Sunday, January 13, 2019

"To Run or Not to Run for U.S. President"

Our 2020 U.S. Presidential Election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020—a little more than about 22 months from now! Seems every day we hear of someone announcing, or getting ready to announce their candidacy. The one to beat, President Trump, will by then be age 74. If meant for me to still be around at that time, I won’t be “all that much older than he.” So, have been giving some thought about possibly making a run myself. Driven by—you know—an unequaled craving to “serve the people.” As well as, the fact that after years of effort and planning, I have come up with a for certain “sure win” six-point campaign platform that just must not go to waste.

However, at this point, I’m already running into some potentially show-stopping “funding issues.” According to a reporting by The Washington Post, the final price tag for the 2016 election was about $6.5 billion, for the presidential and congressional elections combined. The presidential contest—primaries and all—accounted for some $2.4 billion of that total. From which, Clinton’s unsuccessful campaign ($768 million in spending) outspent Trump’s successful one (of $398 million) by nearly 2 to 1. So, any way I dice and slice it, history and logic says I’m presently short somewhere between about $400 million to $800 million. A daunting challenge to say the least!

But, back to my earlier mentioned “sure win” campaign platform, as summarized below:

(1.) Convincingly promise “more free stuff” from the public treasury than promised by President Trump and all other candidates combined;

(2.) Convincingly demonstrate that I hate President Trump and America “much more than” the combined hatred of all other presidential candidates;

(3.) Convincingly swear that I am not a “traditional Democrat,” but rather, a “much more” dyed-in-the-wool progressively-savvy “socialist-democrat” than all other candidates combined. Without ever explaining or admitting, of course, that world history shows that “socialism” is a stepping stone to “communism”;

(4.) Convincingly promise to, on day one of my presidency, issue an Executive Order establishing the U.S. as a “Sanctuary Nation,” with open (not effectively secured/controlled) borders, for all illegal aliens who: still hold allegiance to their failed homeland of origin; refuse to learn “and use” the U.S. common-language English; refuse to assimilate the U.S. common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values; overwhelm U.S. schools, hospitals, law enforcement, and other infrastructure; abuse and bankrupt the U.S. welfare system; etc., etc.—and, most importantly, always faithfully and consistently vote for all socialist-democrat candidates.

(5.) With as-needed fist-pounding, screaming, screeching, shouting, and verbal utterances of the “F” word and other profanity, convincingly make a commitment to purge the U.S. of “all” legal-citizen-owned weapons, as well as “all” persons determined through democrat-socialist party opinion and/or prime time news media coverage, to be racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, and/or other-phobic, in addition to those inclined to “offend” others, be not politically correct, and/or be seekers and respecters of truth, fact, and reality;

(6.) And, last but not least, convincingly promise to, within the first 100 days of defeating the Trump Presidency, purge all aspects of the federal government of any and all traces of the prior Trump Administration. This being an especially popular commitment, especially with the “Deep State” which will ultimately be willfully instrumental in swiftly carrying it out. 

                                         =   =   =

And as a growing many of the competition strives to “copycat” the above truly original platform elements, it’s now back to pondering the aforementioned campaign “funding issues.” Not for sure why, but as the pressure mounts to make a decision whether to go for it or not, the potential need to one day have to consider “colluding” keeps coming to mind, along with other random terms and names, such as, the Clinton Foundation, George Soros, etc.

Oh well, at least by identifying as a democrat-socialist, fair and balanced media coverage won’t be an issue. Nor, will a “personal background check” be needed or of any importance—which would in my case otherwise be a for certain political nail-in-the-coffin show-stopper, so-to-speak!

But, again, after it is all said and done, the bottom line is that it’s all about “serving the people”!

---William James Moore   01/13/2019

Footnote: It is assumed that any clear thinking attentive reader will recognize that satire has been intentionally used in the above posting in an effort to draw constructive attention to very serious concerns.

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