Tuesday, April 20, 2021


On April 19, 2021 Florida’s Governor, Ron Desantis, signed Florida’s “Anti-Riot” Bill into law. Rightfully accommodating “peaceful protests,” while strongly declaring zero-tolerance for “riots” and related threats to life, liberty, and property. According to Desantis — “It is the strongest anti-rioting, pro-law enforcement piece of legislation in the country”; and “We’re [Florida] not going to end up like Portland.”

And, as Florida’s state government takes bold, responsible, and decisive measures to protect the lives, liberty, and property within its borders, various other states continue to be governed by "lies and deception."  Lies and deception that encourage, accommodate, and defend riots and related unlawful behaviors that threaten and/or destroy life, liberty, and property—not only of the respective states’ citizens, but also that of other at-the-time therein occupants.

“Lies and deception” being treated with a level of widespread apathy, and lack of push-back, not only clearly destructive of our precious Constitutional Republic, and obviously counter to basic survival instincts—but also suggesting that some special “definitions pondering” might be worthwhile.

For example:

(1.) While one can of course “lie” by “assuming a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface” — one can also “lie” by “making untrue statements with the intent to deceive.” Hence, the practice of knowingly communicating lies is “lying,” and a person who knowingly communicates “lies” is anyway you dice or slice it — a “liar.”

(2.) To “deceive” is of course “an act intended to cause someone to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid. And, while “deception” can be a relatively harmless act of an entertaining magician — “deception” can also be an underhanded act with the intent to impose a lie or otherwise invalid idea/belief in order to cause/promote ignorance, bewilderment, helplessness, compliance, etc.

Therefore, leaving very much relevant . . . the “intent” of lies and deception. That is, exactly where does the “intent” truly stack up in the age-old battle between “good and evil.” Whether the intent is to benefit those lied to and deceived . . . or, serve to profit the liar and deceiver.

Such as, when applicable socialist/communist radical-left puppets infesting the people’s White House, Congress, and elsewhere:

(1.) Create an ever-worsening America-destroying illegal-alien indisputable “crisis” at our southern border, and then declare and treat such as a relatively void-of-priority “challenge.” While at same time frame, telling immigration authorities to stop using terms like “illegal” and “alien” and start using “noncitizen.”

(2.) Declare Georgia’s recent legislation (actually aimed at improving the legitimacy of its state elections) to be “Jim Crow in 21st Century,” “an Atrocity,” “an Attack on the Constitution,” etc.;

(3.) Claim to be “nation healers,” “unifiers,” “uniquely caring,” etc. — while, for example, refusing to condemn riotous acts of violence that have destroyed (and continue to threaten) precious lives, liberty, and property in various of America’s cities; while in turn failing to condemn inflammatory rhetoric of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and others calling for protestors to become “more active” and “more confrontational,” etc.;

(4.) Self-righteously claim to be non-racists, while declaring “all whites” to be inherently racists, and “all blacks” that don’t agree with such claim to be “not black” — as they in turn unrelentingly promote other divide-and-conquer aspects of “identity politics” and “anti-racist indoctrinations” in our schools, workplaces, etc.

And “why” do a nation-threatening number of politicians within Democrat Party; Republican RINOS; and others continue to condone, promote, and practice “Governing by Lies & Deception”?

Simply because they believe “they must” in order to get elected/re-elected or otherwise personally profit. Which obviously means their political existence or otherwise self-serving aims are the result of, and contingent upon, a “constituency” or other support source that has so far — through ignorance or intent — bought into the big “lies and deception” of the anti-America socialist/communist radical-left.

A radical-left of self-serving power-craving “enemies within,” with long existing Marxist divide-and-conquer aims and agendas to unrelentingly destroy our U.S. Constitution, secured borders, common-language English, common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values, free enterprise focused economic system, personal confidence and patriotic spirit — and ultimately our liberty and freedom.

“Lies and Deception” patriotic Americans “must” timely and unrelentingly challenge and successfully rebut with “truth” and “trustworthiness” — in our families, friendships, places of employment, professional/community organizations, educational institutions, all levels of government, social media, and other aspects of society.

At stake—nothing less than the survival of our precious Constitutional Republic (humankind’s best and likely last hope for individual liberty, freedom, and pursuit of happiness).

Humankind’s “good versus evil” struggle is age-old and ever-lasting . . . and sooner or later we each must make and eventually demonstrate which side we have chosen to be on — and eventually partake, individually and collectively, in a “banquet of consequences.” Consequences in turn (either proudly or shamefully) included in an inescapable legacy passed to America’s children and grandchildren.

                                                             —William James Moore


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