Wednesday, September 7, 2022



During the past 150 years or so, “hundreds of millions” of deaths are attributed to world dictators. The unthinkable legacy of truly reprehensible beings, such as China’s Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong; Russia’s/Soviet Union’s Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin; Germany’s Adolf Hitler; Japan’s Hirohito and Hideko Tajo; Congo’s King Leopold II; Turkey’s Esmail Enver Pasha; and North Korea’s Kim II Sung; etc. Not benevolent leaders, but Communists, Fascists, Marxists, etc. who ruled with absolute power.

Dictators whose contributions to humankind include lost liberty, murder, starvation, genocide, wars, massacre, enslavement, labor/death camps, death marches, and other unspeakable atrocities. A legacy of unimaginable suffering and destruction, and by no means erased by their passing—but one ongoing at the hand of like intentioned others.

And for most of my life I have been among the long-puzzled — about "how" any such heinous and malicious-intentioned beings can ever find the required level of support to establish and retain themselves in their self-serving positions of absolute control over the masses. However, the unprecedented nation dividing/destructive agenda of the so-called Biden administration has given rise to some painfully enhanced understanding on the subject!

Yes, an alarming awakening to the fact that “it” (lost liberty at the hand of absolute power) can in fact happen anywhere—even in America! A reality check revealed to me and others by simply opening our too often presumptuous and inattentive eyes and ears to what is happening around us!

To the long unthinkable reality that the precious liberty-enabling Constitutional Republic designed by America’s ever-so-wise Founding Fathers is now under serious and unprecedented threat!

However, and as opposed to the lies and other nation-dividing propaganda being spewed from the striving-to-be-dictator now occupying the People’s White House — NOT threatened by former President Trump, his Make America Great Again (MAGA) agenda and supporters, other conservative-leaning patriotic citizens, and anyone else who does not agree with and support the Marxist-infested radical-left’s agenda.

But instead, threatened and under ever-more unrelenting siege by a Communist/Socialist/Marxist movement that—in addition to now occupying the people’s White House—has also, over the years, critically infested the U.S. Congress; government agencies such as the FBI, IRS, CDC, etc.; so-called mainstream media; Google, Facebook (Meta), Twitter, and other big-tech; big-Pharma; Administration and other staff of our educational institutions; Hollywood elite; U.S. Military; etc.

So it now is . . . after America’s Founding Fathers and others going to unprecedented effort and sacrifice to establish a government by and for the people — one void of positions of absolute power — there now is a self-serving, power abusing, corrupt, chronic liar, historically-demonstrated bigot/racist, in the people’s White House.  A career practitioner of "projectionism"— accusing others of what he actually is.

One now publicly spewing that I and likeminded others are “A Threat to Democracy”! Yes, this Trump and MAGA supporting old senior citizen and like-intentioned others are now branded and targeted as a blemish on America’s soul! Yes, we who just happen to also consider the crucial foundation blocks of our liberty enabling Constitutional Republic to be not Communism, Socialism, and Marxism, but, much to the contrary . . . our U.S. Constitution, Secured Borders, common language-English, and common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values.

And now back to "how" the seekers of absolute power achieve their aims . . . seems very likely they do so by demonstrating an exceptionally special proficiency at being self-servingly responsive to our human weaknesses of ignorance, apathy, complacency, denial, greed, and counter-productive fear. 

                                                         ---William James Moore
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“Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely”—Lord Acton (John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, (1834-1902), a leading 19th-century historian.

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