Wednesday, March 10, 2021


A BREAKING NEWS FLASH!   The U.S. cannot protect, feed, clothe, and provide shelter and medical care, etc., for every real, and falsely claimed to be, disadvantaged human being on the planet Earth!

Nevertheless, to those in denial of above cited reality, and who are unrelentingly committed to the “Open Borders for Votes Agenda” of the socialist/communist radical-left infested Democrat Party, --- outlined below is a way you can show the accused less caring among us exactly where your ever-so-uniquely-compassionate hearts really are! In other words, “HOW TO SHOW YOU TRULY CARE”!

“OPEN BORDERS CUSTODIAN/GUARDIANSHIP PROGRAM”:   If you truly put the welfare of illegal aliens and World poverty in general above that of your fellow U.S. citizens, then please unrelentingly pressure your representatives in the House and Senate to timely establish a volunteer “Open Borders Custodian/Guardianship Program”! One that will help you put “your” time, money, and other personal resources where your heart and mouth are.

For example, a federal government administrated program whereby, through a user-friendly government website, you can register and apply for an official “Open Borders Custodian/Guardianship” role.

Whereby, after appropriate vetting and acceptance, you can be assigned, for example, five appropriately vetted adults or children from the radical-left’s “catch and release” or otherwise “open borders” immigration policy.

Yes, five individuals who, as their designated custodian/guardian, you will be totally responsible—at your personal expense—for their housing, clothing, food, education, medical care, entertainment, and other humanitarian needs, as well as accountability for their physical location, general conduct, and availability for government monitoring, etc.

A responsibility that will “compassionately continue” lawfully and uninterrupted until the individuals assigned to you have within applicable U.S. Government designated time frames, either become: (1.) English speaking, English using, U.S. culture-assimilating, self-supporting, law-abiding, legal U.S. citizens; or, (2.) lawfully deported from U.S. soil.

Hence, a way to make a truly from-the-heart contribution; one you can of course continue for as long as you may wish—an indisputable testament of just how much you truly care! 

                                                                 —William James Moore

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