Saturday, February 25, 2023


Yes, just in case you missed it . . . CBS (i.e., Compromised Bull Shi*) News (i.e., Left-Wing Propaganda) has recently been broadcasting “LIVE” from a U.S. aircraft carrier “somewhere” in the Western Pacific Ocean.  So-called “reporting” on China’s close relationship with Russia, as well as the rising tensions over Ukraine, Taiwan, and the Chinese spy balloon; etc.

And what better way to take one’s mind off of the ongoing nation-destructive failures of the Obama Puppet-Masters-Administration [OOPS, Excuse Me] . . . rather of the “Biden Administration,” than to have CBS Anchor Norah O’Donnell — at times almost overwhelmed with self-absorbed excitement and giddiness — spewing the so-called “news” from the deck of one of our country’s “truly awesome” aircraft carriers!

With that eye and mind boggling background flashing before you, how can any rational and responsible being have their mind on, for example, an out of control $31 Trillion National Debt; Record High Inflation; Deaths attribute to the synthetic opioid Fentanyl; Uncontrolled Illegal Alien Invasions through our Unsecured U.S. Borders; and Confidential Documents discovered at various of Biden’s residences; Etc.; Etc.; Etc. Or, of the day when we are then told that it is time for “the U.S.” to fund the “re-build” of war-ravaged Ukraine!

And of course we can rest assured, that the cost of CBS O’Donnell’s travel to and from the carrier, and accommodations while thereon — as well as that of her accompanying staff — are being paid for by “CBS” . . . and NOT by the U.S. taxpayer-funded public purse! 

And hopefully so, because said taxpayer funds are presently otherwise pretty much committed . . . to a seemingly endless flow of billions upon billions of U.S. dollars into the hands of the historically corrupt government of Ukraine! 

                                     —William James Moore    02-25-2023

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