Saturday, January 16, 2021


No doubt like many others, “quitting Facebook” has long been a daily aim! A so far continually-broken promise to myself—an ever increasing inner-craving with no signs of diminishing.

REASONS FOR QUITTING: My personal reasons are many. None the least, but not limited to: (1.) utter-contempt for the mindset and behavior of Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and supporting Facebook staff, who use their wealth and social media power to harm our precious Constitutional Republic—through, for example, censoring of free speech, and by financing politically-biased activities that compromise the integrity of election processes; (2.) personal realization that nothing I post or otherwise do on Facebook will ever change the nation destructive mindset and behavior of the socialist/communist radical-left or others hell-bent to bring harm to our United States of America—humankind’s best (likely last) hope for individual liberty, freedom, and opportunity to pursue one’s hopes and dreams; and (3.) the amount of my increasingly limited gift-of-life journey (i.e., “time”) being spent “on Facebook.”

REASONS FOR NOT QUITTING: Likewise, my personal reasons are also considerable in number. And include, but are not limited to: (1.) the hope and encouragement I find in many of the postings and other inputs of truly patriotic citizens, and right-minded others. Who are sincerely concerned about our country’s wellbeing, and, each in their own way, are in good faith and with constructive intent trying to do what each they can to help protect, defend, and preserve our precious Constitutional Republic. And, as such, the future of America’s children and grandchildren; (2.) personal belief that “silencing” politically-conservative voices such as mine and others is high among the nation-destructive agenda items of Facebook management and others supportive of the socialist/communist radical-left; and (3.) a no small measure of a (likely self-absorbed vain-based) personal craving on my part, to clutter any available media, with unsolicited utterances of my views and opinions on subjects of personal interest, concern, and conviction.

THE OUTCOME: Where and when my own personal wrestling with “to Quit” or “not to Quit” Facebook takes me, remains a yet unsettled personal dilemma—and of course matters at best little to none in the big scheme of things.

ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW: Regardless of serious flaws, harms, and potential perils—Facebook and other social media represents to millions of people, from all walks of life, an “other-than-politically-based” communications tool. Such as, but not limited to, a means for family, friends, and acquaintances to maintain, on a likewise personal basis, truly meaningful communications and contact on their respective gift-of-life-journeys. (All, of course at yet-to-be-determined “cost” to humankind—since, in the real world, nothing—absolutely nothing—is “truly free.”)

—William James Moore

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