Friday, September 1, 2023


As we daily navigate through an ever-growing minefield of . . . . . . 
Illegal aliens not only flowing freely through unsecured U.S. borders, but U.S. tax dollars also paying for their housing, food, education, medical care, legal services, transportation, etc.; . . . An endless list of genders; . . . Minor children being subjected to irreversible life-altering gender-transition surgeries; . . . Biological males competing in female sports and having access to female restrooms; . . . Devastating COVID-19 Virus developed in Wuhan, China, funded in part by U.S. tax dollars; . . . Refusing to prosecute criminals; . . . Defunding police; . . . Disarming law-abiding citizens; . . .  An unrelenting propaganda playbook of Climate Change, White Supremacy, Racism, Identity Politics, Critical Race Theory, Wokeism, etc.; . . . Burning and pillaging of U.S. cities and businesses considered to be “peaceful protests”; . . . Patriotic “Make America Great Again” policies replaced with Marxist-rooted “America is Evil/America-Last” agendas; . . . Radical-left biased “political activists” posing as so-called “mainstream media”; . . . Teaching Institutions that “indoctrinate” rather than “educate” our nation’s youth; . . . and, Current occupant of the people’s White House not only a puppet of the Marxist-rooted Radical-Left, but also just happens to also be the “Big Guy” in a long-standing Biden crime family; etc.; . . . . . . yes, “keeping in touch with reality” turns out to be no small challenge!

A most daunting effort further complicated by the varying views (perceptions) we each have regarding the World and all that is in, of, and around it. That is, as compared to whatever the “unbiased truth” is . . . or, in other words, as relates to “the state of things as they actually exist,” as opposed to 
“wishful thinking, idealistic or notional ideas, individually-unique perceptions/opinions, and/or intentional deceptions, etc.”

For sure a “mixed bag of views” that would seem to logically and strongly evidence the need and importance of some good old “reality checks” from time to time.

“Reality checks” . . . like the many often readily available to us, but often disregarded through ignorance or intent.

Yes, good old wide-eyed, open-ears, commonsense assessments that offer revelations, insights, and other meaningful truths, such as, but by no means limited to, the following randomly listed examples:

(1.) Try, plan, and wish as we may, but none among us will escape the “individually unique” and without exception “very limited” amount of sand in our respective one-and-only personal hourglass-of-life.

(2.) As doctors “practice medicine” and lawyers “practice law” . . . we all “practice living” — on personal journeys that do not come with a “reverse gear,” a “re-wind,” or an otherwise “do-over.”

(3.) There seems to exist relative certainty . . . that the Sun comes up in the East; it’s not likely possible to eat an intact bowling ball; expecting life to be fair is not only unrealistic, but also a recipe for notable disappointment; and there’s no such thing as “free”— because someone(s), somewhere, at some point . . . “pays.”

(4.) It appears highly evident that many if not most of us too often bask in personally-perceived self-absorbed “terminal-uniqueness.” And that we share some common shortfalls, such as, but not limited to, “craving to have our own way” and “preferring to not be disagreed with” — regardless of the extent of BS we in any manner profess to the contrary.

(5.) Few if any of us will likely ever have but limited control of everything “that happens to us” — but, many if not most have at least some measure of control over “how we respond.” That is, as long as we are afforded the inalienable (endowed by our Creator) rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

[ At this point — especially with “above” number (5) in mind — it seems the following also very much inescapable “realities” cry out for our special attention. ]

(6.) The people’s White House is in fact presently occupied by indisputably a corrupt, chronic liar, racist, divisive, incompetent, incoherent, stumbling, bumbling, babbling, embarrassing, and otherwise nation-threatening Joe Biden. Yes, the same “head of the Biden crime family” who is also protected 24/7 by a corrupt and politically-weaponized Washington D.C. “Swamp,” an army of supporting “political-activists” posing as so-called Mainstream Media, and by a wide-spreading cesspool of George Soros-funded prosecutors dedicated to destruction “by any means necessary” of any/all who pose a threat to Biden’s lust for power and control, and that of his Marxist-infested Radical-left puppet-masters.

(7.) “A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever.”  ―John Adams (1735–1826), an American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and Founding Father; second U.S. President (1797–1801): before his presidency, was a leader of the American Revolution that achieved independence from Great Britain.

(8.) "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." ―Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President (1981-1989).

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                                                          —William James Moore

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