Sunday, January 6, 2019

An Open Letter To U.S. House Of Representatives Ethics Committee

[Foreword: Signed Original of below letter was mailed 01/06/2019]

January 06, 2019

Subject: “Citizen-Request” for House Ethics Committee Action

Congresswoman Susan W. Brooks,
House Ethics Committee Chairwoman
1015 Longworth House Office Building (LHOB)
Washington DC 20515

Dear Chairwoman Brooks,

There is of course much good in this world; all of which being worthy of our recognition and gratitude. However, there is also much that is not right—none the least that which prompts this very sincere and otherwise fitting letter and herein request for your timely and responsible attention.

As you are aware: Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) were recently sworn into the 116th U.S. Congress, joining the Legislature as the first two Muslim congresswomen. Both breaking U.S. tradition by wearing Islamic hijab on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, as long-standing rules were changed to allow “religious” head coverings; as both were sworn-in, not on a Judeo-Christian Bible, but on an Islamic Koran. And, within hours of being sworn-in, Representative Rashida Tlaib further dishonored the office she now holds and the country now sworn to serve, by expressing the words “We’re gonna impeach the mother*****r” in public speeches referring to President Trump. As another new arrival, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), has publically defended Representative Tlaib for use of such profanity in referring to President Trump.

By any measure of basic common sense, logic, political decorum, human decency, and due respect for our country’s founding principles, the above cited behavior of these three U.S. Representatives signals the nation-deteriorating path our country is on. Furthermore, such reprehensible conduct is likewise clearly in conflict with, as a minimum, U.S. House of Representatives Rule XXIII - Code Of Official Conduct, Item 1., which, as you well know, states: “A Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House shall behave at all times in a manner that shall reflect creditably on the House.” And, for such disgraceful behavior to be considered as “reflecting creditably” on our U.S. House of Representatives—or on our country to which the House is sworn to serve—would clearly be in blatant defiance of any resemblance of sanity.

Therefore, it is most fittingly requested that each of the above cited House Members—and other House Members now or in the future displaying same and/or other behavior in violation of any/all House Rules or U.S. Constitutional Law—be timely investigated, prosecuted, and held accountable to the fullest extent allowed by our U.S. Constitution.

Furthermore, should it be determined that this U.S. citizen-request is beyond the scope of authority of the House Ethics Committee, it is requested this letter be timely, officially, and faithfully forwarded to the branch of our federal government that is ultimately constitutionally-responsible for the follow-up requested herein.


William James Moore

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“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing.”  —Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

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