Sunday, October 31, 2021

FACEBOOK (now re-named "Meta") SURVEY

According to FB, I was among the (no doubt privileged [smile]) users provided the opportunity to respond to their recent customer survey. 

A survey FB stated "will be used to improve FB." As such, it seems fitting and proper for me to publicly share "the following complete and un-edited excerpt," from response feedback I in good faith contributed "free of charge" on 10/28/2021:

"I am among the countless who share truly justified fears about our country’s future and the fate of future generations. To witness the daily unrelenting destruction at the hand of the deeply entrenched Maoist/Marxist/Communist/Socialist-infested radical-left, is painful beyond words. And recovery from the unthinkable damage “already inflicted” (not to mention that in the making) is most difficult to envision at this among the most life/liberty-threatening of times in our America.

The ultimate survival of our precious constitutional republic no doubt rests in the faith, wisdom, courage, and unrelenting commitment demonstrated by exceptionally-gifted patriots and like-able/willing/committed others—pro-America, America-first patriots who inspiringly soldier-on in the face of truly challenging, and often extremely daunting circumstances.

On a related note, I am also among the countless who have utter contempt for the nation-destructive radical-left puppet masters of Facebook, Google, Twitter, so-called mainstream media, etc. As we crave beyond description for workable alternatives to our ever-so-grudgingly use of their radical-left biased technologies.

So-called “free” products and services, offered by anti-America puppet masters who likely view we users as their ever-growing pack of (so-to-speak) “Pavlov’s Dogs” — conditioned by sinister algorithms to enhance their positions of radical-left biased wealth, power, and control. Truly among our nation’s more daunting and formidable “enemies within”—regardless of through ignorance or intent, the shameful liberty-destroying consequences are the same."

                                              —William James Moore 10/28/2021

Link to President Trump's soon-coming social media site:

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