Thursday, November 2, 2023


As countless millions world-wide hopelessly struggled for an escape from tyranny and otherwise brutal and savage oppression (as today countless millions still do) . . . my generation of American’s was born about mid-way through President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s third term. An America that at the time stood, and yet still stands, as individual liberty’s best hope.

Yes, blessed to be born in our “United States of America” . . . a “new nation” rising out of the truly profound outcome of an extremely bold “Declaration of Independence” from—and unrelenting “liberty-seeking revolution” of untold dedication and sacrifice against—the tyranny of Great Britain!

However, not just “any/another” new nation . . . but a truly one-of-its-kind “Constitutional Republic”!

A most special Republic not only uniquely acknowledging the self-evident truth that we humans are created equal, that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, and that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But also, and by way of our U.S. Constitution, and Amendments thereto, reinforcing these rights for any U.S. Citizen . . . and prohibiting our Government from infringing upon same.

Furthermore, a “Declaration of Independence” also prudently acknowledging that . . . whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to reinstitute new government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.

Yes, a most precious Constitutional Republic—a crucial sanctuary for and enabler of “individual liberty”—that my generation of course did not design, create, or otherwise bring into being . . . but, rather, one “gifted to us and others” through the truly profound wisdom and untold effort and deeply profound sacrifice of countless before us. An indescribably priceless gift . . . one accompanied by the crucial responsibility for each receiving generation to protect, preserve, and pass on to the next.

But then over the years came the sinister progression of self-destructive ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and fear of “We the People.” Ages-old human shortfalls that in large measure helped breed and otherwise enable a mixed bag of assaults at the hand of an array of “enemies within” of many faces. With most if not all being deeply rooted in the individual liberty destruction infestations of Socialism/Marxism/Communism.

Each self-servingly driven by exorbitant greed and/or unconscionable craving for unlimited power, influence, and control. Each armed with an arsenal of weapons, including but not limited to . . . “divide and conquer,” “silencing and intimidation,” “distraction and indoctrination,” “political correctness,” “identity politics,” and of course “projection”—(accusing others of what the accuser is actually doing or otherwise guilty of).

Truly sinister and very formidable “enemies within” that have over the years infested and taken extensive root throughout much if not most of American society—including but not limited to—ever increasing aspects of all levels of government, as well as our educational institutions (more aptly now, “Radical-Left Indoctrination Centers”).

AND AS A CONSEQUENCE . . . a failing economy; open/un-secured borders; a Biden Administration enabled ongoing illegal aliens invasion of untold millions from who knows where with who knows what intent; rampant and ever-spreading crime and drug abuse; an unsustainable and nation-destructive National Debt; elections infested with fraud and otherwise lack of trust; so-called institutions of higher learning “indoctrinating” our youth with anti-America pro-terrorist brainwashing; a corrupt and incompetent Biden Administration, FBI Leadership, and other Justice Department elements, etc., weaponized against their political choices/opponents; a Democrat Party Leadership infested with Marxist/Communist ideology and agendas; a politically-biased, self-serving “Deep State” of un-elected bureaucrats; a Radical-Left biased and weaponized so-called mainstream media and so-called Big-Tech; increasing social unrest and division; countless millions who have been permitted to take up residence in our country with no intent to ever “assimilate” or otherwise respect our country’s foundation blocks of . . . secured borders, U.S. Constitution, common-language English, and common-culture based on Judeo-Christian principles; multiple wars and conflicts throughout the World, with an ever-increasing threat of WWIII; etc., etc., etc.

Yes, a now very much “struggling to survive” America—a dauntingly threatened Constitutional Republic—that also long ago lost crucial touch with some very basic and inescapable realities applying to any/all nations—past, present, and future! Such as, but not limited to:

(1.) There is no such thing as “free” . . . because “all” is paid for by someone, somewhere, at some point in time. An inescapable reality not changed by any level/nature of greed on the part of “We the People” or by that of power-seeking/vote-craving promises to provide endless “free stuff”!

(2.) Any and all nations are defined by their “secured borders, common-language, and common-culture”—and cannot continue to thrive and exist without “all” of same. As, America’s crucial “Foundation Blocks”—Secured borders, our U.S. Constitution, our common-language English, and common-culture based upon Judeo-Christian principles—are self-destructively disregarded via ignorance or intent.

(3.) Humankind’s ages-old struggle between “Good and Evil” still exists, likely always will, and therefore wages on—and it is beyond suicidal for anyone (including we Americans) to consider immunity therefrom.

Therefore, as one ponders how and why “Saving our precious America” must come into play . . . it would seem that in no small measure solutions to seriously and responsibly consider are rather meaningfully summed up in the quotations included at the end of this most sincere expression of facts and opinion.

As history will one day record how well each generation of “We the People” Americans handled (or mishandled) our respective “precious gift” of Liberty

That is, of course assuming that the freedom to record, read, and preserve history continues to exist . . . along with our other Creator-endowed unalienable Rights, among them being--Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness!

                                          ---William James Moore 11/02/2023

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"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." ―Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President (1981-1989).

“A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.” ―John Adams (1735–1826), an American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and Founding Father; second U.S. President (1797–1801): before his presidency, was a leader of the American Revolution that achieved independence from Great Britain.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing.” —Edmund Burke (1729-1797).

“Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.” —William Penn (1644-1718).

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” —Plato (424/423 BC – 348/347 BC).

“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” —Helen Keller (1880-1968) American author, political activist and lecturer, and first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.

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