Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Consider if one will, that lined up on the World’s most consequential of airfields in final preparation for takeoff is a huge state-of-art aircraft, loaded with a uniquely diverse mix of passengers, destined for departure on a most crucial of trips, to a yet-to-be determined destiny, via a yet-to-be chosen and charted course, through unthinkingly turbulent weather forecasts and other uniquely challenging and unpredictable travel conditions. 

A truly one-of-its-kind aircraft with priceless life, liberty, and freedom accommodations available on no other aircraft on Earth.

And now, voter-qualified passengers must soon choose from “two” optional “candidate crews” who will assume the awesome responsibility for this aircraft’s rapidly approaching takeoff, ever-so-crucial flight, and ultimate safe landing!

The designated pilot of one “candidate crew” has no prior experience as official pilot of this unique aircraft, and therefore no experience piloting it through turbulent, unpredictable, and otherwise ever-so-crucial flight challenges; was only relatively recently-established, via relatively unique circumstances, as an official replacement for this crew’s original choice for this most critical pilot position; and has taken and continues to take very limited public access opportunities, especially those unscripted/impromptu, to share and support in relative detail and clarity her declared background, experience, and personally planned course and destination for this ever-so-crucial life, liberty, and freedom sustaining aircraft she now seeks to pilot.

The designated pilot of the other optional “candidate crew” has four years of prior experience in the actual pilot’s seat of this particular aircraft, during a not so long ago earlier flight; has demonstrated the ability to pilot this aircraft through exceptionally turbulent, unpredictable, and otherwise challenging of circumstances; has been again selected as this crew’s pilot via a long established passenger-wide primary election of participating voters; and has taken and continues to take many publicly accessible opportunities, including those unscripted/impromptu, to share and support with relative detail and clarity, his declared background, experience, and personally planned course and destination for this ever-so-crucial life, liberty, and freedom sustaining aircraft he once again seeks to pilot.

And, folks, “our” above referenced “mutually shared” aircraft will be departing on schedule on January 20, 2025 . . . with a pilot and crew “we” must now choose no later than November 05, 2024!

Yes, departing not only with a flight crew hopefully appropriately designated, but in any case, with “consequences” . . . some not only greatly profound, long-lasting, and rooted in our choices, but also likely irreversible. While in turn being a testament to the cautions and realities expressed through the following two quotations reportedly from not so long ago: 

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ―Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), 16th U.S. President; and,

“Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction—it is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” —Ronald Reagan (1911-2004), 40th U.S. President. 

                                                        —William James Moore    

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Please Note:  The "above" article was also published as a Public Mind article on page 4 of the 10/01/2024 Edition of local newspaper, the Parsons Sun.  [To enlarge/access, "Click" on the "below" image]: