Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A Few More Words about "So-Called Freebies" for Illegal Aliens

As reported by Nevada Sheriff Departments, on January 9 or 10, 2019, 56-year-old Connie Koontz was found shot to death at her home in the Gardnerville Ranchos, Nevada. 

About a mile away and four days later, on January 13, 74-year-old Sophia Renken was also found shot to death in her home. 

Then about 50 miles away and three days later, on January 16, the bodies of 81-year-old Gerald David and his wife, 80-year-old Sharon David, were found dead in their home on La Guardia Lane in south Reno; also shot to death. 

Three days later and about 31 miles away from Reno, on January19, 2019, 19-year-old illegal alien Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman was arrested on an immigration charge after being rammed by deputies in a Carson City, Nevada Mall parking lot. 

District Attorneys from Washoe and Douglas Counties, Nevada have said there is enough evidence to support charging Martinez-Guzman with the afore-cited murders. Reportedly, the suspect has lived in the Carson City area about a year.

If and when this illegal alien suspect is proven guilty, what will likely never receive due news coverage will be the fact that he did not have to “walk” the above noted miles to, from, and between these four murders. Because, Nevada is among at least twelve states having laws that allow undocumented immigrants (illegal aliens) to obtain a driver's license or some type of driving permit.

However, the “so-called Freebies” for illegal aliens of course doesn’t end with driver’s licenses and driving permits. Because, for example, we also have at least twenty states that allow unauthorized immigrants (illegal aliens) to attend a public college at the same in-state tuition rate that legal residents and American citizens pay. And, a few, like California, even allow those immigrants to apply for financial aid. 

Not to mention, of course, the ever-growing push by various factions of the radical-left to openly and lawfully permit illegal aliens to vote in U.S. elections (a practice likely being carried out “illegally” nation-wide to a dangerous extent that “should be” most alarming and action-prompting to any rational U.S. citizen).

So, you see folks, when you cut to the chase it really isn’t about “those immigrants”; “that President Trump”; or the “otherwise them”—it’s about “us”! Because, “we the people” have for years, through our elected government representatives, been giving our country away largely for the sake of “democrat-craved votes” and both “democrat and republican craved cheap labor.” As we legal citizens have basked, and continue to bask, in our sometimes innocent and often times intentional ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fears.

And why the herein use of the term “so-called Freebies”? Because, of course, nothing is truly “free”. Someone, somewhere, somehow—ultimately pays.

It seems President Abraham Lincoln was unsettlingly prophetic when reportedly stating, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
                                                       —William James Moore

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