Thursday, March 4, 2021


03/04/2021---Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is threatening to force Senate clerks to read every word in the nearly 600-page $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus relief package before a vote can take place.

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As the result of indisputable acts of responsibility and sacrifice—“each” newly-born U.S. Citizen arriving today (03/04/2021) will be recipient of a “Very Special B-Day Present” from America’s past and present “adults”—a heart-felt legacy of rapidly growing “personal debt,” now exceeding some $84,839!

Yes, as of this 03/04/2021 posting, “our” U.S. National Debt has “at long last” reached and surpassed $28 trillion ($28,000,000,000,000)! Or, when expressed in a bit more “inclusive,” “equitable,” and otherwise “personally fulfilling” fashion—over $84,839 per “each” U.S. Citizen (or, $223,892 per “each” taxpayer)!

All while a self-sacrificing number of “our duly elected” representatives/servants of the people in Washington DC, unrelentingly scramble to “add” another $1.9 trillion to above highlighted ever-so-proud legacy. Another “ultimately-for-the-children” endeavor fueled and otherwise enabled by widespread heart-felt apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and irrational fear!

A debt achievement that truly defies human comprehension! Nevertheless, in a most futile attempt to “grasp” the significance of such a remarkable accomplishment, we need only to recall that—since “one trillion” seconds equals about 31,710 years—paying back our as of 03/04/2021 National Debt of over $28 Trillion at “One Dollar per Second,” would only take about 887,880 years!

In turn, paying back the “additional” $1.9 trillion of debt being thoughtfully and courageously pursued by our socialist/communist radical-left infested U.S. Congress, would take but a “relatively meager” additional 60,249 years or so!

A “for the children” legacy that truly epitomizes economic responsibility and sacrifice! A nothing less than a mega-achievement that, most unfortunately, is also much too often overshadowed by distorted and inconsiderate propaganda from the shamefully uncaring among us! Such as the three gross departures-from-reality cited below:

(A.) “The Federal Government has no money”! Other than: tax revenue (from us); money it prints (which can devalue our money and/or further increase our debt); or, money it borrows (which again represents more debt to us).

(B.) “Ever-increasing Spending/Debt is not sustainable, and involves consequences”! Whether it involve debt created by the typical American household, or debt created by our federal government.

(C.) “Nothing is truly free”! What may appear to be so-called “free” to one, must at some point be “paid for” by another. And, “our” U.S. National Debt does not come with a waiver from this inescapable reality!

Nevertheless, in the face of the three blasphemous distortions highlighted above, there is NO NEED TO WORRY!

Because “peace of mind” from any irrational and otherwise unfounded concerns about our nation’s debt or other so-called ills, is readily available through commitment to the following very simple, painless, and conspicuously obvious “three step” plan:

(1.) If you are “Politically Conservative” try hard to NEVER vote in any of our nation’s future elections;

(2.) However, if vote one must, then without fail vote in step with the “Radical-Left” and always support: open borders; uncontrolled immigration; taxes to control the Earth’s climate; the socialist/communist-rooted “Green New Deal”; and “FREE” housing, food, clothing, medical care, income-inequality cash allowances, smartphones, Internet access, college education, transportation, child care, legal counsel, and entertainment—for everyone defined as being “in need” (in other words, everyone in selected demographics that robot-vote for Radical-Left candidates/agendas);

(3.) Strictly on an optional basis, consider some serious prayers for future generations of Americans! That is, just in case Steps (1.) and (2.) don’t work out so well for some unforeseen reason.

                                                           —William James Moore
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And, just in case one should encounter a day when everything is going “much better” than one can longer bear—no more than an attentive minute or so at the “link inserted below” should bring about at least some temporary relief from such trauma.

U.S. Debt Clock – Real Time:

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