . . that the Sun comes up in the East; it’s not likely possible to eat an intact bowling ball; expecting life to be fair is not only unrealistic, but also a recipe for notable disappointment; and there’s no such thing as “free”— because someone(s), somewhere, at some point . . . “pays.”

(4.) It appears highly evident that many if not most of us too often bask in personally-perceived self-absorbed “terminal-uniqueness.” And that we share some common shortfalls, such as, but not limited to, “craving to have our own way” and “preferring to not be disagreed with” — regardless of the extent of BS we in any manner profess to the contrary.

(5.) Few if any of us will likely ever have but limited control of everything “that happens to us” — but, many if not most have at least some measure of control over “how we respond.” That is, as long as we are afforded the inalienable (endowed by our Creator) rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

[ At this point — especially with “above” number (5) in mind — it seems the following also very much inescapable “realities” cry out for our special attention. ]

(6.) The people’s White House is in fact presently occupied by indisputably a corrupt, chronic liar, racist, divisive, incompetent, incoherent, stumbling, bumbling, babbling, embarrassing, and otherwise nation-threatening Joe Biden. Yes, the same “head of the Biden crime family” who is also protected 24/7 by a corrupt and politically-weaponized Washington D.C. “Swamp,” an army of supporting “political-activists” posing as so-called Mainstream Media, and by a wide-spreading cesspool of George Soros-funded prosecutors dedicated to destruction “by any means necessary” of any/all who pose a threat to Biden’s lust for power and control, and that of his Marxist-infested Radical-left puppet-masters.

(7.) “A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”  ―John Adams (1735–1826), an American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and Founding Father; second U.S. President (1797–1801): before his presidency, was a leader of the American Revolution that achieved independence from Great Britain.

(8.) "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." ―Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President (1981-1989).

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                                                          —William James Moore

Thursday, August 17, 2023


To some it “really doesn’t matter” . . . if being an unaccomplished career-politician sucking-off of the taxpayer-funded U.S. public treasury is the “only” so-called job Joe Biden has ever had; and that he is a life-long chronic-liar; and that he is also a proven racist (as demonstrated by his record, and as also “ever so” subtly inferred during the 2020 presidential debates by his “thereafter” VP pick, “cackling Harris”).

To others “it really doesn’t matter” that Joe Biden illegally took and irresponsibly stashed Classified government documents in his residential garage and at various other unsecured locations; and that he is the Biden Crime Family “Big Guy” who . . . with the aid of his likewise corrupt son, Hunter, and other family and enablers . . . has over the years amassed a multi-million dollar fortunate via corrupt dealings with various of our country’s adversaries (e.g., China, Russia, etc.).

While to still others it also “really doesn’t matter” that, in Joe Biden’s present mental health status, he often demonstrates himself to be an incoherent, stumbling, bumbling, babbling, national-security threat, and otherwise embarrassing fool.

As to a selection of others, all of the above “really doesn’t matter” . . . because Joe Biden is protected by a corrupt and politically-weaponized Washington D.C. “Swamp,” an army of 24/7 supporting “political-activists” posing as so-called Mainstream Media, and by a wide-spreading cesspool of Soros-funded prosecutors dedicated to destruction “by any means necessary” of any/all who pose a threat to his lust for power and control, and that of his Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-left puppet-masters.

And, to the Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-Left, it FOR SURE “really doesn’t matter” if pro-America Trump and others posing a serious threat to Joe Biden and others of the “Swamp” . . . “are” . . . or “are not” . . . “actually” guilty of that which they are accused! Because, to the Radical-Left, “all” that “DOES really matter” is that the “accusations” of guilt continue to be spewed and spread 24/7 . . . until the minds and behaviors of a sufficient number jurors and/or legal and/or illegal voters have been sufficiently “programmed/brainwashed” to tilt the scales of our upcoming 2024 general election . . . in favor of Joe Biden and others hell-bent to destroy our precious individual-liberty sustaining constitutional republic (the United States of America) . . . truly liberty’s last stand!

All while our World’s countless of the enslaved, desperate and/or otherwise hopelessly void-of-liberty in North Korea, China, and elsewhere, struggle to endure the following “historically-demonstrated reality” . . . that being, “when it comes to who occupies the positions of power, control, and influence in government . . . it most crucially always has, does, and forever will . . . “really matter”!

As, by way of ignorance or intent, a self-destructive many among us continue to bask in some good old complacency, apathy, denial, greed, intimidation, irrational compliance, and counter-productive fear . . . some truly “it really DOES matter” behaviors long-nurtured, weaponized, and otherwise self-servingly feasted-upon by our country’s mixed-bag of “enemies within”

                                       ---William James Moore, August 2023

Saturday, July 29, 2023


President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first Inaugural Address, delivered March 4, 1933, included the long since famous words: “ . . . the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

Yes, his first inaugural address took on an unusually solemn, religious quality (tone). And for good reason—by 1933 the terribly crippling and debilitating so-called “Great Depression” had reached its depth. And Roosevelt’s first inaugural address outlined in broad terms how he hoped to govern and reminded Americans that the nation’s “common difficulties” concerned “only material things.”

And while the tragedy of the “Great Depression” was to be endured very up-close and personal by my parents and countless others, my personal gift-of-life journey didn’t begin until several years after Roosevelt shared the above noted words of intended hope and encouragement to a terribly challenged nation.

A personal gift-of-life journey that has led me (now among the dinosaur generations), and no doubt countless others, to more and more believe that “fear” is far from being our only concern. For in addition to “fear,” the seemingly ever-growing mixed bag of threats to us personally, and as a nation, also includes but is not limited to, “ignorance,” “apathy,” “complacency,” “denial,” and “greed.”

Threats that serve as barriers to our rational dealing with agenda-driven “fears” stirred-up and profited by in some manner by the more-greedy and self-serving among us.

“Fears” such as, but not limited to:

(1.) The “Population Bomb”—the 1960’s fear that we are over-populating the Earth, will run out of food, and hence all soon starve to death, etc.

(2.) “Another Ice Age” and “Running Out of Oil”—the 1970’s fear of freezing to death from a rapidly approaching “Ice Age,” as well as the gut-wrenching fear of all the inconveniences resulting from a world “Running Out of Oil.”

(3.) “Nuclear War”—the 1980’s heightened fear of being destroyed by the outbreak of “Nuclear War” resulting from a weapons race and tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union (now Russia).

(4.) “Climate Change”—the 1990’s-Present fear that our use of evil-old-fossil-fuel (oil) is changing the Earth’s climate such that the North Pole and South Pole ice caps will melt, causing the oceans to rise to the extent of dooming all of civilization.  Yes, “Climate Change”—originally labeled “Greenhouse Effect” ...later changed to “Global Warming” ...and then not so long followed by the present preferred label . . . “Climate Change” . . . which is of course a “shoe that fits all.”

Yes, throughout my relatively limited life journey, there never seems to be a time when—according to the fear-promoters and doomsday predictors—that we were not (and yet are not) destined to soon self-destruct in some manner.

Nevertheless, there has always existed—and yet to this day exists—unlimited hope! A rock-solid protection against even the worst of our concerns! 

That so-called "hope and protection" (or more likely our "worst threat") of course being “more government”—funded by sufficient numbers of taxpaying citizens consumed in ignorance, apathy, complacency, compliance, denial, greed, and . . . yes you guessed it . . . “fear.” 
                                                             —William James Moore.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

"The Sound of Freedom"

The “Sound of Freedom” is a “must watch movie” coming at a time when global statistics on human trafficking are on the rise: every day thousands of women, men and children are trafficked worldwide for various exploitative purposes . . . in an estimated $150 billion Human Trafficking Business!  A most shameful and rapidly growing tragedy for all countries and communities, with currently an estimated 25 million victims of human trafficking around the world!

A “critically important” movie inspired by the life and work of Tim Ballard, who left the Department of Homeland Security around 2013 and founded Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), an anti-trafficking non-profit, to work with local police in other countries to catch child sex traffickers.

Work on the script began in 2015.  Reportedly, Ballard personally requested that Jim Caviezel portray him, and Caviezel has reportedly stated that he considers Sound of Freedom the second most important film he has ever appeared in, ranking it behind only his starring role as Jesus Christ in The Passion of the Christ (2004).

Endorsements and special screening: Mel Gibson, Dana White, Elon Musk, Ben Shapiro, Jewel and the Family Research Council have all endorsed the film.  President Donald Trump also hosted a special screening of the film at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster on the night of Wednesday, July 19, 2023.