Sunday, February 2, 2020


According to 02/01/2020 reporting by “The New York Times,” the story of the Democrat 2020 Election Race right now, in Iowa and nationally, is “the rise of Bernie Sanders”who appears to have gained substantial ground in recent weeks.

Obvious to anyone still hanging on to some resemblance of sanity, “socialist (gateway to communism)” Sanders has risen to such status, while spewing his anti-capitalist, anti-free enterprise, anti-free market, anti-Millionaires/Billionaires, Anti-American venom to the (especially youthful) ears of the countless ignorant of the historically-proven, devastating, life and liberty threatening, pitfalls of socialism/communism.

As the now age 78 Sanders, and his likewise corrupt wife Jane, have for years milked the very liberty-availing U.S. Constitutional Republic they publicly proclaim utter-contempt for, to amass a personal fortune of some $2.5 million ($500,000 in Cash Investment; $1,300,000 in Real Estate; and $700,000 in Government Pensions). All while never holding a job that has not in some fashion been feeding off of the U.S. Taxpayers’ public treasury.

In keeping with some sense of fairness, Bernie Sanders and family are of course by no means alone in their anti-American propaganda, corruption, and abuse of our too-often taken for granted liberty and freedom.

Nevertheless, a fitting question would seem to be, “Given Bernie Sanders’ utter-contempt for America, and his so-called uncompromising belief in socialism/communism, why didn’t he and his family choose to pursue their good fortunes in, for example, Russia (formally the Soviet Union), Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, etc.?”

Another likewise appropriate question might be, “Why do American taxpayers continue to fund radically-liberal infested educational institutions that are hell-bent to turn out generations not only irresponsibly ignorant of our country’s factual-history, but also shamefully oblivious to the threats to life and liberty posed by socialism/communism?”

And, before “closing the book (so-to-speak)” on questions of indisputably profound-importance, “In future elections, will we have the wisdom and courage to “only” fill the seats of our local, state, and federal government with men and women “faithfully dedicated” to the protection and preservation of the basic foundation blocks of our precious Constitutional Republic . . . (1.) our U.S. Constitution, (2.) borders, (3.) common-language English, and (4.) common-culture founded on Judeo-Christian values?” And, “Are we seriously considering the unspeakable consequences that will ultimately fall upon present and future generations of Americans, should we fail to purge our government of those who fail to have and apply the aforementioned crucial dedication?”

                                                             —William James Moore

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