Saturday, October 14, 2023


Along with likely countless others, from time to time I prowl through and wrestle with what to do with the shameful amount and nature of “stuff” accumulated in one’s gift-of-life journey.

And in doing so, have come to believe that should I “by chance” come across some newly discovered and/or otherwise extra Sympathy, Empathy, Caring, & Compassion . . . any amount of surplus thereof—above and beyond that which I would likely set aside for my self-absorbed personal use and gratification—should be responsibly “passed on” to our nation’s now youth and the not yet born.

Yes, responsibly made available to those destined to have to deal with—and hopefully survive from—what seems to be an ever-spreading pandemic of self-destructive lunacy throughout much of our World today—especially in our much challenged America.

An extremely contagious lunacy from which no face mask, social-distancing, or Big Pharma pill, shot, or booster-shot, etc., will protect them therefrom! A truly most sinister lunacy of many faces, carriers, and enablers.

Such as, but certainly not limited to:

(1.) “Projection”: Accusing others of that which the accuser(s) often actually are and/or do. [For example, “true racists” accusing others as being racist . . . and any in good faith attempt to disclaim and refute such accusation in turn being considered by the accuser as just being further proof of the guilt of the accused.]

(2.) “Political Correctness”: A radical-left embraced doctrine, fostered by a delusional minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous so-called mainstream media, which holds forth the illogical proposition that it is "actually possible" to pick up a turd by the clean end.

(3.) “Threat Derangement”: Radical-left weaponized propaganda focused on targeted spewings declaring that . . . “climate change,” “white supremacy,” “Trump and his MAGA supporters,” “parents airing protests at School Board Meetings,” and “improper use of pronouns,” “hurt feelings,” etc., actually constitute the greatest threats to humankind and democracy.

(4.) “Shameful Absurdities”: Students and Staff of U.S. Colleges/Universities that “ban the free speech” of pro-America/America-first conservatives . . . while protesting “in support of” Radical Islamist terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, who gleefully carryout horrific barbaric acts such as torturing and killing young children in front of their parents; raping, disfiguring, and slaughtering young women; burning people alive; and beheading babies, soldiers, and others; etc.

(5.) “Reality Denial”: Radical-left embraced denials of reality, embraced in sanity-void declarations and behaviors such as, but not limited to: a woman cannot be defined; countless genders; a male can be a female—and vice versa—by simply self-declaring such.

(6.) “Free-Stuff Syndrome”: The grossly absurd mindset and expectation that there actually exists something that is “Free” . . . that is, something that has not been paid for, or at some point in time will be paid for, by someone. Whether such be food, clothing, medical care, transportation, entertainment, legal services, etc., etc., etc. . . . or, one’s liberty and freedom.

(7.) “Double-Standard Disarray”: Such as, but not limited to: Radical-left embracing rioting mobs that burn and pillage our U.S. cities and destroy homes, businesses, national artifacts, etc., as they hold them unaccountable and refer to such as “mostly peaceful protestors” . . . while on the other hand labeling those attending the 01/06/2021 protests at our nation’s capitol, and parents protesting at school board meetings, etc., as “insurrectionists,” “domestic terrorists,” etc.

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And, in additional thought, it might be worthwhile to also reserve some extra very-special prayers for same youth and not yet born . . . just in case our well-meant sharing of any surplus Sympathy, Empathy, Caring, & Compassion should for some reason fall a bit short of fulfilling their needs, in the world we so-called adults in the room ultimately gift to them.      —William James Moore.

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