Thursday, August 17, 2023


To some it “really doesn’t matter” . . . if being an unaccomplished career-politician sucking-off of the taxpayer-funded U.S. public treasury is the “only” so-called job Joe Biden has ever had; and that he is a life-long chronic-liar; and that he is also a proven racist (as demonstrated by his record, and as also “ever so” subtly inferred during the 2020 presidential debates by his “thereafter” VP pick, “cackling Harris”).

To others “it really doesn’t matter” that Joe Biden illegally took and irresponsibly stashed Classified government documents in his residential garage and at various other unsecured locations; and that he is the Biden Crime Family “Big Guy” who . . . with the aid of his likewise corrupt son, Hunter, and other family and enablers . . . has over the years amassed a multi-million dollar fortunate via corrupt dealings with various of our country’s adversaries (e.g., China, Russia, etc.).

While to still others it also “really doesn’t matter” that, in Joe Biden’s present mental health status, he often demonstrates himself to be an incoherent, stumbling, bumbling, babbling, national-security threat, and otherwise embarrassing fool.

As to a selection of others, all of the above “really doesn’t matter” . . . because Joe Biden is protected by a corrupt and politically-weaponized Washington D.C. “Swamp,” an army of 24/7 supporting “political-activists” posing as so-called Mainstream Media, and by a wide-spreading cesspool of Soros-funded prosecutors dedicated to destruction “by any means necessary” of any/all who pose a threat to his lust for power and control, and that of his Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-left puppet-masters.

And, to the Marxist/Communist-infested Radical-Left, it FOR SURE “really doesn’t matter” if pro-America Trump and others posing a serious threat to Joe Biden and others of the “Swamp” . . . “are” . . . or “are not” . . . “actually” guilty of that which they are accused! Because, to the Radical-Left, “all” that “DOES really matter” is that the “accusations” of guilt continue to be spewed and spread 24/7 . . . until the minds and behaviors of a sufficient number jurors and/or legal and/or illegal voters have been sufficiently “programmed/brainwashed” to tilt the scales of our upcoming 2024 general election . . . in favor of Joe Biden and others hell-bent to destroy our precious individual-liberty sustaining constitutional republic (the United States of America) . . . truly liberty’s last stand!

All while our World’s countless of the enslaved, desperate and/or otherwise hopelessly void-of-liberty in North Korea, China, and elsewhere, struggle to endure the following “historically-demonstrated reality” . . . that being, “when it comes to who occupies the positions of power, control, and influence in government . . . it most crucially always has, does, and forever will . . . “really matter”!

As, by way of ignorance or intent, a self-destructive many among us continue to bask in some good old complacency, apathy, denial, greed, intimidation, irrational compliance, and counter-productive fear . . . some truly “it really DOES matter” behaviors long-nurtured, weaponized, and otherwise self-servingly feasted-upon by our country’s mixed-bag of “enemies within”

                                       ---William James Moore, August 2023

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