Friday, May 31, 2024


Yes, just in case it has slipped one’s attention . . . there “are” those (such as the Biden Crime Family; George Soros; etc.) who are unrelentingly hell-bent in rapidly transitioning our precious liberty-enabling U.S. Constitutional Republic to yet another of the World’s liberty/freedom-destroying “Banana Republics.”

That is, striving to add the U.S. to the list of politically unstable countries governed by a relatively small ruling class controlling access to wealth, resources, and roles in government. Marxist/Fascist/Communist rooted ruling classes willing and able to use any and all means possible to destroy all opposition to their lust for unlimited power and control.

Just something that seems a bit worthy of special awareness and responsible attention in all future U.S. local/state/national Elections, especially on Tuesday, November 5, 2024!

Yes, its “President Trump 2024” and a "Congress" and a "We The People" responsibly supportive of his Pro-America/America-First/Drain-The-Swamp/MAGA Policies and Agenda!!!

Otherwise, its likely very much so-called “game over” - - - as our precious Constitutional Republic (Liberty’s Best and Last Hope) is further transformed into a long underway radical-left driven Marxist/Fascist/Communist fate likely already critically close to being a set in stone reality! 

                                                              ---William James Moore

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Link to President Trump's News Conference, 05/31/2024:

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